
"Epidemic" line her strength

author:Chinese women

At present, the situation of epidemic prevention and control in Shanghai is severe and complex, in the face of this sudden round of epidemic "spring cold", the executive committees of the Women's Federation at all levels in Huangpu District cannot resign, and they have shown their responsibility in all walks of life, joined hands with the women's masses to fight with one heart, and gathered strong forces with ordinary shimmer.

Luo Lan

Take care of those who need care the most

"Epidemic" line her strength

Due to the various restrictions brought about by the epidemic, many pregnant mothers are also facing many inconveniences such as obstetric examination problems and physical discomfort. When Luo Lan, executive committee member of the Huangpu District Women's Federation, learned of these situations, he immediately decided to do something for pregnant mothers! Under her coordination and contact, the Huangpu District Women's Federation and the Shanghai Zhengyi Charity Foundation jointly brought online public welfare consultation activities to pregnant mothers under their jurisdiction, and invited Dr. Ma Meiying, a former obstetrics and gynecology expert of Shanghai International Peace Maternal and Child Health Hospital, to answer questions for pregnant mothers regularly every Tuesday night.

At the same time, as the general manager of Shanghai Yahui Garment Technology Co., Ltd., Luo Lan does not forget to give back to the society more. During the epidemic period, Luo Lan and other female entrepreneurs stepped forward to respond to the assistance needs of the Municipal Women's Federation, and in just three days, the funds raised reached 275,620 yuan, and the value of urgently needed materials was 170,800.6 yuan; in the face of the material needs generated by the closed management of the Children's Hospital of Fudan University, Luo Lan and others urgently collected more than a dozen kinds of urgently needed daily necessities and food such as blankets, toiletries, and instant noodles, which were sent to the hands of medical staff at the first time.

Qi Liping

Incarnate "Big White" in the sealed control community

"Epidemic" line her strength

She is the chairman of the Wuliqiao Street Women's Federation, as the executive committee of the District Women's Federation, she took the initiative to ask for help and quickly signed up for the temporary party branch of the epidemic prevention and control of the party members in the community on the morning of the 14-day closed management of the community, and participated in the epidemic prevention work of the community for the first time. She not only incarnated as "Big White", shuttled between the community gate and the residential building every day to transport supplies, but also took the initiative to act as a corridor cleaner with her family, and was affectionately called "China's good neighbor" by the neighbors. "Cartons of milk, vegetables, fruits, from the community gate to the residential building, a distance of tens of meters, several of our female comrades took tens of thousands of steps in the afternoon." She confessed, "I transferred from the army, my physical fitness has always been very good, and now I feel that my body is almost unbearable." Her mother was inspired by her and also volunteered in the community. Now, Qi Liping has returned to Wuliqiao Street and is on duty in the office 24 hours a day with colleagues, carrying out a new round of sweeping and mapping and organizing nucleic acid testing.

Wang Siye

Epidemic home is also "green"

"Epidemic" line her strength

She is the head of a non-profit organization and the executive committee of the District Women's Federation. During the epidemic period, she led the company's small partners to "fight the epidemic at home", connecting "life masters", Huangpu District community gardeners, urban green farmer lecturers, community "green neighborhoods", and green life enthusiasts to meet online, open the green life public welfare cloud course, and meet with residents online every afternoon, with content ranging from spring flowers, recognizing flowers, chatting to online flower viewing, home storage, which was well received by community residents. At the same time, she and her family took the initiative to sign up as community volunteers and carried out epidemic prevention services again and again. "I feel very meaningful about being a volunteer and doing what I can with my family to prevent and control the epidemic."

Wang Jiaqi

Guard the last mile of residents' health

"Epidemic" line her strength

Wang Jiaqi is the general secretary of the party branch of Xinhua Residential District in Huaihai Middle Road Street and the executive committee member of the Women's Federation of Residential Areas. On the day of the closed management of nucleic acids for all employees, the neighborhood committee went to the Madang vegetable farm to buy 10 kilograms of green leafy vegetables in preparation for the residents' unforeseen needs, and at the same time did a good job of explanation and consolation. With hearts for hearts, the residents of the neighborhood committee also see and remember in their hearts.

In the face of the complex and changeable epidemic situation, Wang Jiaqi reached a consensus with the two enterprises in the business building in advance every day, and once there was a situation, he immediately notified everyone to work from home. The property also has people isolated at home, the logistics support force is insufficient, the neighborhood committee timely discussed the revision plan with the industry committee and the property, adjusted the building takeaway and express delivery collection methods, and the WeChat in the resident group often notifies continuously. "As soon as the weekend comes, we will come to ring the alarm bell, and we must always remind us so that the residents' epidemic prevention nerves will not relax." Wang Jiaqi said.

Hu Cuirong

Be a warm-hearted person in the community

"Epidemic" line her strength

Hu Cuirong, 71, is the executive committee member of the Women's Federation of the Ningbo Neighborhood Committee on the Bund Street and a warm-hearted person in the community, from safety patrols to garbage sorting, she can be seen in almost every volunteer service. During the epidemic period, she took the initiative to act as a publicist and guide for community epidemic prevention and control, cooperated with the block chief to notify residents to participate in the nucleic acid testing of all employees, and reminded everyone to take a screenshot of the registration QR code in advance. "Although I am not young, I can still serve the masses at critical moments and do something meaningful, and I feel very motivated." After the nucleic acid sampling work was completed, Hu Cuirong came to the garbage bin room of the community to be on duty to guide the residents to do a good job in garbage classification.

"There are no heroes who fall from the sky, only mortals who stand up."

Everyone is fighting this war with practical actions. We are convinced that every persistent perseverance will usher in the dawn!