
Nanfeng: Make every effort to ensure the safety of forest fire prevention during the Qingming Festival

author:Nanfeng County Rong Media Center
Nanfeng: Make every effort to ensure the safety of forest fire prevention during the Qingming Festival
Nanfeng: Make every effort to ensure the safety of forest fire prevention during the Qingming Festival
Nanfeng: Make every effort to ensure the safety of forest fire prevention during the Qingming Festival

During the Qingming period, our county effectively strengthened forest fire prevention work, vigorously advocated civilized sacrifice sweeping, strengthened mountain forest inspection and control, and ensured that the Qingming forest fire prevention was safe and orderly.

Nanfeng: Make every effort to ensure the safety of forest fire prevention during the Qingming Festival

At the Taiyuan Township Cemetery, volunteers are guiding villagers who come to sweep the grave to wear masks and scan codes to enter the cemetery area, and at the same time, they advise the villagers who carry candles and paper money to sweep smokeless sacrifices, and distribute flowers for free for them to use for sacrifice sweeping.

Nanfeng: Make every effort to ensure the safety of forest fire prevention during the Qingming Festival

Liao Wenfa, a villager in Taoyuan Township, said: "Now the county advocates civilized sacrifice sweeping, and we also actively respond to the call of the county to not set off firecrackers and do not burn straw paper." ”

During the Qingming Festival is an important period of forest fire prevention, all localities in our county have effectively strengthened their work, strictly controlled the use of fires for sacrifice and wildland fires, fully implemented the duty system, and organized forest rangers to strengthen mobile publicity and regular inspections of key areas and areas along traffic routes and cemeteries, and made every effort to build a firewall and resolutely eliminate fire hazards.

Nanfeng: Make every effort to ensure the safety of forest fire prevention during the Qingming Festival

Reporter: Peng Chen