
Phoenix Art | ADAE Global Call! The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition "Earth Spaceship" officially set sail

author:Phoenix Art
Phoenix Art | ADAE Global Call! The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition "Earth Spaceship" officially set sail

Digital Art Asia 2022

As the first cultural and technological integration project with the theme of "Asia", "Asian Digital Art Exhibition" not only presents excellent works, but also excavates outstanding talents in culture and science and technology through the exhibition, and strives to create a communication platform for the integration of science and technology and art. The exhibition has been held for three consecutive years since 2019, becoming one of the most watched exhibitions in the field of digital art every year.

Focusing on the global perspective of art creation and the forward-looking development of digital art, on April 2, the "2022 Asia Digital Art Exhibition" global works collection was officially launched, collecting outstanding digital art works for global creators, and exploring more possibilities for creators in the field of digital art through auditions, judging, exhibitions, awards, and bonus support. Here's what Phoenix Art brings you.

On May 15, 2019, the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations opened, and President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech entitled "Deepening Exchanges and Mutual Learning among Civilizations and Building a Community with a Shared Future for Asia". Chinese civilization is an open system formed through continuous exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations. In the future, China will embrace the world with a more open attitude and contribute to the world with more dynamic civilizational achievements.

On the second day of the conference, one of the series of activities of the "Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations", the "Asian Digital Art Exhibition", was launched again in Haidian District, Beijing. The theme of this art exhibition is "Asia", and the number of visitors to the first exhibition in one month exceeded 70,000.

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The first Asian Digital Art Exhibition

Phoenix Art | ADAE Global Call! The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition "Earth Spaceship" officially set sail
Phoenix Art | ADAE Global Call! The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition "Earth Spaceship" officially set sail


Exhibition sites and works

Phoenix Art | ADAE Global Call! The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition "Earth Spaceship" officially set sail
Phoenix Art | ADAE Global Call! The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition "Earth Spaceship" officially set sail

Reverse Folding, Ryoichi Kurokawa (Japan)

Peking Opera Movement Vision by Tobias Glemmer (Germany)

"Brèche" by Sebasti Angela Bruni (France)

A year later, on September 22, 2020, Xi Jinping held a symposium of expert representatives in the field of education, culture, health and sports. Xi Jinping pointed out at the meeting that "we must put cultural construction in a more prominent position, strengthen cultural self-confidence, promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture, inherit revolutionary culture, develop advanced socialist culture, continuously create new glory of Chinese culture, and build a socialist cultural power." With the national demand that "China needs scientific and technological innovation with core competitiveness", the 2020 "Asian Digital Art Exhibition" was successfully opened.

Chen Baoyang, "VR Eye Movement Mountain and Sea Classics and Travel Guide", 2020, VR equipment, eye tracking, glass installation, light strip

German artist Ingo Günther: World Processor, 2020, Acrylic Globe Installation, 30 cm/pcs

During the special period of the epidemic, many of the works of international artists in the 2020 Asian Digital Art Exhibition were installed remotely. The work uses cutting-edge and avant-garde digital art forms to "break the one-way nature of time" to guide the viewer to participate in a journey through time and space, explore and imagine the digital world full of mystery and unknown between the virtual and the real, the past and the future, and explore the community of human destiny in the art under the epidemic. The exhibition integrates AI, virtual and realistic technology, brain science, ecological art, mechanical installation, immersive space and other rich contents, showing the audience the novel, unique and shocking charm of digital art.

  • Phoenix Art blockbuster | The 2020 Asian Digital Art Exhibition opened, and the explosion of digital art in China has arrived
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Phoenix Art | ADAE Global Call! The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition "Earth Spaceship" officially set sail
Phoenix Art | ADAE Global Call! The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition "Earth Spaceship" officially set sail


Phoenix Art | ADAE Global Call! The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition "Earth Spaceship" officially set sail
Phoenix Art | ADAE Global Call! The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition "Earth Spaceship" officially set sail

Map of the History of Technology, Qiu Zhijie (China)

"Sun Factory" by Hett Steyer (Germany)

PROTOTYPE-1 By Wang Zhi'ou (China)

In March 2021, American artist Beeple (formerly known as Mike Winkelman) created the digital work "Every Day: 5,000 Days" sold at Christie's auction for about 451 million yuan, which not only set a new record for digital art auctions, but also ignited the craze for NFT artworks, making digital art the focus again. With the normalization of the epidemic, our daily lives are once again surrounded by screens, and it is largely digital technology that supports today's global communication exchanges, in this context, the 2021 "Asian Digital Art Exhibition" will be the theme of "safe house", exploring how digital art can play a role as a safe house in the context of the new era under the new world governance pattern.


The exhibition site of the 2021 "Digital Art Exhibition in Asia"

Group photo at the opening ceremony of the 2021 "Digital Art Exhibition in Asia"

In 2021, the "Asian Digital Art Exhibition" for the first time adopted the "invitation + solicitation" method, bringing together more than 60 artists and art teams from 7 countries such as China, the United States and Germany, and 55 well-known digital art works at home and abroad. Created by top curators Qiu Zhijie and Chen Baoyang, the exhibition brings together the digital artworks of international art giants and Generation Z youth among the participating artists, presenting a future world of oriental civilization and Asian culture, leading the audience to experience the operating space between fiction and the future, and entering the new world and new civilization generated by digital media.

Phoenix Art | ADAE Global Call! The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition "Earth Spaceship" officially set sail
Phoenix Art | ADAE Global Call! The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition "Earth Spaceship" officially set sail
Phoenix Art | ADAE Global Call! The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition "Earth Spaceship" officially set sail
Phoenix Art | ADAE Global Call! The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition "Earth Spaceship" officially set sail
Phoenix Art | ADAE Global Call! The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition "Earth Spaceship" officially set sail

The 2021 "Digital Art Asia Exhibition" exhibition site >>>

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The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition kicks off

Focusing on the global perspective of art creation and the forward-looking development of digital art, on April 2, the "2022 Asia Digital Art Exhibition" global works collection was officially launched, collecting outstanding digital art works from creators around the world, and continuing to explore more possibilities in the field of digital art through auditions, judging, exhibitions, awards, and bonus support.


Digital Art Asia 2022

In 1984, businessman and billionaire philanthropist Ed Bass and systems ecologist John Allen launched Biosphere 2. It is a high-performance glass and steel frame building on more than 3 acres in Arizona. This biosphere contains oceans, grasslands, deserts, rainforests and other ecological environments. Eight researchers stayed in this environment completely isolated from Earth's Biosphere 1, bringing in seeds, insects and livestock, building, agriculture and other activities, and trying to maintain ecological balance. The experiment failed after two years in 1991-1994. A second experiment was conducted between March and September 1994 and failed again. The reason for the failure is both technical and psychological. It is the failure of cooperation between humans under the conditions of "confined environmental psychology".

Phoenix Art | ADAE Global Call! The 2022 Asian Digital Art Exhibition "Earth Spaceship" officially set sail

Biosphere 2

Economist Kenneth M. Kenneth E. Boulding views materials, energy, and information systems as the three basic categories of input and output of open or closed systems, of which information systems are the most important. Although Boldin in 1966 could not fully anticipate the huge innovations that the digital revolution brought to this information system – the Internet, cloud technology, blockchain, machine learning and artificial intelligence have dramatically changed our communication technology and penetrated into the process of producing, distributing, and consuming energy and materials.

There is no doubt that today's Earth is closer than ever to the laboratory of Biosphere 2, whether it is epidemic or war, communication and negotiation, division and cooperation, all taking place inside this spaceship that is spinning and sailing in the vast universe.

The "Earth Spaceship" is a metaphor for a community with a shared future for mankind:

We can manage to establish the cyclical economics that Boldin and Fuller imagined, as well as the politics of Barbara Ward's global consciousness, or we can allow the story of the failure that took place in the Laboratory of Biosphere 2 to repeat itself in Biosphere 1. This is precisely the moment when digital art needs to come up with more imaginative solutions.


Global call for entries

Officially launched

# Solicitation Category

Collecting categories

Scientific and technological art works from artists or artist groups: including but not limited to media art, data art, artificial intelligence art, interactive art, biological art, ecological art, new material art, etc.

Popular science artworks: including popular science videos, popular science publications, popular science installations, etc. Creative themes can be artists, or content production teams from production companies, science and technology museums, and natural museums.

Posters and visual demo samples of scientific and technical papers: We solicit abstract posters of scientific and technological papers and their visual demonstrations from research teams of research institutes and teachers and students of scientific and technological institutions.

Children's Science and Technology Art Works and Teaching Programs: We collect curriculum plans for children's science and technology art education and students' creative achievements from teachers in preschool and primary and secondary schools, various research bases and teaching institutions.

# Awards


The "Asian Digital Art Award" will be established in the "Asian Digital Art Award" global collection of works, and the entries will be presented anonymously to the jury and judged after voting. The finalists will be exhibited at Digital Art Asia 2022.

# Works requirements

Requirements for works

1. Each participant may submit no more than 3 entries.

2. Submission of entries is in PDF format; image files can be embedded in the PDF with url links. The materials for the entries must include a text introduction (no more than 300 words) and a graphic introduction to the work.

3. Registration and material reception time: 0:00 Beijing time on April 2, 2022 to 24:00 on May 31, 2022.

4. Please send the electronic material of the work to the mailbox in the form of an e-mail: [email protected], and the name is submitted in accordance with the "name + name of the work" specification.

5. After the deadline for registration and receipt of materials, no modification of the electronic materials of the work shall be made.

6. There is no entry fee for the event.

7. All participants must strictly comply with the laws of the People's Republic of China. All participants must ensure that the entries do not touch sensitive content such as politics, religion, ethnic independence, and war, and that the entries do not contain any taboo content such as violence, pornography, terrorism, and extremist forces. All participants must guarantee that they have exclusive and complete copyright in the works participating in the competition, and that the works participating in the competition do not involve any litigation and do not infringe on any legitimate rights and interests of others, including but not limited to the legitimate rights and interests of portrait rights, name rights, name rights, copyrights, trademark rights and other legitimate rights and interests.

8. After the entries are awarded, the participants shall provide the exhibition organizers with free information related to the participating works in the form of documents, photos, etc., and the exhibition organizers have the right to use the participating works for exhibition publication, publicity and other purposes.

9. Consultation: Leave a message in the background of the WeChat public account "Asia Digital Art Exhibition", or send an email to the [email protected].

# Default terms

Implied terms

Registration implies the following terms

1. Statement of Originality

All participants submitting entries will default to:

(1) All participants strictly abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, ensure the originality of the participating works, and ensure that they have exclusive and complete copyrights to the participating works.

(2) The participating works do not involve any litigation and do not infringe on any legitimate rights and interests of others, including but not limited to the legitimate rights and interests of portrait rights, name rights, name rights, copyrights, trademark rights and so on.

(3) If the participant violates the above terms, then: the exhibition organizer has the right to immediately cancel the participant's participation and recover any awards and rights and interests that have been given to the participant, and any legal actions, legal liabilities and property losses arising therefrom have nothing to do with the exhibition organizer and shall be borne by the participant.

2. Disclaimer of Warranties

Due to viruses, hacker attacks, and other human interference, emergencies or factors beyond the control of some exhibition organizers, which seriously affect the management, security, review, impartiality of the event, etc., the exhibition organizer has the right to unilaterally postpone or cancel some and all activities. If the independent intellectual property rights such as design elements, patterns, typography and other independent intellectual property rights may be infringed and the participants are damaged during the public exhibition process, the exhibition organizer does not assume any responsibility, and only cooperates with and assists the participants in safeguarding their rights.

3. Ownership of intellectual property rights of the entries

Participants guarantee full intellectual property rights to the entries. From the end of the selection to the 10 days before the launch of the "2022 Asia Digital Art Exhibition", the participants of the award-winning works must sign a copyright use agreement with the exhibition organizer, allowing the exhibition organizers to enjoy the copyright rights such as exhibition rights, distribution rights, information network dissemination rights, compilation rights, performance rights, broadcast rights and publishing rights for the award-winning works for three years.

4. Rights of exhibition organizers

(1) Each participant shall be deemed to have expressly agreed that the exhibition organizer has the right to use the participating works for the series of exhibitions, public welfare dissemination, publication, etc. of the "Digital Art Asia 2022" at the same time as his or her works are selected (exhibitions) or informed of the award, and will not be paid separately.

(2) In order to encourage the creation and participation enthusiasm of young artists, but also to provide each participant with the opportunity to display their works, at the same time that their entries are announced or informed of the awards in this event, they are deemed to have explicitly agreed to the exhibition organizers, and have the right to recommend the participating works to domestic and foreign cooperative organizations and groups for corresponding participation or participation in the exhibition, and the honors won belong to the original participants; if they do not agree with the recommendation, please clearly indicate when participating in the election.

(3) Works that the exhibition organizer determines to be in violation of the "Rules and Instructions" and do not conform to the theme of the event will be disqualified.

(4) The exhibition organizer does not rank the participating works; the exhibition organizer does not promise that the participating works must win awards or must be exhibited and exhibited.

Note: All participants in the "Digital Art Asia 2022" collection are deemed to agree to the above terms. The final interpretation of this event belongs to the organizers of the "Digital Art Asia 2022".

(Phoenix Art Comprehensive Report Editor/Arthur Yanan)





Copyright notice: All works marked "Source: Phoenix Art" on this website are works legally owned by this website or have the right to use, if you need to obtain cooperation authorization, please contact: [email protected]. Those who have obtained the authorization to use the works on this website should use them within the scope of authorization, and indicate "Source: Phoenix Art". Without the authorization of this website, the above works shall not be reproduced, excerpted or used in other ways.