
Xu Zhongyou Online News and Literature Museum(18)

author:Writer Xu Zhongyou

Chapter 18: Xu Zhongyou commemorates Song Baoluo's work in the famous magazine "Chinese Talents"

Xu Zhongyou Online News and Literature Museum(18)
Xu Zhongyou Online News and Literature Museum(18)
Xu Zhongyou Online News and Literature Museum(18)
Xu Zhongyou Online News and Literature Museum(18)
Xu Zhongyou Online News and Literature Museum(18)
Xu Zhongyou Online News and Literature Museum(18)
Xu Zhongyou Online News and Literature Museum(18)
Xu Zhongyou Online News and Literature Museum(18)

Curator Profile:

Xu Zhongyou Online News and Literature Museum(18)

Xu Zhongyou, male, born in April 1957 in Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province, is self-taught. He once served as the director of the editorial office of Zhejiang Youth Daily, the director of the Office of the President of China Enterprise Magazine, the head of the editor-in-chief office of China News Daily of the China Journalist Association, the vice president of Huaxia Style Magazine, the deputy editor-in-chief of Chinese Talents, the deputy editor-in-chief of the Voice of Chinese Language and the editor-in-chief of the Geographical Names Culture Channel, the executive editor-in-chief of Zhejiang Civil Affairs, and the deputy editor-in-chief of Hangzhou News Group. He is currently a member of the China Reportage Literature Society, a member of the Chinese Essay Literature Society, a member of the China Documentary Literature Research Society, a distinguished researcher of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, an advisor to the editorial department of the Zhejiang Rishi of the People's Republic of China, the president and editor-in-chief of the Qiantangjiang Literary Society, the chief literary adviser of the Hangzhou Branch of the Utopia Literary Society, a member of the Zhejiang Writers Association, a member of the Xinguang Stamp Research Association, a member of the Zhejiang Postal History Research Society, an expert of the Quzhou Daily Media Group Humanities Think Tank, an advisor to the Jiangshan Writers Association, a senior journalist, a famous writer, a poet, He is a scholar of history and culture, a well-known bibliophile and a philatelist in China.

Over the past half century, Xu Zhongyou has published in people's dailys, Guangming daily, workers' dailys, China Youth Daily, people's political consultative conference newspapers, unity newspapers, Hong Kong commercial dailys, Wen Wei Po, Ta Kung Pao, Zhejiang daily, reportage, biographical literature, documentary literature, people's literature publishing house "Galaxy" poetry journal, Chinese talents, Chinese sons and daughters, Chinese CPPCC, Zongheng, Chinese youth, "China United Front", China Writers Network, "East China Sea", "Zhejiang writers", "West Lake", "documentary", "cultural exchanges", "Wenlan", "Floating Jade", as well as american overseas Chinese daily, More than 100 domestic and foreign newspapers and periodicals, such as the European Times, the Spanish Overseas Chinese Voice Newspaper, the Australian Overseas Chinese Daily, and the Singapore Lianhe Zaobao, have published 8.88 million words of reportage and news interviews with famous people from all walks of life such as politics, business, literature and art, and sports, and edited nearly 2,000 words. He has published more than 10 monographs and co-authored books such as "Dream of the Five Rings", "Jiangshan Duojiao", "Chasing Dreams with One Heart", "Brilliant Stars", and "Historical Dialogue with Hangzhou Shangcheng", especially participated in the collection and editing of the first World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Conference series "Zhejiang Merchants under the Heavens" and the gift book "We Are Zhejiang People" presented to domestic and foreign vips at the G20 Summit in Hangzhou. His works have won the first, second, and third prizes of national and local newspapers and periodicals more than 30 times, among which the reportage "Quiet Midnight" has been highly praised by Mr. Chen Huangmei, vice chairman of the China Writers Association. Zhonghua Yingcai, Chinese Yingcai, Chinese Cai, China Labor Daily, Zhejiang Daily, Qianjiang Evening News, Economic Life Daily, Lianyi Daily, Quzhou Daily, Phoenix Satellite TV, Zhejiang Satellite TV, Zhejiang Economic Television, Qianjiang City Channel, etc. have reported on his deeds in many aspects. He has also held large-scale "Xu Zhongyou News, Literary Works and Book Collection Exhibition" and high-standard works seminars in Zhejiang Library, Hangzhou Library and Zhejiang Media College, which have been well received by many parties.

President-in-Chief Xu Zhongyou

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Xu Shan

Responsible editor Xu Pengfei