
Satoshi Makoto | Instagram vs Pornstar, a war on centralized networks Binance Large Client vs Institutional Client Survey Report Instagram vs Pornstar, a war on centralized networks MakerDao's Next Decade: A Conversation with Rune Christensen Token Economics and Incentive Design Primer In Choosing the Right Block Size for Bitcoin

author:Satoshi Real Satoshi

Satoshi Satoshi: 5 of the latest high-quality articles on cryptocurrencies are selected every day

Today's content includes:

1 Binance Key Client and Institutional Client Survey Report

2 Instagram vs Pornstar, a war over centralized networks

3 MakerDao's Next Decade: Conversations with Rune Christensen

4 Introduction to Token Economics and Incentive Design

5 When choosing the correct block size for Bitcoin

<h1>Binance Key Client and Institutional Client Survey Report</h1>

This is binance research institute insight agency market report (second edition), the name may be vague, but you can understand that this is Binance's market research and communication with customers, exploring the latest insights of institutional and large VIP customers in the cryptocurrency industry. The report is still quite detailed, and the questions of the questionnaire are also sent out, and some specific views and summaries are as follows:

In the second survey, Binance Research analyzed the types and perspectives of the most important VIP and institutional clients who have been using the services offered in the Binance ecosystem.

More than a quarter of Binance's institutional and large clients have more than 7 years of traditional financial experience, with the vast majority having worked in the cryptocurrency space for 1 to 3 years.

54% of respondents keep their cryptocurrency asset portfolio between 1-10 tokens.

Despite its ongoing legal issues considered one of the most significant risks in the industry, USDTether (USDT) remains the most widely used stablecoin (40%) due to higher liquidity and market capitalization than peers.

Regulation remains one of the important aspects of concern, both as a future risk to the industry and as a potential growth driver. At the same time, participants see complexity in terms of products as positives, as ETFs, derivatives and brokerage services are considered the biggest potential growth drivers for the crypto asset industry.

Customers believe that Libra and central bank digital currencies do not pose a risk to the industry, and many customers even see it as a growth driver. Customers are less interested in the subject of privacy (anonymous coins), and decentralized exchanges and lending services do not attract most of these large customers. On the contrary, Staking has aroused a great deal of interest from them.

Finally, institutional and VIP clients believe that Bitcoin will maintain considerable market dominance (69%) until the end of 2019, echoing their concerns about the altcoin market.

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<h1>Instagram vs Pornstar, a war over centralized networks</h1>

Instagram deleted a large number of erotic celebrity accounts, which sparked a wide debate. The main reason is that many people feel that Instagram has different standards of constraints on them and social celebrities.

The main problem is that many of these accounts, which post normal life photos or interactive posts with fans, have also been deleted, while many celebrities who post more explicit photos have nothing to do.

One actress said that "people who invest in us don't understand that our income will be affected, or they don't care." They think we shouldn't be doing this work, or we shouldn't exist in the world. ”

The technological revolution has opened up new channels and allowed many stars and sex workers to use the web, subscription services and self-media to operate independently, and many practitioners use Instagram to showcase themselves and promote their personal brands.

Adult celebrities and sex workers aren't the only ones affected. Writer, poet and artist Rachel Rabbit White was removed for sharing photos for an exhibition at The Leslie-Lohman Museum in New York titled "Revolutionary Art of Gay Sex Work."

Pole dancer and bloggeronpole is one of the founders of EveryBODYVisible, after Instagram imposed restrictions on pole dancing hashtags this summer. Hashtags such as #poledancing and #femalefitness return zero results in searches over a period of time.

Under the ban, who will decide what we see?

<h1>MakerDao's Next Decade: Conversations with Rune Christensen</h1>

This is an interview with Spartan Capital's Jason Choi with MakerDAO founder Rune Christensen. The content of this interview is still placed on the multi-asset mortgage that has attracted everyone's attention recently. Here is a condensed version of the interview:

Why are multi-asset collateral tokens important to Maker?

Only by allowing for collateral types beyond Ethereum (and possibly cryptocurrencies) will it be possible to create stablecoins that can scale to serve the entire global economy.

Are you still considering assets from the traditional financial world as collateral?

We certainly have to go beyond fairly niche crypto assets, which doesn't necessarily mean you need to immediately start interacting directly with concepts in the "real world", such as securities, commodities, tokenized businesses, or real estate. More importantly, we need to make sure that Maker is indeed able to handle risk.

Will it harm decentralization?

The key is to spread the risk. You can even say "centralized decentralization".

When can traditional assets be seen as collateral?

We will start voting on assets, but it is very important to grow slowly. Currently, we can rely on ETH as a core driver of stability and underlying values. We are not in a hurry today to use a large number of real assets, take your time.

What do you think of KAVA and cross-chain?

Very interesting new mortgage route. But I don't think it's that important because when it comes to reliable decentralized collateral, I think ETH is king. In terms of importance, the only thing that can approach Ethereum is Bitcoin, but the gap is still very large.

How does Dai compete with distributions such as Libra?

The advantage of DeFi over established players is that It is a neutral and fair playing field.

<h1>Introduction to token economics and incentive design</h1>

This is a very detailed article on token economics written by Richard Li, chief operating officer of certus One, a well-known foreign node service provider, exploring the various economic mechanism designs that are now being experimented with and implemented, and the article provides examples and insights from ecosystems in other fields (such as economies in games), which can be regarded as a primer on token economics.

He mainly pointed out that previous academic research on traditional economic topics such as valuation, equities, leverage, and pricing theory was inadequate when applied to the new token economic system. Traditional economic theories cannot explain the full value created by the Web3 ecosystem.

Four generations of token economics:

First Generation: A simple, direct supply curve driven by speculation and trading volume. This type of protocol includes Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and a few others that use a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism.

Second Generation: The second generation framework introduces new mechanisms that attempt to create more stickiness (less churn) and more stakeholder interactions. Representatives include ETH2.0, EOS (DPoS), DCR, etc. Protocols of this generation typically utilize only one or two levers to influence token economics, most commonly governance and block rewards for changes.

Third Generation: The token economy model of the first generation utilizes two or more attributes (circulating pool, vault, destruction, etc.). Ethereum can also be considered the third generation, and Ethereum will have more of these explorations in the future. ,

Fourth generation: The fourth generation mechanism represents both the expansion and optimization of the third generation mechanism and the bridge between traditional equity and assets entering the ecosystem (rather than securities tokens).

The design of economic mechanisms includes:

Time scale

Inflation and deflation and fixed supply

Currency traffic

Perk and reward pools

Token burn and decay mechanism

Insurance and liquidity pools

Interoperability (cross-chain)


Fundamental Economics

The principles and examples of these designs are explained in the original text, and it is worth seeing those who are interested in the economic design of tokens.

<h1>When choosing the right block size for Bitcoin</h1>

The Bitcoin community has been arguing about the correct size for almost the entire existence of a block. Two years ago, these debates led to a split between Bitcoin Cash choosing a larger block and Bitcoin Core choosing to stick to a 1MB block. However, although many members of both communities seem to have many misconceptions about choosing the appropriate block size.

Let's review the most common misconceptions about Bitcoin block sizes.

The chunk block is never full. No, a predictable size limit is required to maintain the integrity of the network.

Large blocks can greatly increase long-term overhead. While some might think that increasing the block size would "centralize" Bitcoin because it increases network overhead, in reality, the block size is a fairly incomplete indicator in terms of economic overhead.

Wallets should be smarter so as not to create a bad user experience. While it is true that wallets should avoid bad UX, Bitcoin still lacks its core means of evaluating whether transactions will be incorporated into the appropriate means or not in the next block.

The mining pool should produce X megabytes of blocks. (Replace X with 8, or replace 32 or 128 with your affiliation). As of September 2019, the 90-day moving average for Bitcoin blocks has not exceeded 400 KB since August 2017, and the average block size has hovered around 200 KB during those two years.

Some other points about Bitcoin and blocks from the author, about Blockstream, about Liquid, ideas and Avalanche are also good. You can take a look.


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