
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

author:Journalists are like songs
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

A lake of clear water, full of light, experience military service, youth flying. Six days of experience, in exchange for growth, bittersweet memories, into a chapter. Qi YuXuan, heroic posture, continued blood, I am strong and strong. Solemnly swear, set sail, please rest assured that the party has me.

The military training camp has ended

At 4:00 p.m. on September 18, the 2021 freshmen of Changde No. 6 Middle School gathered at the school athletics field to solemnly hold the closing ceremony of the military training camp for high school freshmen. Cheng Guangming, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School, Li Jinggang, Principal of the School, He Zhili, Tan Wenju and Dai Ming, Vice Principals, and Zhuang Zhong, Director of the Parents Committee of the First Grade of the Senior School, attended the closing ceremony. Also attending the ceremony were Wu Fenglin, chief instructor of military training, company commanders, class teachers, parent representatives, and all staff. The ceremony was presided over by Vice President Deming.

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

The military training activities with the theme of "please rest assured that the party can rest assured that the country has me" is based on the goal of cultivating the spirit of hardship and cultivating the spirit of Baiyun, integrating discipline education, school history study, military experience, inspirational education, physical education, psychological education, national defense education, and patriotic education, to create a comprehensive brand education activity that combines strict management and love. In this military training, we have witnessed the growth of our classmates, and we have also felt that your return from military training has faded its childishness and is full of positive energy.

Raise the national flag and sing the national anthem

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

Deliver a message to the Party

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

Freshmen of high school delivered a speech to the party

"Please rest assured that the party has me"

Today, we experience military service and continue the red blood

Today, we sharpen our will and shoulder the mission

Looking back at history, the waves are magnificent

The clarion call of the times resounds through the rivers and mountains

Poverty alleviation, comprehensive well-off, the millennium dream is realized today

Chang'e lunar exploration, dragon diving, big country heavy weapon world stunning

Strong science and technology is strong in the country

Ecological civilization, green and low carbon, beautiful China unfolds the picture

The green water and green mountains are the golden mountains and silver mountains

Peaceful development, win-win cooperation, the "Belt and Road" interconnection

Promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind

New stage, new concept, new pattern

The Chinese road, the Chinese miracle is praised by the world

Seek happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation, and be determined to remain unchanged

The country is the people, and the people are the country

The dream is ahead, the road is under the feet

We are all dreamers

Today, I make a vow of youth to the Party:

Listen to the party, feel the gratitude of the party, and follow the party

With one heart to the party, rush to the far side

Please rest assured that the strong country has me

Military training exercises

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

The 2101 class of the first year of high school completed the military boxing exhibition training report brilliantly in the exercise, and the overall evaluation was a word "sa". Each class has a wonderful performance in the exercise, salute, put down, stand, the movement is clean and neat; the pace is consistent, the row is neat; looking left to right, the small broken steps are in place; the head is in place; obeying the order, concentrating, and the state is in place.

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

1 Company (High 2101 Class)

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

2 companies (high 2102 classes)

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

3 Company (High 2103 Class)

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

4 companies (high 2104 classes)

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

5 companies (high 2105 classes)

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

6 Company (High 2106 Class)

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

7 Company (High 2107 Class)

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

8 Company (High 2108 Class)

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

9 Company (High 2109 Class)

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded
"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

10 companies (2110 high classes)

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

Recognition awards

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

1 excellent company

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

1 Company (High 2101 Class), 3 Company (High 2103 Class)

8th Company (High 2108 Class), 9th Company (High 2109 Class)

1 excellent individual

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

A company (high 2101 class) excellent individual

Cao Wenxuan, Luo Zhangling, Wen Yuyan, Du Kunwei

Liu Kaiyuan, Ruan Qirui, Mou Jinxiang, Hu Hao

Zhong Rui, Luo Yujin

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

Erlian (High Class 2102) Outstanding Individual

Xiao Yaxuan, Yang Mingyu, Duan Xuanhao, Li Jing'an

Qin Ruirui, Yang Zihao, Zeng Xinbin, Shao Xinxun

Zhang Zhongyao, Song Jiaxin

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

Three consecutive (high 2103 class) excellent individual

Liu Liyang, He Shuxiang, Wu Zhenping, Zhong Siqi

Yan Dingshun, Cao Jintian, Ou Yuzhuo, Wu Junhao

Wu Wei, Wang Zixin

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

Four companies (high 2104 class) excellent individual

Chen Siqin, Wang Xiwen, Xiong Xiyu, Tan Jiayi

Yan Zidong, Qiu Tianjia, Xiong Yufei, Huang Leni

Chen Ruijun, Ding Haoyu

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

Five companies (high 2105 class) excellent individual

Wang Ruihan, Li Xuexuan, Li Huiyi, Xiong Zhemin

Feng Yitong, Fu Wenbai, Yang Yuxuan, Zhu Junyao

Hu Linsam and Lin Yifan

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

Six Company (High 2106 Class) Outstanding Individual

Yin Weifeng, Wang Zhi, Yuan Yuxuan, Li Xinzhe

Zhang Zhiwei, Sun Binfu, Lu Yu, Chen Wenqi

Tian Can, Xiong Zihan

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

Seven Company (High Class 2107) Outstanding Individual

Qiu Qing, Chen Jiani, Wang Qin, Li Zhenghan

Lei Zonghan, Gui Xinyi, Zeng Caihong, Wang Xinyu

Ren Yuxuan, Liu Shijun

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

Eight Company (High 2108 Class) Outstanding Individual

Wei Jianping, Song Weiting, Zhu Tianqi, Chen Kui

Luo Jiahui, Liu Yiwei, Ai Yushan, Mei Yujie

Liu Taorui, An Yaqian

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

Nine Company (High Class 2109) Outstanding Individual

Liu Sihan, Kang Xinyan, Li Yuting, Yao Xinru

Hu Xinyu, Li Jun, Pan Yueyang, Wu Yu

Li Hang, Wang Yixing

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

Ten Company (High Class 2110) Outstanding Individual

Liu Shiyi, Shen Xinying, Sun Zhendong, Jin Yulin

Zeng Hengsong, Wang Weichao, Ma Yangmingqi, Liu Yating

Zhu Chenxi, Tang Cirong

Summary of military training

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded

Vice President Deming made a summary report on military training

Through military training, the students generally enhanced their physique, tempered their will, cultivated the spirit of unity and cooperation, formed a good concept of discipline, and learned to use discipline to restrain themselves. In the future intense study and life, I hope that the students will take this military training as a starting point and do the following: 1. Cultivate the patriotic feelings of military personnel in their hearts, cultivate a correct world outlook, outlook on life, and values, and establish lofty ideals; maintain the military style cultivated in military training and bring it to our future study and life, set high standards and strict requirements, and standardize their words and deeds. 2. Carry forward the fine traditions and work style of the troops, establish a sense of rules, be strict with themselves everywhere, abide by the "Code of Conduct for Secondary School Students" and the "Code of Daily Conduct for Middle School Students", abide by the disciplines of the school, establish a collective concept, be a civilized student, create a civilized class, and build a harmonious campus. 3. Cherish this military training experience, remember the knowledge learned and the principle of being a person, cherish the good time of youth, work hard, forge ahead, exercise yourself, shape yourself, show yourself in the study and life, and interpret the baiyun spirit of our school. 4. Enhance the sense of teamwork and collective concept, help each other, unite and love each other in the future study and life, and create a harmonious campus.

Source: Changde No. 6 Middle School

Producer: China Net - Observe China

"Observe China" Changde No. 6 Middle School 2021 high school freshman military training successfully concluded