
Winning the Battle of Epidemic Prevention and Resistance Party members of government organs rushed to the front

author:Zaozhuang News Network

The epidemic is the order, and prevention and control is the responsibility. In the face of the epidemic, the party members and cadres of the organs directly under the Xuecheng District moved at the behest of the orders and marched towards danger, shouting "I am a party member, I go first", planted the party flag at the forefront of epidemic prevention and control, inserted it where the masses need it most, shouldered the hard task with an iron shoulder, and took the good as the hard bone, condensing the majestic strength of the whole staff to fight the "epidemic".

It is a blessing to stand up when the masses need you

Over the past few days, Sun Wenzhen, a party member volunteer of the Xuecheng District Women's Federation, has maintained order at the community nucleic acid sampling site, guided residents to register for the "health cloud", pre-registered nucleic acid sampling, and improved the efficiency of sampling information collection. On the day when she received the call of the organization to volunteer service, she sent her 4-year-old child to zhouying's hometown, immediately rushed to the front line of the fight against the epidemic, assisted the medical staff in the Sunshine Lishe Community of The Bag Community to conduct nucleic acid sampling, and assisted in completing the nucleic acid testing and sampling tasks of more than 4,000 residents every day.

Winning the Battle of Epidemic Prevention and Resistance Party members of government organs rushed to the front

"I often teach my children that whenever the masses need you, you can stand up and contribute your own strength, which is a very happy thing." Sun Wenzhen told reporters that although the heavy work often makes her feel a little overwhelmed, she is willing to do her own modest efforts for the prevention and control of the epidemic in the whole region. "It's also a good example for children to set the right values." Sun Wenzhen said.

The original intention has not changed, and the soul of the army is still wearing a red raincoat to charge forward in the frontline of the fight against the epidemic

Recently, at the nucleic acid sampling site in Shahe community, a young man dressed in a red raincoat will always be seen killing the community environment, transporting materials from the sampling site, transporting medical staff, entering information for community residents, and checking personnel information at the door... He is Li Runqing, a volunteer party member of the Xuecheng District Committee and the Working Committee of the District Organs.

Winning the Battle of Epidemic Prevention and Resistance Party members of government organs rushed to the front

"Why are you wearing a raincoat on a sunny day?" Why aren't I wearing protective clothing? In the face of others' doubts, Li Runqing said: "Protective materials should be left to medical personnel, and their work is more dangerous." My working environment is relatively safe, wearing a raincoat is not only convenient for disinfection, but also to increase some protection capabilities, so that I can work more assured. ”

Winning the Battle of Epidemic Prevention and Resistance Party members of government organs rushed to the front

When the epidemic broke out, Li Runqing, who was formerly a retired college student soldier, signed up for the community epidemic prevention and control work at the first time and became a community epidemic prevention and control volunteer. Sometimes in the community until late at night, after going home to rest for three or four hours, I rushed to the front line. A colleague knew that he had suffered from acute myocarditis due to work fatigue, his health had not been very good, and he was worried that he was "too hard", but he said: "I am not tired, I was once a soldier who defended the border, and now I am a Communist Party member, no matter what kind of identity, as long as the people need it, I will charge ahead." Firm words, busy figures, unchanged original intentions, the soul of the army is still the same, Li Runqing used practical actions to interpret the fine tradition of "retiring without retiring, retiring from the army without fading", fully demonstrating the mission and responsibility of Communist Party members.

Retrograde upwards, "epidemic" from the beginning to persevere, is a party member is also a "heartless person" who does not go home

When the epidemic suddenly occurred, Li Min, head of the legal section of the Xuecheng District Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, took the initiative to ask for help and resolutely went to the Qingquan community to be on duty.

"The epidemic is so serious, everyone is going to their homes, why do you still go to work every day?" Moreover, Erbao is only 2 years old, you are on duty outside every day, what should you do when the child cries and calls out to his mother? In the face of family complaints, Li Min said: "I am a Communist Party member, the more this time, the more I have to obey the organizational arrangements, rush to the front, and fight the epidemic." ”

Winning the Battle of Epidemic Prevention and Resistance Party members of government organs rushed to the front

Although Li Min's family lives in the urban area, for the prevention and control of the epidemic, she eats and lives at the epidemic prevention point. "After fighting this war' epidemic, I will go home," Li Min said, under the epidemic, she chose to be a "heartless person" who did not go home. However, in the eyes of colleagues, Li Min is the warm sister in their hearts. "No matter how uncomfortable it is to wear a mask when you go out, you have to keep wearing it." In the epidemic prevention work, she told her colleagues over and over again.

In her work, Li Min insisted on being strict with her words, and she often said solemnly with a straight face: "In the epidemic prevention work, no one can be sympathetic, and no one can be missed during inspection." In order to protect the health of the people, Li Min gave full play to the spiritual character of "I am a party member and I go first", planted the party flag at the forefront of anti-epidemic volunteer service and where the masses needed it most, and profoundly interpreted the purpose of "serving the people wholeheartedly"!

Winning the Battle of Epidemic Prevention and Resistance Party members of government organs rushed to the front

The wind knows the grass, and the fire sees the real gold. When the epidemic suddenly came, a communist party member explained his responsibility and responsibility with strong arms and powerful actions. In the face of the epidemic, the vast number of party members and cadres in the organs directly under xuecheng district have rushed forward, stood up to, and relied on, extensively mobilized the masses, organized the masses, and gathered the magnificent strength of mass prevention and mass governance to defeat the epidemic, injecting inexhaustible impetus into the unity of all people to defeat the epidemic, and further strengthening the strong confidence in winning the battle against the epidemic prevention and control. (Reporter Kou Guang, Dong Yan Correspondent Yan Yating, Wang Li)