
British universities that are underestimated by the public, netizens: these universities are too wronged

author:Hainan Lisichen studied abroad

 There is a myth on the BRITISH student forum TSR: "What do you think is the most underrated UK university?"

  01/ UEA

  Keep it low to dust

  The most nominated of the dozen pages of replies is UEA, the University of East Anglia, which is also translated as the University of East Anglia.

  One reply said he had no knowledge of UEA before applying to college. Another replied that UEA's ranking is good and its research is good, but because it is not the Russell Group, it is often forgotten.

  There was also a reply that UEA is working hard to improve the ranking of "legal" majors.


  QS Ranking 2022: 307

  Recommended Major: MSc Brand Leadership, A master's program at UEA Business School, offers companies the possibility to build brand stories, and the content is very practical after returning to China for employment.

  02/ Bath

  Eating not Russell's "bitterness"

  There are also many replies nominating the University of Bath.

  Netizens agree that the University of Bath is located in a lovely city and offers excellent courses, but like UEA, the University of Bath has suffered from not Russell University.

  One response said: "The University of Bath is not well known in my circle, but as far as I know, it is very good in architecture and engineering. ”

  QS ranking 2022: 166

  03/ Kent Nottingham

  Why can't we compare with the ox sword?

  There are some replies that use the bull sword as a comparison object.

  A student who studied economics at the University of Kent wrote: "Several of my classmates in Kent are students who have fallen out of the list, but they are satisfied with life in Kent, the teachers give students enough support, and the campus environment is also very good. ”

  A University of Nottingham student said: "Nottingham's entry results are clearly not as high as those of Niu Jian. But is it reasonable for everyone to equate admissions grades with the quality of teaching? ”

  QS Ranking 2022: 103 (University of Nottingham)

  QS Ranking 2022: 383 (University of Kent)


  Who doesn't have a "take a shot" professional

  There are also some replies that simply because the campus is beautiful, the city is lively, or some particularly good major, they think that this university is underrated.

  Some students have nominated De Montfort University and consider the law school here to be one of the best in the UK.

  Some students have been nominated for the University of Central Lancashire, and the media major is especially worth recommending.

  If you want to pursue a career in the oil and gas industry, Robert Gordon University and the University of Aberdeen are nominated for recommendation.

  QS Ranking 2022: 205 (University of Aberdeen)

  QS Ranking 2022: 800+ (D-Montford, UCLan, Robert Gordon University)

  Recommended major: De Montfort University game major, architecture major is worth paying attention to.


  A good job for students is a good school

  Some replies argue that it is important for universities to support students in their careers.

  One engineering student at Here-Watt University said: "Herray-Watt is particularly good at preparing students for future industry-related work, employers like graduates like this, if you look at our class schedule, you will know that Here-Watt University attaches great importance to practical courses." ”

  Another praised Bournemouth's career services, saying: "I know a couple of students who studied in Bournemouth and they all had a good rating of the school curriculum, one of whom got an internship in London through the school, and the other who found a good job after graduation, and of course through the school's connections." ”

  A Derby University student, who praised his school's forensic science curriculum, said that in order to simulate the crime scene, the school even bought a separate house, allowing students to simulate scenes that may be encountered in real life.

  QS Ranking 2022: 270 (Herray-Watt University)

  QS Ranking 2022: 750+ (University of Bournemouth)

  QS Ranking 2022: 1000+ (University of Derby)

  Applications for September 2022 admission to the above universities can be submitted now.

  06/ Durham

  What can I do, I am also wronged

  Many students have asked in their replies, where does the international popularity of UK universities come from?

  The outcome of the discussion seemed to be that universities located in well-known cities in the UK were more likely to gain international recognition. Whether a British city is well-known or not is often related to whether the city has a well-known football team.

  The strongest support for this claim is that Durham University is not well-known outside the UK compared to universities in London, Manchester and Liverpool.

  One student said he met many non-British people in the UK who had never heard of Durham or where he was in britain.

  QS Ranking 2022: 82 (Durham University)

  Professional recommendation: Durham University's humanities and social sciences major, very worthy of recommendation.

  07/ Manchester Southampton

  Unexpectedly, there are still two of us here

  What is more surprising is that many students in this post have been nominated for the University of Manchester.

  The reason is quite interesting, everyone thinks that although Manda has an international influence, it seems that the attention is not so great in the United Kingdom. So it's an underrated university in the UK.

  The University of Southampton was also nominated.

  A reply said: "Nan'an has the second best engineering major in the UK, which is very suitable for STEM subjects, but because the humanities are not outstanding, it affects the overall ranking." ”

  QS Ranking 2022: 27 (University of Manchester)

  QS Ranking 2022: 77 (University of Southampton)


  Those "small and beautiful" universities

  Overall, most of the undervalued schools are not large in scale, and the overall strength cannot compete with large schools.

  But walking the rivers and lakes, who doesn't have a fist professional?

  If you are going to enroll in a university with a comprehensive ranking of ordinary, small and beautiful, it is recommended to be sure to read a dominant major. As an international student, you will have a learning experience that far exceeds that of the famous school water major.

  PS finally shares an observation that is not necessarily accurate.

  The professional settings of some famous universities in the United Kingdom are often partial to theory, and various papers are endlessly circulating, which is suitable for subsequent doctoral studies.

  On the contrary, some small schools' ace majors pay more attention to project practice ability and are more closely linked to employment.

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