
Stick to jumping rope every day, after 1 month, there may be 3 "surprises", hold on

author:Orthopedic Liu Gang

There should be no one who will not jump rope, now everyone in front of the screen jumps the rope, simply ask everyone a question, what is the feeling after jumping the rope?

Stick to jumping rope every day, after 1 month, there may be 3 "surprises", hold on

I believe that everyone will say these words in unison, "tired, breathless..."

In fact, skipping rope is a more tiring sport for people of any age. But it also consumes a lot of calories. Jumping rope for 10 minutes consumes the same energy as 23 minutes of jogging, so jumping rope is also a good fat loss exercise. And jump rope is a sport that does not require a long time, as long as there is a jump rope tool, you can jump for a few minutes anytime and anywhere. But here we need to remind everyone not to underestimate the jump rope. Stick to jump rope every day, maybe the body will change like this:

Strengthens the body's muscles

Proper aerobic and anaerobic exercise is good for good health, but due to the accelerated pace of life now, the vast majority of people do not have enough time every day to do aerobic and anaerobic exercise. However, at this time, you can directly choose skipping rope exercise, because skipping rope belongs to the combination of aerobic hunger and anaerobic exercise, and insisting on skipping rope for 30 minutes a day can make the whole body get exercise, thereby increasing the muscles of the human body and preventing muscle atrophy.

Stick to jumping rope every day, after 1 month, there may be 3 "surprises", hold on

Proper skipping rope can protect the heart

Check the jump rope for 10 minutes a day, which is equivalent to jogging for 20 to 30 minutes, and the appropriate jump rope every day can promote the circulation of blood pressure in the body, enhance the heart's pumping function, and to a certain extent, enhance the endurance of the heart.

Insisting on skipping rope for 30 minutes a day can have a slimming effect

Jump rope is simple, but its energy consumption is very large, according to relevant data, adhere to 30 minutes a day jump rope, can consume 400 calories. If you insist on skipping rope for a long time, you can effectively burn body fat, so as to achieve the effect of weight loss.

Sticking to the skipping rope can relieve cervical spine pain

Skipping rope belongs to a whole body exercise, in the process of exercise can not only enhance the human body, in the process of jumping rope also need to keep swinging the arm, so that the shoulders, spine to get a certain exercise, so as to alleviate the symptoms of spinal soreness.

See this side, because there is no time to exercise people are not very excited, finally there is a sport can save time, exercise effect has a significant exercise, eager to jump every night for 30 minutes, but this side needs to remind everyone, jump rope is good, but not suitable for everyone.

Stick to jumping rope every day, after 1 month, there may be 3 "surprises", hold on

Who in life is not suitable for skipping rope?

People who are seriously overweight: Doesn't it mean that skipping rope is a good weight loss exercise, why not for people who are overweight? Mainly because people who are overweight need to bear heavier pressure on the knee joint in the process of jumping rope, which can easily lead to damage to the joint due to excessive pressure. So what exercises should people who are overweight usually do to lose weight?

People who are overweight can usually try swimming, cycling and other sports that do not hurt their knees, so how can they know if their weight is overweight in daily life? The calculation formula is as follows: BMI = weight (kg) ÷ square (m?) of height, if the BMI refers to more than 25, skipping rope is not recommended.

Patients with osteoporosis and knee joint injuries: you can take a look at which parts of the body need to be stressed when jumping rope, what you want is not "knee", yes, when our feet land on the ground, the knee bears the greatest pressure, if there is osteoporosis or knee joint injury at this time, it will lead to aggravation of the disease, and even the phenomenon of fracture.

Middle-aged and elderly: In addition to the above two types of usually not suitable for jumping rope, middle-aged and elderly people are also not suitable for jumping rope, why say so? Because skipping rope is a high-intensity sport, if the middle-aged and elderly people choose to jump rope sports, it will bring excessive pressure to the body, so that the body is in an overloaded state of exercise, and may also be counterproductive, bringing threats to physical health.

Stick to jumping rope every day, after 1 month, there may be 3 "surprises", hold on

Therefore, if you want to rely on jump rope to lose weight or achieve the purpose of exercise, before the jump rope, a certain situation, according to their own situation to judge whether they are suitable for jump rope sports, even if it is suitable for jump rope sports, in the jump rope can not be too casual, must understand the precautions of jump rope, so as not to lose more.

What are the precautions when skipping rope?

(1) Jump rope time: For exercise, it does not mean that the longer the exercise time, the better, and the time of exercise should be determined according to their own situation. There are 2 kinds of skipping rope time in general, one is a fast jumping uninterrupted skipping rope, if this is the case, the skipping rope time needs to be controlled within 10 minutes; If you are resting while jumping and the speed is slow, the time can be controlled at about 30 minutes.

(2) The choice of jump rope venue: Although the jump rope belongs to the sport regardless of the venue, it is still necessary to choose a gentle ground or lawn for exercise, and remember not to choose a high and low gravel road, so as not to hurt the ankle.

(3) Proper warm-up before jumping rope: Jumping rope is a high-intensity exercise, do not do any warm-up exercise to exercise, so it is easy to cause joint injuries. So move the joints appropriately between the jump ropes.

Summary: Although skipping rope has certain benefits for physical health, it is not possible to blindly choose skipping rope sports, and in the process of skipping rope, we must master the correct skipping rope method and do not exercise excessively.