
Morning Light Whisper: Time and fortune are elusive

author:Mortal Notes

1, the fortune of the times, is really unpredictable. Those who work hard do not necessarily succeed, but those who do not work hard succeed. Hard work in learning culture, not hard work on finding people to pull relationships.

Morning Light Whisper: Time and fortune are elusive

2, good looks are a big resource. Previously, there was a young man who was a soldier, who looked good, was arranged to be a service soldier in the division headquarters, and was very good at things, and he got along with the division commander's thousands of gold. After getting married, my father-in-law naturally contributed, first becoming a squad leader, a platoon leader, a company person, all the way up, and even became a very big official. I went out to school with him, and it took a lot of effort and didn't come up with it. With a handsome face and a show mouth, people can go all over the world. It is not women's beauty that dominates, but men's beauty that also has a great advantage.

3. Some poets also learn from Haizi and hope to have a big name. The result is that you can't learn. It's not just that you can't learn, but you can't do it with time and luck! When the poet becomes a laughingstock, who cares about you!

4. True Buddhist cultivators are also poets. If you have a meditative state, you can find a poetic mind. The poetic heart is a pure child's heart. Children are natural poets. When you grow up, your heart is mixed, your heart is wild, your heart is vulgar, and you are no longer called a poet.

Morning Light Whisper: Time and fortune are elusive

5, the ancients can determine what kind of person it is from a woman's standing or sitting posture. There is a scientific basis for this. You look at the American movie star Mary Monroe. Bare arms and bare legs, sitting without sitting, standing without standing, always a flattering look. It was impossible for such a woman to make her a good wife and mother. Her heart was born wild, and it was impossible for her to become a virtuous housewife.

6, petty bourgeois people are mostly proud. I always feel that it is a young master or a princess. I was so proud. It's also very delicate. Such people always have some ancestral grace and have to live a petty bourgeois life. These people are always some distance away from the workers, the peasants, the ordinary laborers. They are always on top and are looking down upon the masses.

7, being a writer, invisibly will always make people talk nonsense, is that people have views, and views are impossible to satisfy everyone.

Morning Light Whisper: Time and fortune are elusive

8) Emperors sometimes want to live a mortal life. It's cold in the heights. In fact, the worst thing is the life of a mortal. It is not easy to eat a bite of rice.

9, economic differences, but also determine the division of people. In order to achieve the equality of people, we must first pursue common prosperity.

10, do not envy the swimming fish and flying birds in the water. The sea is big, the sky is big, it survives, and it is always staged at the speed of life and death. There are many predators.

Morning Light Whisper: Time and fortune are elusive

11. Meditation is a kind of small happiness. There is no clamor of the bazaar, just hear the inner voice, that's enough!

12. There is no way in the world, and there is no way to live. It is good to be appropriate, but there is a point, do not endanger others and society, you must take the right path!

Morning Light Whisper: Time and fortune are elusive

(Author: Xu Jingchun)