
Walking through the Wudang Mountains, I met two Dao chiefs and stayed overnight at the Zixiao Palace

author:Destroy me and shape me

To Wudangshan Town, I used to get off the train in Liuliping, and then take a tricycle to the town, as if it were 6 yuan. It was the autumn of a certain year, the last place I lived in was in Xi'an, from Xi'an by train to Wudang, the plan is to live in Wudang Mountain Town, the town is not big, there is a vegetable market at the entrance, that day there is a van parked at the entrance of the vegetable market, down a few road chiefs, is to buy vegetables, I found a self-built house next to the vegetable market, the monthly rent negotiated down 800 yuan.

The first few days in the town was to hang out, at that time there were several abandoned Taoist temples in Wudang Mountain Town, Chen Shixing's brother was in a Taoist sect, Chen Shixing was in the Yuzhen Palace, at that time he was wearing a jacket, he was still very young, standing there like a javelin, at that time it was a bag to eat and live, followed by learning, the specific price I forgot. About a period of time, I want to climb Wudang Mountain (climbed once, the main gate to buy a ticket to enter), I said climbing Wudang Mountain, is to take the Wudang Mountain's Southern Shinto Road, this is the past, Hubei Henan people go up the mountain to pay homage to the True Wu Emperor when the road out, is a wild road, directly to the Zixiao Palace, I planned several times, and even went to 1/3 of the way to explore the way, but, or go wrong.

Walking through the Wudang Mountains, I met two Dao chiefs and stayed overnight at the Zixiao Palace

Wudang Mountain Town Meets True Palace

The White Daoist of the Five Dragon Palace agreed to go with me

The landlord looked at me and shook his head and said, don't go alone, she asked her nephew, it is better not to go this way alone. I listened on the surface, but actually did not think so, but for the sake of safety, I planned to explore the road first, this southern Shinto pass is in the Five Dragon Palace, the Five Dragon Palace is half of the road, but where the Five Dragon Palace goes, there is no specific route or indicators and markers, so I want to go to the Five Dragon Palace, and then ask the chief there.

That day I set off very early, from Wudang Mountain town to take a minibus, this minibus is to Danjiangkou, halfway will pass a place called Artemisia Kou, get off the car and go to the opposite side, you can go up the mountain, go inside about 2 kilometers, and then to the left, because it is close to the place of life, there are more forks in the road on the mountain, but in comparison, it can still be seen, on the top of the mountain, and then on the next mountain, and then on, there is a stream at the bottom of the valley, wash your face, and then go up, you will walk to the Five Dragon Palace. At that time, the Five Dragon Palace was still renovating, I met a Bai Daochang, bai Daochang's daughter was also in the Zixiao Palace, I asked him a few questions, and made an appointment with him the day after tomorrow, that is, after we met today, and then the next day, I still came up at this time, and then we went to the Zixiao Palace together, Bai Daochang agreed, when I went down the mountain to Wudang Mountain Town, Bai Daochang gave me a carton of milk, when I went down the mountain, I sat on the side of the road and looked at the valley, and the apple was eaten like that.

Walking through the Wudang Mountains, I met two Dao chiefs and stayed overnight at the Zixiao Palace

Five Dragon Palace, descending from the side

Or I went alone and went wrong

The day after tomorrow arrived, I still set off at 7 o'clock in the morning, and went to the Five Dragon Palace at about 12 o'clock, but the white road chief entered the mountain! I think that Taoists may not have much time, and may think that when the fate arrives, they will go together, and if they do not have fate, they will not see it. But the last time I came, he pointed me to a downhill road in front of the Five Dragon Palace, this road is the starting point of the Zixiao Palace on the Five Dragon Palace, I planned the time, decided to go alone, from the Five Dragon Palace down to the bottom of the valley is very smooth, the scenery is extremely beautiful, the beauty of wild nature, across the valley bottom of the stream, I washed my face, and then when I went up the second mountain, I found that I went wrong! The more up the more rugged, and densely covered with thorns, there seems to be a trail, and there seems to be no road, about 2 hours later it feels wrong, can not go up, had to retreat to the original road, at this time it is already more than 15:00 pm! There was no signal on the mobile phone in the mountains, and there was no sign of anyone walking on the road.

In fact, on this road, only when I was walking to the Five Dragon Palace, I met a wood chopper on the road in the forest, and he was carrying a sickle in front of him, only the two of us, but he heard my voice and did not look back, which made me more and more afraid the closer I got, afraid that he would turn around and wave his sickle back, so he greeted him from a distance. This is the only person I have met so far, the rocks of the wild road are covered with moss, dark and gloomy, very quiet, up, or not? In the end, it was the idea of adventure that prevailed, go!

In the dark of night, climb in the mountains

When I walked to the unknown first few mountains, the time had reached more than 19:00, the sky was dark, the road was there but it was not easy to identify (there were red arrows on some large stones in the corner, which were left by other apprentices), I had been illuminating it with my mobile phone, but the mobile phone was also out of power, I felt that I could not go to the head, always climbing, constantly climbing, some roads were very narrow, there were several times I stepped on the air, almost slid down the cliff, thanks to the small tree next to it, the soft shell on the body made a series of scratches, and this dress could not be worn after going down the mountain.

At 20 o'clock in the middle of the night, I still had half a piece of chocolate left, half a bottle of water (I brought a water cup, two bottles of water, a few apples, two pieces of chocolate and bread, all consumed), I sat down, at this time there was some mountain wind, whistling through the forest under the night, there was a little moonlight, I suddenly remembered the poem, suddenly a little cool, I sat down, took a small bite of chocolate, sipped some water, my heart was very relieved, I couldn't go, if I couldn't go up, wait for dawn!

From 7 o'clock in the morning to 20 o'clock in the evening, it has been 13 hours, there is still no sign of going to the Purple Heaven Palace, the autumn mountain wind whistles, although it is night, the visibility is very good, occasionally heard a few shouts, wondering if it is the sound of the beast?

In the night, there are two Kun Dao chiefs swinging on the swing

It was about 22:00 p.m., when I suddenly heard a female voice! Carefully identify, confirm that it is not auditory hallucinations, and then turn up a small hill, found a black wall in the night, the sound is coming from behind the wall, I eagerly climbed to a high place, this wall was originally the back wall of the Zixiao Palace, the two KunDao in the courtyard swing at night while chatting, I shouted loudly, Dao Chief!

The dao chief helped me open the moon door behind me, pointed accommodation, a room with 4 beds, the wall was pasted with Zhang Sanfeng Dan Daofa, washed outside, a house although 4 beds, but only I was alone, although I was very tired, but did not sleep, walked to the front of the hall, the moonlight shone down in vain, the stone floor in front of the hall was glowing with blue light, much like a scene in a martial arts movie, back to the house, soon fell asleep.

Walking through the Wudang Mountains, I met two Dao chiefs and stayed overnight at the Zixiao Palace

Purple Palace

Zixiao Palace Zhan Ye

The next day paid the money, 20 yuan or 10 yuan a bed, forgot. I went to the Zixiao Palace to ask about refuge, because this is the Kun Taoist Temple, some young Daoists avoided it as soon as they saw a man come in, but there was still a Daoist leader who told me to go to Zhan Ye, Zhan Daochang, Zhan Daochang, who is usually in charge of some mundane affairs, in charge of the finances in the Taoist Temple, in her office, handled the conversion, it is considered the Sanfeng Sect, I suddenly said, is it time to meditate at noon? Zhan Daochang, oh, with both hands pinched, went in, for a long time, seemed to have completely forgotten about me this person, I gently withdrew, standing in this inner courtyard where tourists will not go in, looking at the back of the Zhan Qi Peak, protecting the Zixiao Palace, the sky blue like the sky outside the sky, during this period came a very young Kun Dao, Shangxiang, see me seems to be missing, I have been strange, so young, from the Road?

Zhan Daochang took me to the Zixiao Palace canteen to eat, where there are laymen cooking, there are more young Kun Dao on the canteen side, the meal is 20 one, four vegetarian dishes, everyone in the canteen does not speak, there are also people eating canned chili sauce, Zhan Daochang pointed to me the Sanfeng Daofa pasted on the wall of the canteen, I took a picture, but then it was gone. During the period, Zhan Daochang knew that I came from Guangdong, so she said that there were high-ranking people in Nanhua Temple, she always wanted to go, I said, then I will accompany you to go, she said later, after this, I never saw Zhan Daochang again.

Walking through the Wudang Mountains, I met two Dao chiefs and stayed overnight at the Zixiao Palace

Down the hill met a drunkard

The next day, I went down from the back mountain, so it was a complete route through, when I went down from the back mountain, I met three young people who came up, two men and a woman, and I asked the back mountain how to take the car back to the town of Wudang Mountain in the front mountain? They said there was no car, but the girl said that her father could take me over, I negotiated the price and went down the mountain, the back mountain was snow, someone led the horse to the mountain to pull things, to the foot of the mountain, this town has no ticket gate, so, can not see people, the girl's father came, brought to the front of the mountain is 200 yuan, the car to walk through a mountain road, the road is not good, there is ice and snow, met a drunk person, riding a bicycle, very much want to force, very much want to move forward, but in the end still fell, several times fell, the driver stopped the car, We opened the window and asked him if he was okay? He said yes, suddenly buried his head in the snow next to him, stuck it for a long time, jerked his head up, sobered up, and rode away.

This road, I did not walk again, it is said that from artemisia to Wulongshan has built a scenic road, but also to charge, the white road chief may not be in the Five Dragon Palace, he said to leave, and Zhan Daochang does not know if he is still in the Zixiao Palace?

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