
Folk legend is that the Tomb of the Qingming Dynasty brings three people, and the ancestors are happy to come to the door, what does it mean, does it make sense?

author:Shi Jing said

The history of the Chinese nation has a long history, the Chinese people are happy to be charitable, and in this Chinese land, generations of Chinese sons and daughters have created a splendid civilization and formed a colorful folk custom. China's traditional folk customs are simple and natural, combined with specific festivals and festivals, so that people's lives add a variety of colors. The Spring Festival's Sticker Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival's Flower Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival's Eating Rice Dumplings, the Qingming Festival's Tomb Sweeping and Ancestor Worship, etc., these traditional customs have been passed down from generation to generation, and also carry a continuation of the Chinese blood and spirit.

Folk legend is that the Tomb of the Qingming Dynasty brings three people, and the ancestors are happy to come to the door, what does it mean, does it make sense?

Today, let's talk about the traditional custom of sweeping tombs and worshipping ancestors during the Qingming Festival. The Qingming Festival is relatively advanced in the twenty-four solar terms, and it is also when the spring is warm and blossoming, everything is revived, the scenery is fresh, and the mood is clear, so the Qingming Festival also has the custom of traveling to youth. Meet up with three or five friends, bring your family and children, and go outdoors to feel the vibrant power of nature at dawn. Our ancestors also like to fly kites at this time, the kite is cut off after the kite is put up, watching the kite score arbitrarily in the sky, people will put their yearning for life and good wishes on the kite, hoping that the kite can take away bad luck and bring good luck. Of course, the most important custom of the Qingming Festival is to sweep the tomb and worship the ancestors, and express the nostalgia and mourning of the ancestors through various sacrifice rituals.

Folk legend is that the Tomb of the Qingming Dynasty brings three people, and the ancestors are happy to come to the door, what does it mean, does it make sense?

The state also attaches great importance to our traditional festivals and customs, and now that the Qingming Festival is a national holiday, people can have plenty of time to arrange activities. In fact, as early as ancient times, people attached great importance to the ancestor worship activities of the Qingming Festival. During the Tang Dynasty, there were special holidays for officials to return to their hometowns to worship their ancestors. Every time this festival, the streets and roads are full of cars and horses, stretching for tens of miles. At this time, from the emperor down to the people, there is no need to pay homage to the ancestors, which is the embodiment of the Chinese nation's emphasis on filial piety.

The timing of the Qingming Festival sacrifice varies according to local customs, but most of them are shortly before and after the Qingming Festival. It is also said that it cannot exceed the first seven days and eight days, otherwise it will encounter a yinshi vacation, and the sacrifice sweep will not work. In the past customs, people rarely went to the festival on the day of the Qingming Festival, and in the past, there was a saying that only monks went to the festival on the day of the Qingming Festival. In some areas in the south, there are also cases where the Qingming Festival is sacrificed twice, first the Qingming Festival goes to worship their relatives, and after the Qingming Festival, they go to sacrifice the common ancestors of the descendants of Yan Huang. But this custom has been passed down to this day, and people no longer stick to too many details, and most of them choose to go to the festival on the day of the Qingming Festival.

Folk legend is that the Tomb of the Qingming Dynasty brings three people, and the ancestors are happy to come to the door, what does it mean, does it make sense?

Of course, most of the rituals of people in the Qingming Festival must go to the cemetery, winter to spring, and the year changes, and it is also time to go to the ancestral cemetery to see. Often at this time, the grave is repaired, weeds are removed, sacrifices are placed, and the kneeling mourns are told, the remembrance of the deceased relatives is told, the changes in the personnel of the family are informed, and the remembrance and remembrance of the heart are expressed.

In the traditional concept of Chinese, ancestors and future generations rise and fall together, and blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. In people's minds, there is always the idea of doing good deeds to accumulate blessings for future generations. The ancestral cemetery also has this meaning, and the descendants hope that according to their own economic conditions, the ancestral cemetery will be repaired and tidy within the scope of their ability, which also indicates that the ancestors can well protect the prosperity and development of the future generations. In addition to repairing the cemetery to make the ancestors happy, the folk also spread the saying that "three people on the grave of the Qingming Dynasty, the ancestors are happy to go to the door". It means that the people who go to the cemetery to worship their ancestors, some specific people should participate the most, which three kinds of people?

Folk legend is that the Tomb of the Qingming Dynasty brings three people, and the ancestors are happy to come to the door, what does it mean, does it make sense?

As the saying goes: "No filial piety has three, and no queen is greater." Ancestors certainly want their descendants to prosper and succeed them. When there are new descendants in the family, they should bring them to worship their ancestors and show them to the ancestors, which is also the embodiment of filial piety. At the same time, it also teaches future generations not to forget the roots, the establishment of today's happy life, and the hard work and dedication of the ancestors, some grandparents in order to provide a better life for future generations, a lifetime of suffering, these are the future generations should not forget. There is also a kind of descendant who is inscribed on the gold list, and should also sacrifice the ancestors. People often owe their academic achievements to the protection and blessings of their ancestors, and it is the merit accumulated by their ancestors that can lead the future generations.

Folk legend is that the Tomb of the Qingming Dynasty brings three people, and the ancestors are happy to come to the door, what does it mean, does it make sense?

Therefore, it is also very necessary to thank the ancestors with the descendants of the gold list title. The third is the person who has achieved fame, and the person who has achieved fame in the family is the glory of the family and the example of the family. People who have achieved fame and fame go to worship their ancestors, reflecting the rigor and excellence of the family style, and the ancestors will be happy to see such descendants, and bless the descendants to be more prosperous and prosperous for generations. Of course, ancestor worship is not limited to a certain type of person, but a tradition that every descendant should follow, not in form, but in the gratitude and remembrance of ancestors in their hearts.

Folk legend is that the Tomb of the Qingming Dynasty brings three people, and the ancestors are happy to come to the door, what does it mean, does it make sense?

There are also different interpretations of this saying that brings three types of people to worship their ancestors in different regions, but no matter how they are interpreted, people's filial piety to their ancestors and motivation for future generations not to forget their ancestors, to have a sense of family honor, and to have gratitude for the hard work of their ancestors is the same. If a person forgets even his ancestors, if he does not even honor his ancestors, then this person will not be recognized and accepted by the world. The ancestors of the Chinese nation have used wisdom and experience to create countless folk customs and customs, which contain rich philosophies and are always worthy of serious study and inheritance by our descendants.

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