
Best PopularIty Runner-up - An Yihan

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Hello everyone, my name is An Yihan, I am five years old this year, from a dance school with love: Zibo Grace Art School. I am a lively and cute little girl who is a little naughty, I love singing, I love to draw, I love to dance. I have a colorful dream that one day I can stand in the center of the big stage and perform my show for everyone.

Best PopularIty Runner-up - An Yihan

In December 2021, I participated in the "Great, Zibowa" Children's Spring Festival Gala and won the certificate and trophy of the Outstanding Performance Award.

Best PopularIty Runner-up - An Yihan

In March of this year, I participated in the national youth art exhibition "Tiger Tiger Shengwei to the Future" most beloved young actor popularity selection, with the help and care of family, friends and teachers, and with the encouragement and support of everyone, I won the honorary title of "Best Popularity Runner-up".

Best PopularIty Runner-up - An Yihan

As Dad often said, the happiest thing in the world is to fight for my dreams, this is just the starting point of my dreams, I will continue to work hard to bring more and better dances to everyone, and it is a pleasure to meet everyone. Cheer on my dreams together!