
Authoritative release | the city held the 19th press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic

author:Love Weifang

On the afternoon of April 6, the city held the 19th press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic to report on the epidemic prevention and control work. Li Lanxiang, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and vice mayor, deputy head of the municipal party committee's leading group for epidemic prevention and control and economic operation work (headquarters), and director of the office, attended the press conference and introduced the latest situation. Relevant responsible comrades of the Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau and Anqiu City attended the press conference and answered reporters' questions.

Authoritative release | the city held the 19th press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic

The reporter learned from the press conference that from 16:00 on April 5 to 16:00 on April 6, there were 9 new cases of asymptomatic infection in the city, all in Anqiu City, all of which were centralized isolation and control personnel, and have now been transferred to the municipal designated hospital for medical observation.

According to the press conference, since the outbreak of this round of epidemics, in the face of the complex, severe and changeable epidemic situation, especially in the face of the characteristics of the rapid spread of the Aomi Kerong mutant strain, the strong concealment and the difficulty of prevention and control, the epidemic prevention and control headquarters at the city and county levels have always adhered to dynamic follow-up, made it fast, and raced against time to grasp the emergency handling work such as flow tracing, personnel investigation, nucleic acid screening and social control, which won valuable time for quickly cutting off the epidemic transmission chain. At present, among the key epidemic-related personnel in the early stage of investigation and centralized isolation and control, there will still be a few new positive infections. After the expert group's judgment, this situation is in line with the pathogenesis and transmission characteristics of this round of virus, and the overall epidemic prevention and control situation in the city is controllable.

At the same time, we should also soberly see that the current epidemic situation at home and abroad is still severe and complex, especially with the gradual recovery of social flow, traffic flow and logistics, the risk of external epidemic importation is still very large, and new "flash points" may occur at any time. We must conduct in-depth analysis, take the initiative to study and judge, highlight the key areas and weak links of the current epidemic prevention and control, and make every effort to promote the implementation of various prevention and control measures with a "strict, meticulous and fast" work style. For example, on the basis of highlighting the emergency handling of the epidemic in the early stage and strengthening the service management of freight vehicles in other places, the epidemic prevention and control headquarters of the municipal party committee today issued a special notice to put forward clear requirements for the prevention and control of the epidemic in the field of construction engineering. It mainly includes five key aspects:

The first is to implement the closure of the site. The general contracting unit of the project is responsible, and each construction unit, supervision unit and subcontracting unit obeys the management of the general contracting unit and implements 24-hour closed management of the construction site. In principle, the outsiders who distribute construction materials do not get off the bus or contact after entering the construction site, and the construction site personnel are responsible for receiving and loading and unloading the materials.

The second is to implement the scan code to enter. Adhere to the "combination of territorial management and industry supervision", promote the use of "place codes" in all construction projects in the city, and arrange special personnel to organize on-site inspections, and strictly prohibit red codes, yellow codes and personnel with recent travel history in key areas of the epidemic from entering the construction site and living area.

The third is to include "due diligence". For all personnel entering the construction site and living area, including management personnel, labor workers and security, cleaning, catering and other service personnel, implement "one person, one file" management, conduct nucleic acid testing at least once every 7 days, timely screening and discovery of potential risks.

The fourth is to standardize the management of employment. In accordance with the principle of "who employs, who manages, who is responsible", further standardize the health management of migrant workers, educate and guide migrant workers to further improve their awareness of prevention and control, strictly implement various epidemic prevention regulations, consciously do a good job in personal protection, and strictly prohibit bringing illness to work.

The fifth is to improve the prevention and control system. The epidemic prevention and control in the field of construction engineering should be included in the epidemic prevention and control system of the county, town, and community, and into the daily supervision and business guidance of the competent departments of the industry. Where the performance of responsibilities is ineffective, the implementation of regulations is not strict, or the progress of work is lagging behind, it is necessary to organize a report and expose, and if the circumstances are serious, it will be investigated and dealt with in accordance with laws and regulations.

The epidemic is far from over, and prevention and control cannot be relaxed. In the next step, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the superior and the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the city will anchor the "external prevention of import, internal prevention of rebound" without relaxing, adhere to the "dynamic clearance" without wavering, continue to tighten the import pass, further strengthen the emergency handling of the epidemic, and strive to maintain a strong and orderly prevention and control situation in the city, minimize the impact of the epidemic as much as possible, and lay a solid foundation for promoting the stable and healthy development of the city's economy and society.

Authoritative release | the city held the 19th press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic

The Qilu Evening News reporter asked questions

There are 9 new cases of asymptomatic infection in Anqiu City, please introduce the relevant situation and what key measures have been taken?

Tian Kaiwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Anqiu Municipal Party Committee and director of the office, replied

From 16:00 on April 5 to 16:00 on April 6, 9 new cases of positive initial screening in Anqiu City were found in the nucleic acid test of centralized isolation personnel, and after one review and expert consultation by the Anqiu Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, all of them were asymptomatic infected. At present, it has been transferred to the designated hospital for isolation medical treatment, and the work of tracing the source of circulation and regional control has been vigorously and orderly promoted.

First, comprehensively carry out the traceability of circulation and investigation. Adhere to rapid attack, precision and efficiency, according to the activity trajectory of new asymptomatic infected people, accelerate the traceability of the epidemic flow, and isolate all close contacts and sub-close contacts detected at the first time, and resolutely cut off the chain of virus transmission.

Second, stubble pressing to promote nucleic acid screening. Since April 3, Anqiu City has completed three rounds of nucleic acid testing for all employees. Among them, on April 5, a total of 500,300 people were sampled for nucleic acid testing in the city, except for the newly discovered 9 asymptomatic infected people, the rest were negative. On April 6, a new round of nucleic acid testing was organized, and as of 12:00 noon, a total of 282,000 nucleic acid tests and samples had been completed, and 193,000 people had produced results, all of which were negative.

III. Strictly control key areas. Formulate and issue the "Notice on the Management of StrictLy Controlled Areas" to strictly manage the demarcated sealing and control areas and control areas. Further strengthen the prevention and control force, organize more than 2,600 party members and cadres, public security cadres and policemen, and medical personnel to sink to the front line of prevention and control to minimize the risk of transmission.

In the next step, under the strong leadership of the Weifang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government and the strong support of sister counties and municipalities, we will do our best to fight, concentrate on tackling tough problems, "clear zero" as soon as possible, and unswervingly fight and win this hard battle of epidemic prevention and control.

Weifang media network reporter asked questions

The epidemic has brought a certain impact on business operations, what measures have our financial sector and financial industry taken to deal with it?

Li Fengwei, member of the party group and deputy director of the Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau, answered

During the epidemic period, some enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households in wholesale and retail, accommodation and catering, logistics and transportation, cultural tourism and other industries have experienced difficulties in capital continuation due to work stoppage and suspension of production, which has brought certain pressure to enterprise operations; at the same time, there are also many epidemic prevention and control materials to ensure the supply of enterprises' capital needs have increased significantly. In this regard, the municipal local financial supervision bureau established a special class for financing services at the first time, and issued the "Emergency Notice on Clarifying the Relevant Policies and Measures for The Prevention and Control of the Epidemic in the Near Future" to financial institutions, requiring financial institutions to establish an "online + offline" service mechanism. Reasonably arrange business outlets online to ensure that basic financial services are not interrupted; ensure the normal development of financial services and financial businesses offline to meet the financial needs of citizens and enterprises.

Our bureau also jointly with the competent departments of the development and reform, industry and information technology, housing construction, commerce, agriculture and rural areas, cultural tourism and other industries, sorted out and dispatched the financing needs of enterprises in their respective industries, and summarized more than 380 enterprises with financing needs, involving loans with extension needs of 3.64 billion yuan, new and renewed loans of 10.58 billion yuan, the first time pushed to banking institutions, urging banking institutions to open up green channels, simplify the loan process, and make every effort to do a good job in emergency financing guarantees.

Weifang Rural Commercial Bank has set up 20 mobile financial service teams to create 155 financial service convenience points to provide financial services for the people without leaving their homes; Weifang Branch of China Construction Bank has actively done a good job in the financial service protection of foreign-related enterprises, accumulatively reviewing and handling 162 foreign exchange remittances, 200 million US dollars, and handling more than 50 million US dollars for enterprises; Weifang Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China accurately docks with enterprises in the industrial chain of the pharmaceutical field. A total of 578 million yuan of loans were issued, 122 loan renewals and more than 94 million yuan were handled for 97 small and micro business owners and individual industrial and commercial households whose loans were due in March, and successfully handled the first epidemic prevention discount of 14 million yuan for a pharmaceutical enterprise in the province's ICBC system.

In order to systematically do a good job in responding to the epidemic financial services, on March 31, our bureau also jointly issued the "Several Measures for Financial Services to Support epidemic Prevention and Control and Stable Economic and Social Development", also known as the "Golden Twelve Articles", which mainly strengthens financial relief and support for enterprises from three aspects:

The first is to guide financial institutions to highlight the financial relief of small and medium-sized enterprises and industries with special difficulties. Financial institutions are required not to blindly draw loans, break loans, or press loans for small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households that have difficulties in repayment due to the impact of the epidemic; actively do a good job in the continuation and conversion of the deferred principal and interest payment policy after the expiration of the policy, and help to do a good job in the continuation of funds. For enterprises related to epidemic prevention and control and enterprises greatly affected by the epidemic, formulate special service plans, arrange special credit lines, appropriately reduce loan interest rates, and reduce or waive financial service fees. At the same time, do a good job of protecting the credit reporting rights and interests of enterprises and individuals affected by the epidemic.

The second is to actively do a good job in the docking of corporate financing services. Establish a normalized docking and coordination mechanism, continue to strengthen the docking with the competent departments of the industry, and push the financing needs of enterprises in the supply of epidemic prevention and control materials and enterprises in industries affected by the epidemic to banking institutions on a daily basis. Relying on the comprehensive financial service platform, guide financial institutions and enterprises to achieve online docking, and build a green channel for enterprise financing guarantees to provide financing support for enterprises. Strengthen special bank-enterprise docking activities and financial counseling special offensive actions to ensure "continuous filing" during the epidemic period.

The third is to implement the reward and punishment mechanism for financial institutions. Take the implementation of policies and support for enterprises by financial institutions during the epidemic period as an important basis for the assessment of financial institutions by the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and convene a forum of bank governors in a timely manner to report on the work situation, and if the implementation of the policy is ineffective, the satisfaction of the enterprise is low, or the adverse impact is caused by the withdrawal of loans, loan breaks, etc., the municipal leaders or the responsible persons of the financial supervision departments will conduct interviews according to the situation to ensure the implementation of various measures.

In addition, on April 2, our province also formulated and issued the "Implementation Plan for Promoting the Recovery and Development of Difficult Industries in the Service Industry Sector in Shandong Province", in which the financial support policy is clear and guides financial institutions to give priority to supporting difficult enterprises in the service industry. In the next step, we will actively implement relevant policies and measures, guide the majority of financial institutions to do a good job in helping enterprises to bail out financial services, stabilize market players, boost market confidence, and contribute financial strength to the stable economic and social development of the city!