
Dusty advertising photos, I became the first sightseeing tourist in Taiwan in the 1980s

author:Jiang Suhui

Wen | Jiang Suhui today's headlines original debut

In the early 1980s, I went to Hong Kong, opened the English "South China Morning Post" one day, saw a full-page advertisement signed by the Taiwan Tourism Bureau, the full page turned out to be a photo of me wearing a qipao, which was a lime I made on China Television, carrying forward the qipao special edition representing Chinese culture; I don't know how the Tourism Bureau got these photos, nor did I know me, but it is also my wish and honor to do my best for the exchange between Hong Kong and Taiwan, and I may also be the first spokesperson for Taiwan's sightseeing tourism.

Dusty advertising photos, I became the first sightseeing tourist in Taiwan in the 1980s

The advertisement of the Tourism Bureau is only a few simple words, welcome to Taiwan to visit and travel, when Taiwanese see Hong Kong as a shopping paradise, Hong Kong people see Taiwan is the hometown of Teresa Teng, and there are still slight views on Taiwanese women, thinking that female stars are married to Hong Kong giants. The Taiwan Tourism Bureau's advertisement hopes to promote tourism and welcome Hong Kong people to visit Taiwan to see Taiwan's good mountains and rivers.

Dusty advertising photos, I became the first sightseeing tourist in Taiwan in the 1980s

In the early 1980s, Hong Kong people were very proud that I did not speak Cantonese when I first came, and I was criticized for buying things in the street market as "Tang people do not speak Tang dialect", at that time Mandarin was not common, people who could not speak Cantonese were often treated blankly, and it was not like now that everyone could speak a few words of "salty and salty" Mandarin.

By the 1990s, I was the director of the Guanghua News and Culture Center, aiming to carry forward Chinese culture, communicate between the two sides of the strait and the three places, and began to organize Hong Kong press circles to visit Taiwan. Guanghua was able to carry forward the Chinese culture as the goal of advertising, appeared on television every day, every time Taiwan election also invited Hong Kong academics, political circles, press circles to Taiwan to watch the election, Taiwan's news in Hong Kong, but also received attention, Hong Kong and Taiwan exchanges have also been warmed up, so far Taiwan has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Hong Kong, blending out of Hong Kong and Taiwan family family of the new scene!

Dusty advertising photos, I became the first sightseeing tourist in Taiwan in the 1980s

Later, in the Ma Ying-jeou era, Taiwan's institutions in Hong Kong were also promoted from "China Travel Service" to "Taipei Economic, Trade and Cultural Office", and the SAR Government also promoted official exchanges, and I also served as a member of the Hong Kong and Taiwan Cultural Committee of the SAR Government for nine years.

Just after Tsai Ing-wen came to power, the reversal of cross-strait relations also affected Hong Kong-Taiwan relations; the Hong Kong government canceled the exchange organization between Hong Kong and Taiwan, and the personnel stationed in Taiwan returned to Taiwan without obtaining visas last year, and Hong Kong-Taiwan relations returned to the original point.

Starting with an advertising photo from the Tourism Bureau, I put a lot of effort into promoting exchanges; to the current official situation, looking back at the past road, can I not sigh now?

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