
Every Chinese should have a BraveHeart

author:Silence der Lamb

The image references Baidu

"Brave, dare also." This is the male protagonist's interpretation of "courage" in the TV series "Braveheart 2", and this meaning not only inspires himself and the people around him, but also inspires the courage of the Chinese nation under the oppression of the invaders.

The male protagonist tong Jiaru in "Braveheart 2" is initially a person with noble thoughts and timid actions. Applying his erudite knowledge in the classroom, he stimulates the patriotic consciousness and spirit in the hearts of Chinese teenagers. However, he was personally timid and afraid of things, and did not advocate initiating and participating in anti-Japanese activities.

This personality was influenced by childhood life, and his sister and brother-in-law were killed for participating in some anti-Japanese activities. Now his old Tong family is only left with him as a male, and it is difficult to grit his teeth to confess such a college student, and there are eighty or ninety-year-old grandmothers and widowed sisters and other big children to raise. He did not want to cause this fragile family to collapse because of the fierce anti-Japanese activities.

However, he wanted to live like this in his little family, but God didn't want to. The persecution of the aggressor, the death of the student, the death of a friend, step by step will push from his timidity and cowardice to the giant with a brave heart that actively resists the invaders.

So what kind of person is Tong Jiaru in the play?

Natural and man-made disasters, fate does not seem to care for his unfortunate people

He came to Shanghai alone to teach, and it was difficult to have a harmonious and beautiful family. There are unexpected storms in the sky, and misfortune always falls on him.

Every Chinese should have a BraveHeart

One day, his life without a ripple was disrupted. His student, Ouyang Gongjin, was influenced by the patriotic ideas he taught in class, coupled with the danger of overturning the national situation. Under the strong anti-Japanese sentiment, I also want to make a contribution by participating in the anti-Japanese parade. Not only that, but after discovering that his father was in collusion with the Japanese invaders, in order to prevent his father from becoming a traitor, he also wanted to eliminate harm for the country and assassinate the envoy Yoshizawa who was in collusion with his father. After inquiring about the location and time of his father's meeting with Envoy Gizer, he single-handedly broke into the place where they were talking that night.

At this time, Tong Jiaru also heard about this, and rushed to stop it with a kitchen knife, but unfortunately it was too late, on the way to come, he encountered Ouyang Gongjin, who was hunted down and killed after the assassination failure, in order to save his students, a flying knife slashed the agent who was about to catch up with Ouyang Gongjin, so he hurried forward to support Ouyang Gongjin, who was shot in the back, and at this time, he saw that it was the teacher who came to save himself that he thought was cowardly, and his heart could not help but feel some warmth.

But this incident laid the foundation for the bane. After the assassination, the Japanese rushed into the concession to search for the assassins, and when they found Tong Jiaru's home, a Japanese named Ono ran into Zhang Qinghong and took a fancy to her.

One day after that, the Japanese ran to Tong Jiaru's house and wanted to invade Zhang Qinghong.

In order to save her innocence, his wife Zhang Qinghong preferred to die, not only struggling to resist, but even biting off one of the ears of the Japanese who insulted her. However, such fierce resistance also angered the barbaric and shameless invaders, who shot and killed her and injured one of the legs of her daughter, who was less than six years old, and fled from Tong Jiaru's home.

Every Chinese should have a BraveHeart

Tong Jiaru, who was rushing home, heard the gunshots, suddenly felt that something was wrong, and ran towards home, just in time to encounter an invader named Ono who had taken the road from his house and escaped with his bleeding ears. Taking a deep look at him, he hurried upstairs. What came into view was Zhang Qinghong, who was shot several times in the back and fell to the ground, covered in blood. Tong Jiaru, who saw this scene, panicked and hugged Zhang Qinghong, crying loudly, and kept shouting 'Qinghong' in his mouth, and in his shouting, Zhang Qinghong also seemed to wake up as if returning to the light, saying 'Boss, I didn't shame you'. Hearing this, Tong Jiaru's heart was both happy and distressed, and there were some regrets. Happy is that Zhang Qinghong loves herself deeply, and the heartache is that Zhang Qinghong lost her life for herself, regretting that she did not protect her daughter-in-law.

Love is heavy on righteousness, and revenge will be repaid

Every Chinese should have a BraveHeart

After her wife, Zhang Qinghong, was killed by the Japanese Ono and held a funeral, he did not want to take revenge at all times. In order to avenge himself, he assiduously studied some of the mechanics in "Heavenly Works", not only that, he also asked for help from the old blind man who had some friendship with him and the niece of his neighbor Aunt Su, Gardenia, designed a perfect trap, and finally killed Ono after layers of design. But the good times did not last long, and Higashimura, the new head of Japan's special high school, remained suspicious of this seemingly unexpected incident. So he was arrested and gardenia and the old blind man were interrogated, but Tong Jiaru had already prepared and made a related response with the old blind man and gardenia early, and the interrogation was fruitless, and the three of them temporarily escaped this difficulty.

Care for students, do not ask for anything in return

His most proud and rebellious student, Ouyang Gongjin. When the two people's ideas were not compatible, when Ouyang Gongjin's assassination of Yoshida's envoy failed, Tong Jiaru, who had come to block and teach him a lesson, resolutely stepped forward when he found out that Ouyang Gongjin was being hunted down and killed, and rescued his students despite the danger.

Every Chinese should have a BraveHeart

For his hardest-working student, Yan Sichi, in his family's difficulties, he reached out to help him solve the problem of tuition fees. And later, when the assassination of the traitor of the military commander and the use of formic acid to destroy the corpse were discovered by the Japanese head of the East Village Division, and when Yan Sichi was arrested and forced to say that the mastermind was his teacher Tong Jiaru, Tong Jiaru did not blame him, but instead considered his difficulties and helped him get out of the clutches of the devil.

Knowledgeable and patriotic

Tong Jiaru in the play is a very erudite, well-versed Confucian person, who sometimes shows weakness in front of the enemy and appears as timid and cowardly. But sometimes it doesn't lose its strength and wind bone. There is a scene in the play where the Chinese traitors in the educational circles of the Shanghai Concession are invited by the Japanese. In the concession Wei Zhongcheng Middle School, slave education was promoted. As a Chinese and a teacher at the school, he was resistant to enslavement education in his heart. But what really forced him to argue with the traitors who wanted to promote enslavement education was his student Ouyang Gongjin who was ordered to assassinate the traitors.

Every Chinese should have a BraveHeart

In order to prevent him from sacrificing himself, and in order not to fall into the trap of the Japanese, let the Japanese find an excuse to intervene in the educational circles of the concession and promote slave education. Resolutely coming to power and engaging in fierce debates with the traitors who promoted enslavement education, the National Hero of Chinese History and the history of the Modern War of Resistance Against Japan have shown that the Chinese nation is an excellent nation, and Chinese culture is an excellent culture. In the course of the debate, Tong Jiaru quoted the scriptures and stunned them. Quite the style of the ancient Confucianism, Zhuge Liang's tongue and the style of the Group confucianism.

In short, this drama is very good, and the editor has shed tears after watching it.

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