
People who can live past the age of 90 have 29 common characteristics

author:Medical care
People who can live past the age of 90 have 29 common characteristics

Recently, several different research institutes in the United States and Europe have conducted follow-up surveys of longevity people living everywhere. Combining their findings, they found that people over the age of 90 have the following 30 common features:

1. See a doctor: Rarely go to the hospital.

2. Take medicine: The total amount of medication (including nutritional drugs) in a lifetime is much lower than average.

3. Medical history: Most people do not have a long-term serious illness in middle age and youth.

4. Meal size: The overall amount is small, but it does not exclude the right amount of snacks.

5. Nutrition: The diet contains high protein, low fat, light, not partial to food, pay attention to diversity, and are willing to try new foods.

6. Drinking alcohol: Not all alcohol. Those who have this habit should only drink. None had a long history of alcoholism.

7. Smoking: Most do not smoke at present, if you do not smoke much, not addicted, and like to use pipes.

People who can live past the age of 90 have 29 common characteristics

8. Drinking tea: Most people have the habit of drinking tea from a young age and have maintained it to this day.

9. Work and rest: Most people have the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

10. When sleeping: the average is 6 to 7.5 hours, and it remains stable, from time to time more and less. Most do not take a midday nap.

11. Sports: The types of activities are very different, but can be persistent; and more willing to be outdoors.

People who can live past the age of 90 have 29 common characteristics

12. Physiology: Most have the following 5 characteristics:

1) Stature: Medium. Average height: Male: 171 cm, Female: 157 cm.

2) Weight: not too heavy or too light, and the change with age is small.

3) Muscle: good diastolicity;

4) Skin: more elastic;

5) Grip force: powerful and lasting.

People who can live past the age of 90 have 29 common characteristics

13. Sanity: There are few people suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

14. Brain power: The decline of discriminating, cognitive, logical, memory and expression is relatively slow, and they consciously exercise and strengthen these abilities.

15. Retirement: Most people are around 65 years old. Those who retire prematurely do not live long.

16. Foster care: Fewer people live in nursing homes all year round.

17. Grooming: Pay attention to clothing, appearance, manners, personal attire and home cleanliness, not luxury, but self-appreciation.

18. Independence: Most of them tend to be self-reliant, autonomous, and self-reliant, subjectively and objectively, on the environment, children, relatives and friends.

People who can live past the age of 90 have 29 common characteristics

19. Experience: In past lives, especially in the middle age, most people have experienced adventures and hardships.

20. Depression: Many people have experienced emotional depression at the age of 50 or 60, but then they can adjust to a new life.

21. Nostalgia: Most people cherish, feel nostalgic and beautiful feelings about the past, but they do not lament that their personal experiences and social environment are not as good as before, and they do not want to go back to the past, but are more willing to live in the changeable and colorful present.

22. Social: There are stable, appropriate, more harmonious, more close partners, families and circles of friends.

23. Small talk: Like to talk with acquaintances and even raw people, even "gossip", but generally do not keep in mind, do not move right and wrong.

24. Dialectics: Being able to see the favorable and the good in situations that many people around think are unfavorable. Do not drill the tip of the bull's horn.

25. Change: When the environment changes, you can adjust your attitude and practices in time, and your adaptability is relatively strong.

26. Seeking innovation: Have a strong understanding and interest in current affairs, new knowledge, and things around you, and strive to do it.

People who can live past the age of 90 have 29 common characteristics

27. Personality: optimistic, cheerful, have a sense of humor, often laugh out loud. Peaceful, carefree, with few quarrels.

28. Pragmatic: It is easy to feel satisfied and fulfilled, not to compare with others, and to know how to enjoy the happy days that are there and are there.

29. Life and Death: Less concerned about the issue of death and worrying about it. Live a day, live a good day; live a year, live a good year.