
Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room

Psychic Film Screening Room

《Turning Red》

Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room

"Turning Red", Chinese translated as "The Metamorphosis of Youth", is Disney's first Chinese female director Shi Yuzhi's work, and the main creative team is also composed of women.

The film was inspired by Shi Yuzhi's personal upbringing. The whole film reveals a full of Chinese flavor, the protagonist of the film Li Meilin is also a typical Chinese family child, she has carried the expectations of her parents since she was a child, and has always been a well-behaved and obedient "little MeiMei" in the eyes of her parents, and she herself enjoys her mother's affirmative vision.

Today we will talk about the mental health knowledge of the metaphors in it.

First, the family model with hidden dangers

At the beginning of the play, it alludes to the current family model: anxious parents, silent fathers, and over-enthusiastic seven aunts and eight aunts. In this family model, the child's true feelings are most easily hidden.

Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room
Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room
Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room

Second, excessive responsibility

Meimei and her friends came home from school, the original appointment to go singing together was forced to cancel by Meimei's "Cleaning Day", and "Cleaning day" only returned to the ancestral hall on time to burn incense and clean with her mother, and Meimei accidentally arrived 10 minutes late, and her mother kept guessing why she was 10 minutes late and injured. Bullied? Didn't do well? All possible answers came out of her mother's mouth, and Meimei helplessly explained that she was only 10 minutes late on the road.

Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room


Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room

Responsibility, these two words in the family education of a thousand pounds. Many parents in the process of being responsible for their children, always inadvertently increase the "weight" of responsibility. Parents are overly worried, and slowly the seeds of anxiety sprout and grow. Parents have opened the "eyes six way ear listen to the eight directions" mode. Cause the child to slowly, learn to suppress themselves. This also makes the distance between parents and children more and more large. But adolescence is a period of self-searching, and this depression can make children uncomfortable.

Control, over-intervention and forced obedience

When Meimei fantasized about her love story with the convenience store boy, she picked up the paintbrush and drew the picture in her mind, and at this time, Meimei's mother entered the house and found all this, and her mother drove to the convenience store with Meimei to question the convenience store boy, pushing all the faults to others, regardless of her daughter's real thoughts and embarrassing situation.

Obedience under the hidden world

Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room
Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room

This excessive "involvement" brings uncomfortable feelings to children, who are afraid to show their true selves in front of their parents. That's when the child starts looking for other ways out. Fortunately, meimei in the play is obedient and does not give up pursuing herself at the same time.

4. Stress response in sudden situations

When Meimei finds herself turning into a red panda, she appears to fear, deny, find ways to solve, flee, and close herself. These are the normal reactions that people react to in the face of major emergencies.

Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room
Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room
Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room

Fifth, the importance of support resources

In this case, fortunately, Meimei still has the comfort of her family and the support of her friends. Meimei quickly came out of her uneasy mood and found a way to control the red panda - when she was excited, think about the happy and loving things in life.

Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room
Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room

Sixth, resistance under long-term control

When the date of the idol's concert and the ceremony to eliminate the red panda collided, Mimi chose the idol's concert after repeated consideration. Together with her girlfriends, she earns money through various avenues.

By adolescence, we can always hear of rebellion. It's possible that the child is telling you in another way what he really thinks in his heart. Therefore, at this time, parents may as well try to understand their children and try to change the following.

Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room
Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room

7. Reconcile with yourself

The ceremony and concert were held at the same time, and under the reflection of the red moon in the sky, Meimei was trying to break free from the soul of the red panda. But just as she was about to succeed, she hesitated. Meimei remembered the different self during the period of becoming a red panda, that is, a vivid, bright, and more free self, she suddenly gave up, she wanted to leave the red panda, to leave such a self.

Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room

Eighth, mutual understanding, and final reconciliation with parents

Meimei's rebellion caused her mother's emotional loss of control, and at the end of the movie, her mother also transformed into a red panda and came to a panda war, and it was here that the mother and Meimei got the opportunity to communicate. In the sealed boundary, Meimei saw her mother who hid her face and cried during her adolescence, only to find that she was also crying because of imperfection, and she was also crushed by the expectations given by her parents. The small hand held the big hand, and the mother and daughter seemed to fully understand each other at this moment. Finally, Meimei watched her mother and grandmother walk through the enchantment to reseal her red panda's soul, looked up slightly confused and asked Xiang Xinyi, "I won't regret it, right?" ”。 Xinyi didn't say anything, just took her hand and led her to the most vast side of the sky, the tip of her nose touched, and the answer was self-evident.

Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room
Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room
Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room
Interpretation of Turning Red by | of the Mind Screening Room

We've all got our inner beasts,we've got our messy,loud,weird part of ourselves hidden away. And a lot of us never let it out. But I did.And you?

"There's a tired, noisy, strange monster lurking inside everyone, and not many people can show it honestly. I did it. What about you?"

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