
The octogenarian picked up 3,200 cultural relics from the scrap heap, and the state rewarded 4,000 pieces, all of which he donated


On the road of life, some people only live for their own interests, and some people are selfless and selfless, contributing to the country with their continuous efforts and efforts, and thus gaining the true meaning of life and knowing how to choose. When they have a selfless heart, they naturally usher in respect and honor. Lei Yuqi is a selfless man, who has spent 20 years helping the country to pick up 3,200 cultural relics from the abandoned pile and donate these cultural relics to the country free of charge.

Secret thoughts in the heart

In 1964, Lei Yuqi, who had been diligent in his work, was transferred to Taiyuan Copper as the general dispatcher of production, and spent a lot of time on work every day, which can be said to be a typical model worker. One day he was inadvertently inspired by an article about artifacts that were not selected in time and put into smelters, eventually causing the artifacts to be destroyed.

From this article, he was deeply inspired, and a very bold idea appeared in his mind, that is, would there be cultural relics in the broken copper and iron of his company? Although he had such an idea, he did not know anything about the identification of cultural relics, and he was also very helpless when he looked at the piles of broken copper and rotten iron. However, this situation was soon broken, although he did not know how to identify cultural relics, but he could find experts to identify some strange things.

With this thought, he took the initiative, and at his insistence, one day, he found a special small copper shovel in the abandoned iron pile. This thing did not look like it was used by modern people, and finally he took this thing to the experts for identification. After expert appraisal, it is pointed out that this thing is a currency from the Western Zhou Dynasty, which is 3,000 years old and belongs to the category of national first-class cultural relics protection.

In the face of such an appraisal result, he was silent for a long time, knowing that before that, many such artifacts may have been thrown into the boiler. With such a successful experience, he was even more determined to find cultural relics, and even set up a special selection team to select scrap copper from all over the world. He himself was fully involved in the search for cultural relics.

20 years of perseverance

Although the work on weekdays is not easy, in order to be able to protect these cultural relics, he has to look for copper scrap every day, and even often cut his skin by these scrap copper and rotten iron. But for these injuries, he did not care at all, only cared about whether the cultural relics he found were true or false, and whether he could rescue as many damaged cultural relics as possible.

Many people think that he did this so that he could make money, and some even reported directly to his superiors. So the superior department conducted a three-month investigation of her, and she had to be supervised every day. Despite these encounters, he has never given up the determination to protect cultural relics, and will still look for them in the scrap iron and copper every day, and it is an unshirkable responsibility in his view to protect these cultural relics.

When he didn't find a single cultural relic, he would be very careful to preserve it, because at that time, it was a 10-year catastrophe, and the cultural relics department was also greatly impacted, and it was not until later that the cultural relics department began to operate again. After the cultural relics department resumed normal work, he found these institutions as soon as possible and handed over more than 500 cultural relics at once. The first-class cultural relics contained in it have reached the price, and the second-level cultural relics are as high as more than 200 pieces, in addition to various third-level cultural relics.

These cultural relics were donated to the state by him, which really caused a great shock, and cultural relics experts immediately said that they would study these cultural relics, which also made him extremely proud. In the next 20 years, he led a cultural relics selection team to search from a pile of broken copper and rotten iron, and the number of cultural relics they found reached 3200 pieces, and the weight of these cultural relics was as high as more than 50 tons, and the cultural relics involved spanned more than 3,000 years from the Shang Zhou To the Ming and Qing dynasties, and each cultural relic had immeasurable value. Any cultural relic that you can get from it and put it on the market can make it a rich man.

Rejection of rewards from the State

After finding out these cultural relics, he did not embezzle any of them, and all the cultural relics were handed over to the cultural relics units. In 1985, because he had handed over all these cultural relics to the state for the protection of cultural relics, the relevant departments awarded him a reward of 4,000 yuan and sent him a black-and-white television set.

However, in the face of these rewards, he did not take the money for himself, but donated all the money to the local kindergarten, and the black-and-white TV set was not taken home and put in the factory for everyone to watch together. Such a selfless person has spent 20 years to help the country recover more than 3,000 cultural relics and avoid damage to these cultural relics, and this spirit is indeed worth learning.


This selfless old man died in 2010, in his life, left an amazing wealth, he is not only an excellent inheritor of history, with the spirit of selfless dedication so that those dusty cultural relics can be reproduced in the world, indicating that without seeking profit, only seek a peace of mind, seek a thing to return to the original owner. It should be known that these cultural relics are the traces left by the years, and they are the evolution of ancient people, which has a high historical research value.

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