
Drink more water to maintain health? Doctor reminds: Drink water also depends on the time, these 4 time periods try not to drink

author:Dr. Xiaodong talks about health

As the saying goes: water is the source of life, 70% of the body is composed of water, sufficient water participates in the circulation of various tissues and organs of the body, providing a steady stream of energy for operation

Under normal circumstances, the food used every day also has water, but for adults, more than 2,000 milliliters of water need to be ingested a day to meet the normal metabolic and physiological needs of the body.

Drink more water every day, can promote metabolism, vacuum thick blood, help to good health, prevent a variety of diseases, and since ancient times, we will drink water as the best way to maintain health, Lu You also once used a poem to express the love of drinking water "The elixir nine turns too many things, serving water can chase the immortals."

Drink more water to maintain health? Doctor reminds: Drink water also depends on the time, these 4 time periods try not to drink

1, drinking water for us is a relatively simple thing, water can maintain our lives, some people are lazy, do not like to drink water, and some people wait until the thirst can not stand to drink water, this is not normal practice, to be in good health, to develop a good habit of drinking more water every day.

2, the water in the body can help us detoxify, help our body metabolism, all the organs in our body need water environment to operate normally, only when the water is sufficient, can the body's metabolic waste and toxins be cleaned, so that we can have a healthy body.

3, the body of liquid water accounted for seventy-five percent, another important task of water is to stabilize body temperature, if the body temperature is relatively high, especially when the fever, on behalf of the water is insufficient, need to drink water to maintain body temperature, drinking water can also reduce fever.

Drink more water to maintain health? Doctor reminds: Drink water also depends on the time, these 4 time periods try not to drink

4, many friends will have constipation, may wish to drink a glass of water after getting up, can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation, for promoting gastrointestinal metabolism is more useful.

5, the body is dehydrated, the body's metabolites can not be eliminated in time, affecting the mental state, if you can drink water in time, you will soon feel that the spirit is better.

6, drink more water can maintain the heart, people with a bad heart should drink a glass of water before going to bed, in fact, thick blood, to avoid uh blood thick lead to insufficient coronary blood supply, reduce the incidence of angina and myocardial infarction

7, if the water is less, it will lead to blood concentration, increased viscosity, easy to induce thrombosis, so after getting up in the morning, you should drink a cup of warm boiled water to promote the discharge of sodium chloride.

Drink more water to maintain health? Doctor reminds: Drink water also depends on the time, these 4 time periods try not to drink

- After strenuous exercise

After strenuous exercise, you should avoid drinking water, after exercise, the body loses a lot of water, although it is necessary to drink water to hydrate, but from a health point of view, it is not recommended to do so.

Drinking water immediately after exercise will increase the pressure on the digestive system, and a large amount of water flows into the stomach, which is prone to sagging.

Drink more water to maintain health? Doctor reminds: Drink water also depends on the time, these 4 time periods try not to drink

- Half an hour before going to bed

Many people will drink some water before going to bed, in fact, this is an unhealthy practice, especially in the half an hour before going to bed at night, it is best not to drink water and not to eat

If you drink too much water, it is easy to cause increased nocturia. Frequent night ups can affect sleep and affect work and study the next day.

- Before meals

People will secrete digestive juices when eating, if you drink a lot of water before meals, it will dilute the concentration of digestive juices and weaken a function of digestion, so it is best to drink less water before eating.

Drink more water to maintain health? Doctor reminds: Drink water also depends on the time, these 4 time periods try not to drink

- Half an hour after a meal

After eating, a large amount of gastric acid secretion, is conducive to the digestion and absorption of food, if you drink a lot of water, will dilute stomach acid, affect the digestion speed of food, increase the burden on the stomach, easy to cause gastrointestinal diseases, so it is recommended that you do not drink immediately after eating.

Don't drink water when you feel thirsty

For various reasons, many people only think of drinking water when the body is extremely thirsty, but the body has been seriously dehydrated at this time, and it seems that it is a little late to make up for water.

Drink more water to maintain health? Doctor reminds: Drink water also depends on the time, these 4 time periods try not to drink


The time of boiling water is too long, which will reduce the oxygen content in the water, and over time lead to hardening of water quality, long-term drinking of such water is easy to form stones, and the presence of nitrites in repeated boiling water is not good for health

- Not boiled and raw water should not be drunk

Most of the water we usually use is that tap water is treated after chlorination and disinfection, and it is inevitable that there will be some harmful components and residual chlorine gas, so in the process of boiling water, the water must be completely boiled to kill the bacteria in the water and E. coli

- You should drink more water in the morning

After getting up in the morning, the participation of water is needed to awaken the various tissues and cells of the body, so after waking up in the morning, we must hydrate the body in time, which can alleviate the state of dehydration of the body, and also promote metabolism and gastrointestinal peristalsis, and discharge the toxins and garbage accumulated in the body.

Drink more water to maintain health? Doctor reminds: Drink water also depends on the time, these 4 time periods try not to drink
