
"First Class Carcinogen" revealed? WHO calls for or stop eating, please tell your parents after reading it

author:Armor nurse
Talk about cancer discoloration, once talking about cancer, everyone will be very afraid, cancer originates from people's epithelial cells, malignant tumors are very harmful to the health of the human body, although the current medical technology and means are more developed, but there is no complete treatment of cancer, the so-called disease from the mouth into, the people to eat for the day, a balanced nutritional food on the health of the body is a very good maintenance effect, unhealthy food will cause certain safety hazards to our body, but also lead to a high incidence of cancer.

Do people with cancer need to avoid eating and drinking?

According to the general situation, cancer patients need to adjust their diet structure in time, and some foods in their daily lives can be eaten without eating, such as cigarettes and alcohol that have been moldy food, piping hot boiling water and pickled content, spicy cabbage, fried foods and other such foods as much as possible to eat less.

"First Class Carcinogen" revealed? WHO calls for or stop eating, please tell your parents after reading it

Because it may aggravate the body's strength and make it worse, it will have some adverse effects on later treatment, but does it need to be changed to choose a diet based on its own development and the severity of the disease? For example, some patients with cold cancer should avoid raw cold food in life, and for patients with fever-type cancer, they need to avoid spicy foods.

"First Class Carcinogen" revealed? WHO calls for or stop eating, please tell your parents after reading it

What do you know about aflatoxin?

Aflatoxin is more common in the food of the floating fungus mold, its reproduction rate is faster, and it is very easy to evacuate the surface, there will be yellow-green and microflora branches continue to spread on the surface of the food, it is a very serious carcinogen, known as a first-class carcinogen, the toxicity is very strong, the damage to the human body is very serious, especially for people's kidneys and stomachs.

"First Class Carcinogen" revealed? WHO calls for or stop eating, please tell your parents after reading it

"First Class Carcinogen" revealed? WHO calls for a cessation of consumption and must be passed on to parents after reading it

1. Bitter melon seeds

Melon seeds in ordinary life is the most common type of snack, now the weather is gradually picking up, when entertaining relatives and friends, everyone will take out melon seeds and melon seeds a type of food, but melon seeds will also appear moldy, moldy when there will be aflatoxin, it will be melon seeds appear bitter phenomenon.

"First Class Carcinogen" revealed? WHO calls for or stop eating, please tell your parents after reading it

Hanging block the phenomenon of stomach bitterness, most of them are due to the storage time is too long or stored in a cool position to make it moldy, so if you find that the melon seeds are bitter, then please throw it away in time and do not use it again.

2. Spoiled vegetable oil

Shengyou in the kitchen is a must-have ingredient, whether it is stir-fried or boiling soup need to use it, but with the continuous development of society, people began to abandon animal cooking oil, and began to choose plant-based cooking oil, large plant cooking oil storage time is too long, easy to appear moldy phenomenon, there will be a smell of garbage. Compared with the more common plant-based edible oil, olive oil, soybean oil, corn oil, etc., it is easy to appear moldy, if used, it will cause our liver to accumulate toxins and endanger physical health, which in turn will lead to the emergence of cancer.

"First Class Carcinogen" revealed? WHO calls for or stop eating, please tell your parents after reading it

3. Moldy sweet potatoes

Everyone usually prefers to eat sweet potatoes, but if the storage time of sweet potatoes is too long, especially in a cool and humid environment, there will be mildew phenomena, producing aflatoxin, if it is tried, it will cause the human body to have a poisoning reaction, endangering our gastrointestinal and liver health to increase the burden on the body, thereby improving the probability of cancer.

"First Class Carcinogen" revealed? WHO calls for or stop eating, please tell your parents after reading it

4. Moldy nuts

Nuts are a type of food that everyone usually likes to eat, mostly like peanuts, walnuts, almonds, etc., but if the storage method is not correct, it will cause mold. After accidental ingestion, it will cause certain damage to the body, and it must be thrown away.

"First Class Carcinogen" revealed? WHO calls for or stop eating, please tell your parents after reading it

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