
Insisting on drinking with tangerine peel, what benefits can the body reap? It works better with 3 flavors of Chinese medicine

author:39 HealthNet

"Little treasure! Remember not to throw away the orange peel you will eat later, and leave it to me to dry and make tangerine peel when I arrive. ”

"Directly dried when orange peel?" I read those health science articles that say that orange peels may be dried directly with pesticide residues. ”

"Where there will be any pesticides, I have eaten for so many years, nothing at all, I read those popular science articles, it must be the orange peel manufacturers who spend money to send it!"

I believe that many families will directly use it to dry as tangerine peel after eating oranges. Tangerine peel is indeed the product of citrus peel after drying, and is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, "Materia Medica" said that it can "cure all diseases", so many people will use it to soak water to drink or cook vegetables to eat.

But usually everyone directly uses fresh orange peel to dry the "tangerine peel", in fact, it is not reliable, and eating it may hurt the body!

Insisting on drinking with tangerine peel, what benefits can the body reap? It works better with 3 flavors of Chinese medicine

First, "one or two orange peel one two gold", what is the use of tangerine peel soaking water?

Tangerine peel is a dry peel made by shading or ventilating drying with citrus peel and can be stored for a long time. Chinese medicine believes that the tangerine peel is spicy and warm, slightly bitter, fragrant, returned to the spleen and lungs, and has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, regulating the qi and drying and humidifying phlegm, especially in the aspect of rational qi.

Many people drink tangerine peel in water every day, what is the effect of this?

Enhance appetite: Tangerine peel is rich in volatile oil, smells will have an aroma, volatile oil will gently stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, thereby enhancing appetite.

Cough and phlegm: use tangerine peel to soak water to drink, you can cough and dissolve phlegm. Especially for people with a phlegm wet constitution who often have cough and phlegm, insisting on drinking tangerine peel water can rationalize the spleen, dissolve phlegm and cough, which is conducive to good health.

Promote digestion: The volatile oil, hesperidin and other components contained in the tangerine peel can promote the secretion of digestive juices, eliminate the exhaust gas accumulated in the intestinal tube, play an appetizing and strengthening the spleen, and promote gastrointestinal digestion and absorption. For people with indigestion, it is recommended to brew the orange peel and red dates with boiling water before meals every day and drink them.

However, it should be noted that although the tangerine peel is good, it is not suitable for everyone. Wang Guowei, vice president of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, reminded that because the orange peel is spicy and warm, the people with hot constitution, that is, those who show yellow and thick tongue, often have a peculiar smell in the mouth, and have dry stools, should try to eat less or not eat tangerine peel.

Insisting on drinking with tangerine peel, what benefits can the body reap? It works better with 3 flavors of Chinese medicine

Second, don't use orange peel as tangerine peel, be careful to eat and hurt yourself

Many people think that orange peel is orange peel dried, but in fact, this is not the case.

Indeed, orange peel and tangerine peel are essentially the same thing, both are the peel of oranges. Although the source of both is orange, the tangerine peel used in Chinese medicine and the sun-dried orange peel are two different things.

  • In terms of security

As a traditional Chinese medicine, the production of tangerine peel needs to be strictly in accordance with the drug standards, and harmful substances such as residual pesticides will be eliminated during the production process to ensure its food safety.

Although the sun-dried orange peel looks similar to the orange peel, there are often pesticide residues on the surface of the orange peel, and these harmful substances are difficult to remove with general water washing, and if they are eaten directly, it is likely to cause harm to the body.

  • From an effectiveness perspective

Tangerine peel generally needs to be stored for more than 3 years, and has higher requirements for the storage environment, and its medicinal value will be relatively high.

And sun-dried orange peel, because many families do not have the conditions to store tangerine peel, if the orange peel storage time is not enough, its intensity will be larger, and the taste will become sour and bitter, not suitable for direct consumption.

In addition, fresh orange peel contains more volatile aromatic oils, and direct consumption will also stimulate the stomach and intestines, triggering symptoms of indigestion, and it is difficult to ensure its effectiveness.

Insisting on drinking with tangerine peel, what benefits can the body reap? It works better with 3 flavors of Chinese medicine

It is recommended to go to a regular pharmacy to buy tangerine peel. In daily life, when using tangerine peel to soak water, it is recommended to take 2-3 grams of tangerine peel each time, which can alleviate discomfort symptoms such as nausea and pantothenic acid caused by indigestion.

When buying tangerine peel, it is better to use chen. High-quality tangerine peel generally has these characteristics: thin skin, light texture, brownish red, uneven surface lines, dry and easy to break, bitter taste slightly sweet and spicy, with a mellow and rich aroma.

If the tangerine peel smells chemical or fades after brewing, it is recommended not to consume it.

From a geographical point of view, although Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan and other provinces have produced tangerine peel, the shape is slightly different, but in terms of taste and efficacy, the tangerine peel produced by Guangdong Xinhui is more authentic and better.

Third, tangerine peel soaking water plus one thing, the health effect is better

Tangerine peel itself has good medicinal value, but if it is eaten with others, it can not only increase the flavor, but also have a better health effect.

1. Hawthorn

Tangerine peel can rationalize qi, hawthorn can be consumed, and the combination of the two can improve flatulence, accumulation of food and other gastrointestinal discomfort, and can also prevent stomach diseases to a certain extent.

How to do this: Take 12 grams of tangerine peel, 15 grams of hawthorn, add water to a boil and then turn to low heat and cook for 20 minutes, drink a cup of tangerine hawthorn water in the morning and evening.

Insisting on drinking with tangerine peel, what benefits can the body reap? It works better with 3 flavors of Chinese medicine

2. Placenta

Placenta contains a variety of amino acids, which can promote the synthesis of antibodies in the human body, enhance immune function, and improve disease resistance. Tangerine peel with placenta, in addition to enhancing immunity, can also clear the liver and eyes.

Specific method: take 10 grams of tangerine peel, 3-4 placentas, brew with 1 liter of boiling water, and add an appropriate amount of rock sugar according to personal taste.

3, red red beans

Red adzuki bean has the effect of strengthening the spleen, dehumidifying and detoxifying, and after matching with tangerine peel, it has a good effect of clearing heat and dampness, nourishing the heart and calming the mind.

Specific method: Take 5 grams of tangerine peel, 70 grams of red adzuki beans, 10 grams of lilies and 20 grams of de-cored lotus seeds, soak the red adzuki beans in water one night in advance, and soak the lotus seeds and lilies for 1-2 hours in advance. Then pour all the ingredients into the pot and add water, bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat, and cook slowly for about 1.5-2 hours.

Insisting on drinking with tangerine peel, what benefits can the body reap? It works better with 3 flavors of Chinese medicine

Tangerine peel can be healthy spleen appetizer, cough and phlegm, but also nourish the liver, nourish the heart, improve immunity, daily can use tangerine peel soaked water to drink, you can also combine tangerine peel with hawthorn, placenta and red adzuki beans, etc., play a "1 + 1>2" health care effect.

However, it should be noted that sun-dried orange peel is not equal to tangerine peel, orange peel not only has no health benefits, but also may cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Tangerine peel needs to be purchased in a regular pharmacy, and it should also be kept in the shade of gout to avoid affecting the efficacy due to mold.


[1] One or two tangerine peels and one or two gold! Tangerine peel soaking water is so amazing that after eating orange peel, I will never throw it away again!.Health Times.2017-01-02

[2] Orange peel can not be used as tangerine peel, don't dry it again!.Health Times.2021-02-22

[3] Tangerine peel plus one thing, appetizing spleen, cough and phlegm. Yunnan Traditional Chinese Medicine.2021-04-13

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