
The yellow leaves are high in the month, and the black spot disease and red spiders are coming, teach you a trick, and prevent it early

author:Blue Demon Garden

These two days many flower friends consulted, the problem of yellow leaves in the moon flower, today the blue demon will talk about why the moon flower is so prone to yellow leaves in the near future, in addition to the yellow leaves, we still need to pay attention to what problems.

First, the causes and treatment methods of a large number of yellow leaves in spring and moon flowers

The yellow leaves are high in the month, and the black spot disease and red spiders are coming, teach you a trick, and prevent it early

Recently, the moon flowers have grown flower buds, we flower friends, looking at the full branches of the flower buds, are very happy, but in addition to the flower buds, followed by yellow leaves, and even a large number of yellow leaves, so that many flower friends nervous.

In fact, when the moon flowers grow to the stage of buds, when a large number of yellow leaves appear, we must first eliminate the problems in maintenance and the yellow leaves.

The yellow leaves are high in the month, and the black spot disease and red spiders are coming, teach you a trick, and prevent it early

For example, too much fertilization, fertilizer damage, or spray concentration is too high to burn the leaves, but this yellow leaf, most of the manifestations are yellowing and scorching at the tip or leaf edge. If, our moon leaf yellow leaves, is a large number, and manifested near the bottom of the branch, the yellow leaves are the whole yellow, this time, mostly physiological yellow leaves.

The yellow leaves are high in the month, and the black spot disease and red spiders are coming, teach you a trick, and prevent it early

Physiological yellow leaves, is a natural metabolic phenomenon of the moon flower, mostly because these old leaves have grown for a long time, such as winter has germinated, or the earliest leaves in early spring, to the stage of long flower buds, these old leaves have completed their mission, they will turn yellow and fall off.

The yellow leaves are high in the month, and the black spot disease and red spiders are coming, teach you a trick, and prevent it early

There is also a situation that some of the old branches that are originally relatively weak are not pruned in winter, and when a large number of new shoots are sprouted in the spring and the moon, the new shoots of these weak branches are blocked by strong new branches, blocking the sun, long-term lack of light, no nutrients, there will be a large number of yellow leaves.

The yellow leaves are high in the month, and the black spot disease and red spiders are coming, teach you a trick, and prevent it early

This condition is most common in the vine season. Sometimes even if it is not a thin bud on the old branch, as long as it is inside the plant, the bottom, it may yellow and fall off early. For these naturally metabolized yellow leaves, it is recommended to remove them directly.

Second, prevent black spots and red spiders in advance

The yellow leaves are high in the month, and the black spot disease and red spiders are coming, teach you a trick, and prevent it early

In addition to the yellow leaves, the black spot disease and red spider of the moon season are also on the way to a large attack, and want our moon flower to remain relatively healthy and reduce the probability of infection with black spot disease and red spider, then the blue demon recommends that you do the following 4 actions now.

1. Break off the blind branches inside the plant

The yellow leaves are high in the month, and the black spot disease and red spiders are coming, teach you a trick, and prevent it early

It is very normal for monthly flowers to grow blind branches, and many flower lovers are always entangled, why do they grow blind branches? Because of the lack of fertilizer and water, insufficient light, it may cause blind branches of the moon flowers. Therefore, in the winter pruning, it is necessary to calculate the bud point, early spring for the weak buds should also be disposed of in advance, about the specific management of early spring, you can refer to the book "How to raise the moon season from zero".

How to buy from Zero Moon Season ¥168

Although smearing buds in early spring can reduce the appearance of many blind branches, as new shoots grow in the month, you will still find that there may be some small short branches or blind branches inside and at the bottom of the monthly plant.

The yellow leaves are high in the month, and the black spot disease and red spiders are coming, teach you a trick, and prevent it early

Therefore, when you find that a pot of seasonal foliage is very lush, you need to carefully check the inside of the plant, try to break off the small branches and blind branches inside, in order to increase the ventilation of the plant, which can greatly reduce the risk of infection with diseases and insect pests in the month.

However, not all blind branches have to be broken, and it is also necessary to combine the miao feelings, change the sky blue demon to say in detail, different ways of dealing with the blind branches of the miao.

2. Increase the placement distance between the potted plants in the month and season

The yellow leaves are high in the month, and the black spot disease and red spiders are coming, teach you a trick, and prevent it early

Breaking off the thin branches inside the moon season plant is to increase the ventilation inside the plant to reduce the infection rate of yellow leaves and diseases and insect pests, in addition to the ventilation of the moon season itself, environmental ventilation is also very important.

The yellow leaves are high in the month, and the black spot disease and red spiders are coming, teach you a trick, and prevent it early

Many flower lovers feel that I am outdoor breeding, ventilation is very good, in fact, it is not. Even in outdoor farming, if the distance between the potted plants in the moon is too close, it will affect the ventilation between each other, and it will affect the light.

In the case of space permitting, it is recommended to place the spacing of the pots in the monthly season, keep the spacing of the branches between the two pots about 50cm, and at least ensure that the branches are not next to each other.

3. Potted plants with weaker growth are placed in isolation

The yellow leaves are high in the month, and the black spot disease and red spiders are coming, teach you a trick, and prevent it early

The common black spot disease, powdery mildew, red spider and other diseases and insect pests in the moon flower are infectious, and the weaker the growth of the moon season, the easier it is to be infected, so it is recommended to concentrate the weak growth of potted plants in one area, and the robust monthly season is placed separately, and the isolation area is demarcated to avoid mutual infection.

4. Regular drug prevention

The yellow leaves are high in the month, and the black spot disease and red spiders are coming, teach you a trick, and prevent it early

Physical control is only one of the means of preventing monthly diseases and insect pests, and physical prevention combined with drug control will be more ideal. For example, regularly sprinkling small white medicine on the potting soil to prevent insect pests, or regular spraying with sterilization and insecticides, can effectively control common diseases and insect pests such as black spot disease and red spiders in the month.

The yellow leaves are high in the month, and the black spot disease and red spiders are coming, teach you a trick, and prevent it early

This article is the original sharing of the Blue Demon Garden. In my public name: Blue Demon Garden (ilanyao), a collection of thousands of flower raising experience articles are collected to help you less flower pits!

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