
Be the great heroine of your life - the beauty of the chaotic world

author:Sunny lynnliu

The film Gone with the Wind is based on the novel Gone with the Wind, set at the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861. It perfectly recreates the whole process of the southern plantation economy and slave ownership system from prosperity to decline. This epoch was the transition from the slave-owning economy to the chaotic world of capitalist economy, a period of great changes in all aspects of social politics, economy, culture and ideology. The trajectory of the heroine Scarlett's fate shows the spirit of a woman in a chaotic world who stubbornly resists the beating and indomitable struggle of fate.

Only the land is eternal!

Scarlett's father's words – you're still young enough to appreciate the love for the land beneath your feet. The earth is all-encompassing, all-encompassing, its thickness and vastness, just like the mother, selflessly nurturing all things, as long as we insist on working ceaselessly, the land under our feet will always give us the reward of life. Life is full of variables, there are both surprises and accidents, only based on the present, the unremitting struggle to live every day is the eternal main theme.

Be the great heroine of your life - the beauty of the chaotic world

The protagonist Scarlett, the youngest daughter of a wealthy manor owner in the South during the Civil War, has a proud beauty and a brash personality, under the favor of her father and family, the young she is no different from a princess who has been pampered by thousands of people. She can easily use her beauty to gain the admiration of the men around her, except for the gentle Ashley, the white moonlight that she has admired since childhood. Conceited and proud, she has never tasted something she can't get, and Ashley is a rare Waterloo in her life.

Be the great heroine of your life - the beauty of the chaotic world

She deliberately flirted with various men in order to attract the attention of her sweetheart Ashley, but as a young man, she did not have enough life experience and wisdom, and he could not read Ashley, let alone enter his heart.

She has become the object of envy of all women, but she secretly envies Melanie who can have Ash power.

Arrogantly, she stubbornly believes that Ashley loves her, and she stubbornly and boldly confesses despite Ashley's engagement to her cousin Melanie, but she does not get a response.

So the young and vigorous she retaliated by choosing to marry someone she did not love, and before the wedding was held, the news of her fiancé's death came, and she became the youngest widow.

The status of a widow did not curb her indulgent and willful nature, and she could not bear to go out to dance in loneliness before the mourning period, and danced with the mercurial Brad at the ball to make her out of the limelight. Her vanity was greatly satisfied, and she was transformed back into a vibrant, radiant Scarlett!

Be the great heroine of your life - the beauty of the chaotic world

The chaotic world does not allow children to grow up. After the Outbreak of the Civil War, Ashley joined the army and entrusted the pregnant Melanie to Scarlett's care. She calmly and courageously delivered Melanie's baby, and after Barryd had to abandon her, she bravely and firmly drove melanie back to her hometown of Terra.

The days of starvation on the way to escape made the arrogant young lady grow up overnight, her tenacious will to survive was stimulated, and she secretly swore: God testifies, I will never starve again.

Scarlett: May God be my witness, they will not let me give in, I will get through it, after the war I will never go hungry again, never! Nor does it make me. People starve, even if I lie, to steal, to cheat, even to kill. May God be my witness and I will never go hungry again.

Be the great heroine of your life - the beauty of the chaotic world

Self-improvement, she has become a strong person in life. Her elderly father was delirious, and she took on the role of family member without hesitation, leading her family to cultivate the land, she ran a sawmill, and she made the business prosperous in the chaotic world. He even took on the livelihood of Ashley and Melanie's two sons.

Scarlett is adept at using her natural beauty advantages to grab all the resources that are beneficial to her. In order to pay the high land tax, she deliberately dressed up to seduce Brad, who refused. A road does not work, she immediately and unscrupulously seduced her sister's fiancé, and finally got the protection of life by betraying her marriage.

She is also a refined egoist with clear goals and no regard for the feelings of others. A series of operations without a lower limit, people have to admire the bravery of this woman, she is not afraid of all gossip, as long as she can achieve the goal in her heart, she is willing to pay any price.

Be the great heroine of your life - the beauty of the chaotic world

Her second husband died unexpectedly, and she became a widow again. Soon after, he married the wealthy Brad.

Brad truly loved her and was willing to give her everything she wanted, both material and loving. Their first daughter was born, and Brad projected his love for her onto her. Love Wu and Wu, how much he loves Scarlett, how much he loves his daughter.

Sadly, Scarlett at that time did not cherish the blessings given to her by God. She is inseparable from her husband, but she continues to stir Up Ashley, and her self-respecting behavior spreads to Red's ears, sowing the seeds of the disintegration of the marriage between the two.

Be the great heroine of your life - the beauty of the chaotic world

Dostoevsky once said: Love concrete people, not abstract people. The obsessive infatuation of youth is a barrier that Scarlett can't pass. Even if Brad gave her everything she dreamed of and loved her with all her life,her closed heart could not perceive it, and she was always stubborn and naïve to fantasize about unrealistic dreams. Her desire to get Ashley had never changed, and it had become her obsession.

The person who truly loves you is the one who sees through all your flaws and can tolerate you. Reading countless people, Red has seen through Scarlett's selfishness and vanity since his first acquaintance, but he still can't help but fall in love with her, and after marriage, he indulges her like a father, even if he understands that her mind is still on Ashley, he still can't let go of Scarlett, thinking that sooner or later with his love will touch this wayward woman.

Brad: The funniest thing about the whole incident is that Mr. Ashley, who has a long-standing uneasy conscience, can neither be psychologically loyal to his wife, but does not dare to really cheat. Why can't he make this decision?

Ashley's character is a gentle and elegant male brother image that girls easily admire. Speak politely, but are actually good at playing word games. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a nest in a delicate coat. This kind of man often can't bear the burden of life, and this side of him is also shown in the film, and he is decadent and numb after the war, and even needs Scarlett to support him. He lived a selfish and cowardly life, he did not directly reject Scarlett's confession, and used ambiguous prevarications to make Scarlett hope for a lifetime, indirectly delaying Scarlett's happiness in life. It wasn't until finally his wife Melanie died and his spiritual pillar collapsed that he let out his heart: Scarlett, what should I do, how can I live without her, everything I have, followed her. He had always loved Melanie, not Scarlett.

Be the great heroine of your life - the beauty of the chaotic world

Scarlett's overly conceited personality makes her unable to see the people around her and her own heart. Until finally the young girl fell off her horse and died, her husband Brad left her with a heart full of holes. She suddenly realized that the person she loved was her husband Brad.

The good cards of her life were turned into tragedies by her.

Finally she muttered bitterly: What should I do, I have to think hard about how to get Ridder back.

Soon she was scrappy again, and she decided that she was going back to Terra, back to her beloved land, and she was going to get back on her feet to win Red's heart.

Tomorrow, after all, is a new day.

Be the great heroine of your life - the beauty of the chaotic world

Scarlett composed her wonderful and legendary chapter of destiny in the midst of chaos. She is full of strong vitality and is always full of enthusiasm for life. She was not discouraged by the near-devastating blow of losing her daughter, her friends, and her husband. Her indomitable spiritual strength allows her to regain her confidence in whatever situation she is in and never bow to fate.

At the end of the film, we are not told if she can recover Red, leaving us with endless imagination. But her exuberant vitality and love of life teach us a vivid lesson — that man can be destroyed, but never defeated. Instead of being bound by pain, it is better to choose to go forward, and perhaps there will be a different turning point in life.