
Stepping on the green flowers, these health protection knowledge to know...

author:Industrial Qujiang
Stepping on the green flowers, these health protection knowledge to know...
Stepping on the green flowers, these health protection knowledge to know...

The storm is not over in March

The flowers bloom just right in April

Temperatures are gradually warming

It's a great time to go out and enjoy the flowers

Today we send you a "Health Book" reminding you to pay attention to new crown pneumonia, hand, foot and mouth disease, rabies, respiratory infectious diseases, brucellosis, wild plant poisoning and pollen allergies.

Stepping on the green flowers, these health protection knowledge to know...


Novel coronavirus pneumonia

At present, the global epidemic situation is still very severe, and there are local clusters of epidemics in most provinces across the country. There have been many imported local cases in our province, and the pressure of epidemic prevention and control is still relatively large, so the normalization of prevention and control work cannot be slackened.

Health tips

(1) Minimize unnecessary travel and gathering, understand the epidemic risk level of the destination and the place of passage before traveling, avoid traveling to medium and high-risk areas, and cooperate with epidemic prevention measures such as "temperature measurement, code verification, and nucleic acid testing".

(2) People from medium- and high-risk areas who come to Shaanxi and return to Shaanxi should take the initiative to cooperate with the "two stations and one" epidemic prevention and control work, and timely carry out nucleic acid testing and health monitoring. It should take the initiative to report to the unit and the local community in a timely manner, and cooperate with relevant departments to do a good job in isolation and health management.

(3) Workers in key places such as farmers' markets, food processing plants, meat factories, and airport freight should pay attention to the ventilation and disinfection of places, health monitoring, etc., and strictly prevent bringing diseases to work.

(4) Always maintain personal protection awareness, wear masks scientifically, strengthen hand hygiene, pay attention to shelter when coughing and sneezing, ventilate indoors, maintain social distance of more than one meter, do a good job of home cleaning and disinfection, and develop good hygiene habits.

(5) Vaccination of the new crown virus vaccine is an effective means of protection, and those who meet the conditions and do not have contraindications to vaccination are recommended to complete the full vaccination of the new crown virus vaccine as soon as possible; after completing the whole process of vaccination for half a year, the injection is given as soon as possible.

(6) Strengthen personal health management. If there is fever, fatigue, dry cough and other uncomfortable symptoms, go to the nearest medical institution as soon as possible (if there is fever, you need to go to the fever clinic), and take the initiative to inform the doctor of the 14-day activity trajectory and contact history. Wear a mask at all times during the visit and try to avoid taking public transportation.


Hand-foot-and-mouth disease

HFMD is an infectious disease caused by enteroviruses and occurs mostly in infants and young children under 5 years of age. April to July of each year is the main epidemic season of hand-foot-and-mouth disease in our province, and after entering April, the epidemic situation of hand-foot-and-mouth disease in our province will gradually rise.

(1) Vaccination with EV71 vaccine can prevent hand-foot-and-mouth disease caused by EV71 virus, and can reduce the occurrence of severe cases and deaths.

(2) Develop good personal hygiene habits, wash your hands before and after meals, after going out, take a bath frequently; do not drink raw water, eat raw and cold food; pay attention to covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing and coughing, and wash your hands in time to avoid dirty hands touching your mouth, eyes, and nose; at the same time, you should guide children to develop correct handwashing habits and master the "seven-step handwashing method".

(3) Families always have "84" disinfectant, pay attention to indoor and outdoor environmental hygiene, change, wash and dry clothes and bedding frequently; open windows and ventilate regularly every day to keep indoor air fresh; bottles, pacifiers and tableware commonly used by children should be cleaned and disinfected thoroughly and frequently.

(4) Try to take children to crowded public places as little as possible, especially avoid contact with children with fever and rash.

(5) Once fever, rash (especially perianal rash) or mouth ulcers appear, go to a medical institution in time, delay treatment or misdiagnosis can easily make the child develop into a severe case, and even lead to death.

(6) Kindergarten institutions should strictly implement the morning and afternoon inspection system, the registration system for absenteeism due to illness, epidemic situation reporting, ventilation and disinfection, etc., timely isolate and report when sick children are found, and do a good job in the discovery, response and disposal of clusters and outbreaks.



"Spring is coming, mad dogs are noisy; cauliflower yellow, mad dogs are crazy." Spring cats and dogs and other animals into the estrus period, is the high incidence of dog injuries, with the weather warmer, the people's outing activities increase and clothing decrease, after being bitten by dogs, easy to cause skin damage.

(1) Scientific management of pets, families with pets should apply for a dog registration certificate, take the initiative to vaccinate pets in a timely manner, and keep their pets in captivity, and do not abandon them at will.

(2) When going out to walk the dog, the dog chain, muzzle, dog cage, etc. should be used in order to control the range and behavior of the dog and avoid the occurrence of dog injury incidents.

(3) Avoid contact with wild animals and stray animals, when encountering strange cats, dogs and other animals, do not tease, play, do not run or run and jump, do not kick, pull, reduce the chance of scratching and biting, do not let animals lick skin wounds.

(4) After being bitten by dogs, cats and other animals, you should go to the nearby standardized dog injury treatment clinic as soon as possible.

(5) Pre-exposure immunization should be carried out for people with high exposure to rabies, including laboratory staff engaged in rabies research, personnel exposed to rabies patients, veterinarians, animal trainers, etc.


Respiratory infectious diseases

Spring weather is changeable, while enjoying the vitality of spring, we must also be wary of some respiratory "killers", common diseases include influenza, mumps, scarlet fever, whooping cough, chicken pox, measles, rubella and so on.

(1) For infectious diseases with vaccine prevention, such as influenza, measles, chickenpox, cheeks, etc., timely and full vaccination in accordance with the relevant vaccination requirements.

(2) Pay attention to personal hygiene and maintain good respiratory hygiene habits. Use soap or hand sanitizer and wash your hands with running water, wash your hands before eating and after going to the toilet and after touching dirty things, change, wash and dry clothes and bedding frequently; when coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue and towel, and if your hands come into contact with respiratory secretions, wash your hands immediately to avoid dirty hands touching your mouth, eyes, and nose.

(3) Open the window for ventilation several times a day to keep the indoor air fresh.

(4) Try to avoid contact with live poultry, sick and dead birds or their feces; when going out to play, avoid direct contact with animals, especially do not get too close to wild birds; try not to go to poultry slaughter markets, do not slaughter live poultry yourself.

(5) During the peak period of the epidemic, it should be avoided to go to crowded places, if relevant symptoms occur, seek medical treatment in time, and reduce contact with others, and try to rest at home.

(6) Schools and kindergartens should strengthen morning and afternoon inspections, timely find and isolate patients, and focus on preventing respiratory cluster cases or outbreaks.



Brucellosis (referred to as brucellosis), also known as lazy disease, is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by Brucella, the main clinical manifestations are long-term fever, hyperhidrosis, fatigue, joint pain, liver, spleen and lymphadenopathy. Livestock suffering from cloth disease are the main source of infection of cloth disease in humans, and the main source of infection of cloth disease in our province is sheep.

(1) Go to regular sheep farms to buy sheep, and regularly quarantine and immunize the sheep.

(2) Raising livestock should be kept in captivity, people and livestock should be separated, avoid water sources, and do not raise and mix. Places where livestock have been raised should be disinfected, especially in the event of livestock miscarriage, to avoid direct contact with the products and stillbirths, and should be immediately and thoroughly disinfected.

(3) When raising cattle and sheep, receiving lambs, milking cows, cleaning the pen, personal protection should be done, wear overalls, wear masks, rubber gloves and other protective equipment, and often disinfect and change. Wash your hands thoroughly after work and pay attention to personal hygiene.

(4) Pay attention to dietary safety, do not drink raw milk, do not eat half-cooked meat and offal; milk, goat milk should be boiled and then drunk; when eating shabu-shabu and barbecue, the meat should be cooked thoroughly before eating; when cooking and cooking, the cutting board should be separated from raw and cooked.

(5) Personnel engaged in cattle and sheep breeding, acquisition, slaughtering and processing, veterinary and other industries, in the process of work, should wear protective clothing, develop good personal hygiene habits, and timely treatment of suspicious symptoms.


Poisoning of wild plants

In April, the temperature is suitable, all kinds of wild vegetables grow vigorously, but also the high incidence of wild vegetable poisoning, foodies should pay attention to personal protection while enjoying the delicious, beware of accidental eating poisoning.

(1) Do not pick, buy, process and eat unfamiliar or unknown mountain vegetables, wild fruits and fungi when going out on outings.

(2) Do not pick wild vegetables and mushrooms in areas with poor sanitary environment and around the road.

(3) Pay attention to dietary safety, raw wild vegetables should be cleaned, and wild vegetables that are not suitable for raw food need to be soaked, steamed, cooked and other treatments.

(4) Food producers and traders should strictly control raw materials, do not pick, do not process, do not deal in unknown wild vegetables or mushrooms.

(5) If food poisoning occurs from eating wild plants, seek medical attention in time.


Pollen allergy

Spring warm flowers bloom, the group of fragrant colors, is the high incidence of pollen allergy season, go out to do a good job of protection, to avoid pollen allergies.

(1) People with a history of allergies should try to go to places with flowers and trees as little as possible, and do not smell flowers and plants casually.

(2) When going out, it is best to bring anti-allergic drugs, wear a hat, mask and long-sleeved clothing, and try to avoid direct contact with pollen. When you go home after outdoor activities, you should clean your face, take a bath, and wash off the pollen stuck to your body.

(3) Choose a time when it is not easy to develop allergies. It is best to go out for a walk in the spring, preferably after the rain, when the air is not only fresh, but also minimally affected by pollen. It is best not to go out to play in windy weather, and pollen is easy to spread in windy weather and easy to contact allergens.

(4) If you feel itchy skin, fever and cough, you should leave the place immediately and go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment in time.