
Love car to do maintenance is added expired oil Owner: 10 times compensation!

Many car lovers

Compare oil to the blood of a car

Change the oil regularly

It is an indispensable part of car maintenance

And What Mr. Yang of Changsha did not expect was

He is in a direct store of a well-known car maintenance brand

When performing maintenance

The staff went so far as to give their car

Expired motor oil was used

Love car to do maintenance is added expired oil Owner: 10 times compensation!

On March 29, Mr. Yang was working on the brand online software

Order oil for delivery to stores

The oil production date is March 25, 2019

The shelf life is three years

Mr. Yang found out

When he placed an order

The oil is out of date

Love car to do maintenance is added expired oil Owner: 10 times compensation!

Mr. Yang:

I placed an order on March 29th, and I went to do maintenance on April 3rd, and when I took care of it, the oil had expired for 8 days.

The staff said this

At that time, Mr. Yang was inspected

Mr. Yang did not specifically look at the date

Love car to do maintenance is added expired oil Owner: 10 times compensation!

Mr. Yang said

Oil is ordered from order to store delivery

None of them passed through their own hands

He didn't know what he was seeing

It was not the oil he ordered

Not to mention the inspection

For the staff's rhetoric

Mr. Yang was furious

Before the customer receives the goods

Does the store have it in the end

What about the inspection process?

staff member:

Now there is a process, it may be that our master process is not in place.

At that time, when I was doing maintenance, I saw that they had finished pouring the oil, and I casually looked at the bottle, and then I found that it was expired. I now feel that in addition to not being able to play a role in maintenance, I am also worried that expired motor oil will cause damage to my car.

Mr. Yang believes that this is the case

The staff of the store are responsible

Check the shelf life of the oil in advance

And this mistake should not be caused

In this regard, Mr. Yang proposed 10 times the compensation

The first is to re-oil my car, then clean the engine and make 10 times compensation. The oil is 200 yuan, and the compensation is about 2000 yuan.

Mr. Yang feedback

By helping journalists get involved

At present, the store has paid 2,000 yuan

After that, he will help him clean up the oil

For Mr. Yang's experience

The lawyer also has something to say

He Tiantian, lawyer at Hunan Jiantian Law Firm:

The Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests stipulates that if a merchant commits fraud in the course of providing goods or services, the consumer may claim compensation for three times the price paid, and 500 yuan for 3 times the price of the goods or services for less than 500 yuan. Therefore, in this case of using expired oil, consumers can claim three times the compensation.

If the merchant refuses to pay, the consumer can complain to the Consumer Protection Association and the Market Supervision Administration.

Reporter | Chen Yulin

Source: Hunan Radio and Television Public Channel


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