
Wuping Forest Reform for 20 years| and Qingshan as a companion! A piece of Dan heart guarded the forest ~

author:Wu Ping released

Editor's Note

Wuping is the birthplace of the reform of the collective forest rights system that General Secretary Xi Jinping personally grasped and personally led, and is known as the "first county of forest reform in the country". On December 30, 2001, the first new version of the forest rights certificate was issued in the "Source of Forest Reform" in Wan'an Jiewen Village, Wuping County, and it has been 20 years since then. In order to continue to carry forward the pioneering spirit of forest reform of "dare to be the first and relay struggle", and further adhere to the deepening of forest reform as a benchmark and green development as a demonstration, the Wuping County Rong Media Center opened a column of "20 Years of Wuping Forest Reform". Launched today - "Liu Fatian: With Qingshan as a companion, 23 years a Dan heart to guard the forest".

Liu Fatian: Companion with Qingshan

For 23 years, a piece of Dan heart guarded the forest

Xiangdian Town, Wuping County, is the hometown of General Liu Yalou, the first commander of the Air Force of the Republic, and also a demonstration point for forest reform, from serious indiscriminate logging and frequent forest fires to lush mountains and forests, and a beautiful and pleasant environment, Liu Fatian, the leader of the forest ranger, witnessed this great change in mountain forests.

Wuping Forest Reform for 20 years| and Qingshan as a companion! A piece of Dan heart guarded the forest ~

On March 31, taking advantage of the clear weather, Liu Fatian, who was worried about the forest, ate breakfast, hiked up the mountain early in the morning, stopped from time to time to look up at the green trees on the side of the road, excited and sighed, "This forest is much denser than more than 20 years ago!" ”

Wuping Forest Reform for 20 years| and Qingshan as a companion! A piece of Dan heart guarded the forest ~

In 1998, Liu Fatian leased more than 1,000 acres of forest farm from the village to watch over, and took the initiative to sign up as a ranger in the township. In the daily patrol of the mountain ranger, he often found that someone had illegally cut down the trees, and the thick trees collapsed violently, which was shocking but powerless to stop, "How can we protect the forest in the end?" It became an inexplicable worry in his heart.

In 2002, the spring wind of forest reform also blew to Xiangdian, the collective mountain forest was divided into each household self-management, just as the so-called "mountain fixed power, tree fixed roots, people fixed heart", everyone had a sense of sovereignty, began to protect the forest with heart, and hoped that the forest land they were allocated could be more lush than other parents. Ranger Liu Fatian looked sweet in his eyes and said, "The forest quickly became visibly dense, and I could finally breathe a sigh of relief." ”

In 2003, Xiangdian restructured the forest farm and transferred the forest farm to public bidding. Liu Fatian of "Ailin" did not want to miss the opportunity, borrowed 90,000 yuan and bid a high price of 1,500 mu to thin the forest and barren mountains, and carried out reforestation. But I didn't want to, and I caused a 4-month prison sentence. "At that time, I did not fully understand the policy, and I did not know that I had to apply for a forest logging permit first, so I directly cleared the forest and afforested the mountain." Through this lesson, he made up a lot of forestry policies and laws and regulations, and told foresters from door to door that they should understand "forest" to protect forests.

Wuping Forest Reform for 20 years| and Qingshan as a companion! A piece of Dan heart guarded the forest ~

After three or four years of meticulous afforestation and care, Liu Fatian's mountain field gradually greened up, and the small saplings grew lush, which made him both happy and worried, "such a large forest farm, management and care need a lot of funds, the most difficult time owes more than 500,000 forest fees." Fortunately, the national forestry support policy is getting better and better, since 2010, Liu Fatian can apply for the central financial forest care subsidy every year, which solves many of his urgent needs. Whenever he talked about this matter, he was extremely happy, "Thanks to the country's good forestry policy, saving me from water and fire, and also saving the whole township mountain forest." Soon, Liu Fatian's mountain forest reached the age of rearing and cutting, the funds slowly returned, and by 2015, all the foreign debts had been paid off, and gradually got rid of poverty and became well-off, and built a three-story small Western-style building in the market town.

Wuping Forest Reform for 20 years| and Qingshan as a companion! A piece of Dan heart guarded the forest ~

In 2016, with the deepening of the reform of the forest rights system and the further reform of the forest resource management and protection mechanism, the township urgently needed an experienced forest ranger team leader to lead the team to strengthen the work of patrolling the mountains and protecting the forest. Liu Fatian, who learned the news, went to register for the first time, and became the captain of the forest ranger as he wished through layers of screening, he said, "It is not a big deal to see his own forest, and it is only when he looks after the forest of the whole township that he is really capable; it is not a big deal if he is rich, and it is called really capable when he leads the people of the whole township to be rich!" From 2016 to 2021, he walked countless times on the thousands of acres of woodland under his jurisdiction in the whole town, and he knew the growth of trees at each hill, which became a concern he could not let go. While guarding the green waters and green mountains, he also generously shared various ways of rich forests with forest farmers, leading the villagers to get rid of poverty and get rich together to live a good life.

Wuping Forest Reform for 20 years| and Qingshan as a companion! A piece of Dan heart guarded the forest ~

Today's Xiangdian Town, with flourishing grass and trees in the mountains, a thousand meteorological conditions under the forest, a forest area of 128,800 mu, and a forest coverage rate of 81.69%, complements the red culture and becomes a good place for pleasant oxygen, tourism and play, and research and popularization.

Wuping Forest Reform for 20 years| and Qingshan as a companion! A piece of Dan heart guarded the forest ~

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