
Hats off to the heroes!

author:Wonderful stone pillars
Hats off to the heroes!

Qingming Sacrifice Hero

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Dongjiang plumbing, kapok open.

The water is blue and the wind is clear, and everything is clear.

A flute sound is far away,

Telling a hundred years of history, heroes long songs.

A deep poem,

Recording the vicissitudes of the sea and the mulberry fields, the heroes and martyrs will live on forever.

Today, we stand here!

Looking out over the mighty river,

Remember the heroes, salute the heroes!

Hats off to the heroes!

This is a land of heroes!

Millennia of dynastic changes,

The famous patriotic general Yuan Chonghuan

The bold soul of Jinge Iron Horse Guarding Liaodong,

I can't finish talking about the fathers and elders of the countrymen

The remembrance and reverence for the patriotic responsibility of the Great Wall of Daming!

Both culture and martial arts, love for the people and honesty,

Riding out of the customs alone, running thousands of miles,

With one's own responsibility, we will bear the dangers of the country.

Shijie people have always been so simple and persistent,

It has always been so determined and courageous!

Hats off to the heroes!

He's our hero!

One who will honor Xuanyuan with my blood,

Patriotic celebrities who dare to sacrifice their small families for the country!

He is the wind bone of the city!

Standing monument,

It's his backbone!

A top,

It is his fearlessness and openness!

Hats off to the heroes!

The millennium is only a moment,

But the spirit can be eternal!

Looking south at the Durian Flower Tower, the hero blossoms!

Looking back at the flames of the War of Resistance, the blood is surging with blood!

Battle of Shijie Sangyuanxia,

Fired the first shot of the East River Column's South China War of Resistance,

Ignited the fire of the People's Resistance against Japan in Dongguan,

It has greatly boosted morale and people's morale.

Hats off to the heroes!

The vicissitudes of the old garden, 22 anti-Japanese heroes are buried here...

Unforgettable years,

On the Monument to the Anti-Japanese Heroes of Liu Wu,

Their indomitable names are still engraved today!

It's the history of a city!

It is a blood book written before the dawn breaks!

It is a wake-up call for peacetime!

A hundred years of glory, do not forget the national shame!

Shoulder the mission and continue to forge ahead!

This is the grandeur of the City of Heroes!

This is the red business card of the people of Dongguan!

Here, the spirit of heroism has been passed on for thousands of years.

Hats off to the heroes!

An era has an era of tests,

An era has an era of heroes!

We haven't forgotten!

He is our good Chinese man Li Weibiao,

He is an ordinary public security officer in an ordinary post.

He is a national public security model,

Brave gangsters heroic sacrifice,

Use youth to forge peace.

He is an ordinary Dongguan person,

An ordinary father, son, husband!

But he is our hero!

No one is born a hero,

It's just that some people choose to be awe-inspiring!

It's the spirit of a city!

This is a legacy of the times!

Hats off to the heroes!

In this spring of the revival of all things,

Countless retrogrades are top in order to fight the epidemic!

This is the courage and heroism of every Dongguan person in the face of difficulties!

Hats off to the heroes!

They are the white warriors who stand up!

They are the people's police who drive away evil spirits and promote righteousness!

Be a firefighting hero who will never go backwards!

They are Communists who will return if there is a war!

He is the guardian of the city who bows down to the cattle!

It is the unity of purpose in the face of danger,

Overcome each of you through the difficulties of the times,

Every one of us!

Become a hero and pay tribute to the hero!

Top hard on! Top hard on!

Hats off to the heroes!

I believe that justice will win, and the dawn will illuminate the future!

I believe that unity will win, and spring will drive out the cold winter!

Let us remember

Let's inherit

Heroes are immortal

Heroes, forever!

Author: Bi Zhonglin Liao Dongmei

Recitation: Shuai Zhigang

Hats off to the heroes!

Cloud sacrifice, send mourning

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Source: Wonderful Stone Jie

Video: Li Ruiqin Huang Guiyao

Poster/Editor: Leung So-wen

Co-ordinator/Editor: Cao Mujing