
More than 150 Russian diplomats have been expelled, the "Bucha incident" has been fermented again, and China has officially expressed its position

author:Military Observation
More than 150 Russian diplomats have been expelled, the "Bucha incident" has been fermented again, and China has officially expressed its position

According to Ukrainian media reports, since the Russian army began to withdraw from the surrounding towns of Kiev earlier this month, more than 100 military positions have been gradually abandoned, including the Antonov airport that was previously seized at a huge cost of hundreds of casualties, and the Ukrainian government army reoccupied these areas at the first time. Ukrainian television stations reported that they had found "brutal killings of civilians" in a small town called Bucha, 37 kilometers northwest of Kiev, and said 410 civilian remains had been found, a "trocity" committed during the occupation by Russian troops.

More than 150 Russian diplomats have been expelled, the "Bucha incident" has been fermented again, and China has officially expressed its position

Subsequently, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense released several photos, showing many of the remains lying on the street, buried in earth pits, and some with their hands tied to ropes. With the voice of the Russian foreign minister and the prosecutor general and other senior officials, the incident quickly caused heated discussion in the international community, which stimulated a strong reaction from many Western countries, and the European Union planned to launch new sanctions against Russia. U.S. Secretary of State Blinken, President Joe Biden and others have spoken one after another accusing Putin, and Biden even used the term "butcher"; in addition, the UN Secretary-General also called for an independent investigation into the incident. The Russian Foreign Ministry denied that the announcement in Bucha was the work of the Russian military, accusing Ukraine of unilaterally carrying out provocative actions and undermining negotiations.

More than 150 Russian diplomats have been expelled, the "Bucha incident" has been fermented again, and China has officially expressed its position

Sources said that a new round of fermentation about the "Bucha incident" has not stopped, in just two days nearly ten European countries in a row of large-scale expulsion of Russian diplomats, the number of expulsions exceeded 150; Eastern European countries Lithuania and Latvia also announced that they will reduce diplomatic relations with Russia, Lithuania even want to expel the Russian ambassador. Us media forecasts say that the measures taken by European countries against Russia are only the beginning, and this event may trigger "consequences" for months or even years. At present, the Russian side has said that it will reciprocate all sanctions, and the Russian side does not rule out closing embassies in Western countries and withdrawing diplomatic personnel.

More than 150 Russian diplomats have been expelled, the "Bucha incident" has been fermented again, and China has officially expressed its position

On April 5, at a new round of public meetings of the United Nations on the situation in Ukraine, the "Butcha incident" became a hot topic again. In this regard, Zhang Jun, China's representative to the United Nations, said that China believes that civilians should be protected from any form of violence in armed conflict, and attacks against civilians are unacceptable and should not occur. However, for the incident in Bucha Town, which is currently hotly discussed by international public opinion, the relevant circumstances and specific reasons must be clarified, and the allegations must be based on facts. Until the investigation report (conclusions) are reached, all parties must avoid groundless accusations and exercise restraint; now China will continue to work on Ukraine's goal of peace and play a catalytic role.

More than 150 Russian diplomats have been expelled, the "Bucha incident" has been fermented again, and China has officially expressed its position

It is also worth mentioning that long before the Chinese representative to the United Nations first made his statement, the Western media mentioned China immediately after the "Buga incident" was exposed, believing that the matter had reached such a serious point that it would be "intolerable" not to condemn and sanction Russia, and continuing to accuse China of taking a neutral position was actually "favoring Russia". Therefore, some people are worried that after the impact of this incident, which has not yet been specifically investigated and recorded, continues to expand, the European and American media will take these "testimonies" to involve China in it, and further defame China's statement at the United Nations as "not excluding the massacre of civilians", which is their consistent style.

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