
Folk tales: My wife and sister spend the night in the middle of the night, the black dog in the house barks, and the nun breaks down the door to save the life of the student

author:Flowers bloom and fall on earth

In ancient times, on the outskirts of Guanxian County, in a village near the foot of Mount Qingcheng, there lived a scholar named Yang Junxun. It turned out that he was a cheerful, upward handsome man, but unfortunately after the death of his wife, he became depressed and often drank and drunk.

It is said that when Yang Junxun was young, he was a rich man's brother, and his father had a little money, he had nothing to do all day, often played with other rich and young people, and even got infected with a lot of vices.

Although Yang Junxun was uninhibited, his father Yang Liang did not care at all, and even let it go.

In Yang Liang's view, as long as his son does not kill people and set fires, let his son do whatever he wants.

It was under Yang Liang's favor and connivance that Yang Junxun became more and more arrogant, so that he was notorious in the local area.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Junxun was sixteen years old, and at this time he was still a prodigal prince.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and soon the Yang family suffered a catastrophe. Because Yang Liang lost a lot of money in business, coupled with competitors taking advantage of the fire and robbery, overnight, Yang Liang painstakingly operated the foundation for decades, and it disappeared in an instant.

With the bankruptcy of the Yang family, Yang Liang jumped into the river and committed suicide, and Yang Junxun fell from rich to poor.

After dealing with his father's aftermath, Yang Junxun, who had no skills, could not survive in the city, and finally had to return to the countryside and live a poor and destitute life ever since.

Once, he never worried about his life and was tired of eating the taste of mountains and treasures; with the decline of the Yang family, his livelihood became a problem for a while.

Folk tales: My wife and sister spend the night in the middle of the night, the black dog in the house barks, and the nun breaks down the door to save the life of the student

Later, with the help of his neighbors, Yang Junxun learned to farm. Although he was very uncomfortable at first, and even complained that he was too tired, he had to work hard to fill his stomach.

After several years of hard work, the days finally stabilized.

Although he could indeed fill his stomach by farming, he did not want to be a farmer all his life. In order to make the Yang family comeback, he decided to win a meritorious name.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, he never got the shot. However, years of diligent study made him the only student in the village.

It is said that one day, Yang Junxun went to work in the fields.

He had just walked to the east end of the village when he suddenly heard the screams of the woman.

Realize that something might be wrong with the woman? He hurried over.

I saw only a young and beautiful woman, with a panicked look.

It turned out to be a vicious dog that bit the woman and bit the woman's pant leg without letting go.

Looking at the woman's painful expression, Yang Junxun guessed that the woman might not be lightly injured.

Thinking of this, Yang Junxun picked up a thick branch from the ground and waved it at the evil dog.

The vicious dog screamed a few times and fled, and then the woman fell to the ground.

Yang Junxun quickly carried the woman home and invited Lang Zhong; fortunately, the problem was not big.

It didn't take long for the woman to wake up again.

Folk tales: My wife and sister spend the night in the middle of the night, the black dog in the house barks, and the nun breaks down the door to save the life of the student

It turned out that the woman's name was Luo Meiting, and she came to the city to run errands that day, but she was entangled by a vicious dog, and fortunately met Yang Junxun.

This accident finally made the two happy to marry.

It is said that although the two are very in love, before they become relatives, Luo Meiting's sister Luo Meifeng has always disliked Yang Junxun and ridiculed him for his inability to live a life.

In Luo Meifeng's view, her sister Guose Tianxiang was bound to marry into the rich, so she thought that her sister and Yang Junxun were not a good match; plus there was a Chen surnamed Fu Shao pursuing her sister at that time, so Luo Meifeng tried to break them up; fortunately, the two were in love, which did not let Luo Meifeng succeed.

Although the two were successfully married, Luo Meifeng hated Yang Junxun in her heart.

Originally, the couple had a very full life, who knew that the good times were not long, and three years later, Luo Meiting went into the mountains to collect medicine, and as a result, she fell off a cliff and lost her life.

Since Luo Meiting's death, Luo Meifeng has broken off contact with Yang Junxun.

In Luo Meifeng's heart, Yang Junxun was the culprit who killed her sister. If it wasn't for Yang Junxun confusing her sister, her sister would have already married into the rich, and she wouldn't have fallen off a cliff.

In the face of Luo Meifeng's angry rebuke, Yang Junxun was speechless and his heart was full of guilt.

Folk tales: My wife and sister spend the night in the middle of the night, the black dog in the house barks, and the nun breaks down the door to save the life of the student

It is said that one day, Yang Junxun dreamed of his deceased wife for several days in a row, so he planned to go to Hanshan Temple to eat and pray to the Buddha for his deceased wife.

On the way, Yang Junxun accidentally rescued the injured nun.

Then the nun left.

Yang Junxun never expected that in the end it was the nun who saved his life.

I remember that night, Yang Junxun went into the room to rest after he was busy.

He had just laid down for a while when he saw a piercing knock at the door.

When I opened the courtyard door, I saw that it was my sister-in-law Luo Meifeng.

Before Yang Junxun could inquire, Luo Meifeng actually went straight into the house.

After a short break, Luo Meifeng told him that she had come to Guanxian county today to visit a friend she had not seen for many years.

Who knew that the friend had moved, Luo Meifeng looked for a long time, still did not ask the friend's residence.

At this time, it was late, and in desperation, she had to go to her brother-in-law's house and planned to spend the night.

Considering that Luo Meifeng was quite tired, Yang Junxun did not continue to chat, and quickly cleaned up the West Wing room, so that Luo Meiting would spend the night.

After a few words of greeting each other, they went back to their rooms to rest.

It wasn't until midnight that dogs barked in the backyard.

At this time, Yang Junxun woke up, and he thought that there was a thief in the house, so he quickly got dressed and came out to inspect.

Folk tales: My wife and sister spend the night in the middle of the night, the black dog in the house barks, and the nun breaks down the door to save the life of the student

When he went to the backyard to search, the scene in front of him stunned him.

Only to see Luo Meifeng eat chicken alive.

Looking at the wolf tail behind her, Yang Junxun broke out in a cold sweat.

"Are you a wolf demon?"

Luo Meifeng smiled and nodded.

Seeing that Yang Junxun had discovered his identity, the wolf demon decided to get rid of him.

At the critical moment, the nun broke through the door and directly blocked Yang Junxun behind him.

It turned out that the real Luo Meifeng had already been murdered by the wolf demon.

Later, the wolf demon transformed into the appearance of Luo Meifeng, and she planned to get rid of Yang Junxun when the time was ripe.

That night, the wolf demon was very hungry, so she took advantage of the night to come to the backyard, planning to steal a few chickens, only to be found by the black dog, which caused the black dog to bark.

Who knew that the nun arrived in time and successfully subdued the wolf demon.