
If you don't learn and grow, will you be easily angry and angry?

author:The brave are fearless!

The spirit is everywhere old, and the learning is deep when the spirit is calm

Learn more, understand more, naturally see through, complain, blame because you know less, have experienced everything, everything is light.

Not learning and growing will make you easily angry and angry.

If you don't learn and grow, will you be easily angry and angry?

Different people have different views, different people have different understandings, different people have different views :

(1) My opinion on this kind of thing

(2) The opinion of others about this kind of thing

(3) What bystanders think about this kind of thing

(4) History's view of this kind of thing

Judged by the wisdom of the ancient sages

If you don't learn and grow, will you be easily angry and angry?

Fruit Method:

Cause and effect follow in life

How much does one of our emotions really affect?

(1) The strong transfer emotions to the weak

(2) Emotions do not disappear, but are transferred to the weak, and the garbage you make is always there

If you don't learn and grow, will you be easily angry and angry?

(3) Emotions are more easily transmitted to relatives

Because it is invisible, a good word is three winters, and a bad word hurts people in June, so language can make a person, but also destroy a person.

Cultivation first cultivates emotions, emotions are also causes, emotions are smooth, and half of life is smooth.