
Throat phlegm, always cough up phlegm, interpret 3 common proprietary Chinese medicines, help you dissolve phlegm and get wet

author:Chinese Medicine Shen Hong

There is phlegm in the throat, always coughing up phlegm, phlegm is troubled, I believe many friends have experienced, then how to solve the problem of phlegm?

First of all, we must understand the question, where does phlegm come from? Chinese medicine believes that "the spleen is the source of phlegm, and the lungs are the organs for storing phlegm". Therefore, the production of sputum is mainly related to the spleen and lungs.

Throat phlegm, always cough up phlegm, interpret 3 common proprietary Chinese medicines, help you dissolve phlegm and get wet

Chinese medicine says that the spleen is the main transport, can be to the body's internal organs to transport nutrients and jin liquid, if the wet evil invades the human body, or overthinking, tired and dietary reasons, injuring the spleen, resulting in spleen deficiency can not be transported water wet, resulting in water wet accumulation in the body, for a long time the formation of phlegm wet, and phlegm wet will gather in the lungs. The lungs can regulate the entry and exit and rise of yuan qi, and when the wind evil or cold evil invades the lungs, it will cause the jin fluid in the lungs to accumulate into phlegm.

Therefore, expectorant wetness should not only regulate the lungs, but also regulate the spleen. In addition, if you want to fundamentally dissolve phlegm, you must also choose a suitable method to adjust it according to the specific nature of phlegm, such as white phlegm, yellow phlegm, or dilute foam phlegm, etc., and there will be a better result.

Like what:

1, cough out of the phlegm, some people have more, some people have a small amount, but if you cough out the phlegm to white, such people are often accompanied by cold hands and feet, loss of appetite, often eat a little stomach is particularly uncomfortable, fatigue, stool is not formed, etc., stick out the tongue to see the tongue color is light, the moss is thin white, and there are tooth marks on the side of the tongue.

Throat phlegm, always cough up phlegm, interpret 3 common proprietary Chinese medicines, help you dissolve phlegm and get wet

This situation is more common in the spleen deficiency and wetness, you can use the second Chen pill to strengthen the spleen to remove dampness, and neutralize phlegm.

2, if the color of the phlegm you cough is yellow, and this phlegm is usually more viscous, not easy to cough out, stick out the tongue to see, the tongue color is red, the moss is yellow, and usually you often feel dry mouth, dry tongue, upset, dry stool and other phenomena.

Throat phlegm, always cough up phlegm, interpret 3 common proprietary Chinese medicines, help you dissolve phlegm and get wet

In this case, it is more common to have damp heat in the body, and orange red pills can be used to clear heat and dissolve phlegm.

3. If the sputum coughed up is thin foam sputum, this phlegm is usually white and thin, with foam. At the same time, such people often have cold hands and feet, are afraid of cold, and cannot eat cold things, and when they touch the cold, they will diarrhea, stick out their tongues to see, and the moss is white and greasy.

Throat phlegm, always cough up phlegm, interpret 3 common proprietary Chinese medicines, help you dissolve phlegm and get wet

In this case, it is more common to see cold and wet spleen, and orange red phlegm granules can not only dispel cold phlegm, but also moisten the lungs and relieve cough.

The above is the common sputum of several different colors, although the situation looks similar, are coughing up phlegm, but in the conditioning, or after the doctor's identification, in order to fundamentally solve the problem of phlegm in the body. Have you learned? If you have any questions, you can leave a message in the comment area to let me know.