
The logic of the United States is robbery, and the logic of China is dedication and sacrifice: never a pot of urine

author:Liao looks across the strait

The Logic of the United States and the West: Robbery

Many people have read All their lives about Western economics, the history of Western philosophy, but they have never really read what the United States wants to say.

And the United States cannot read China, just like the American dog Australia said: In the future, when China is strong, Australia will become a colony of China.

In China's thousands of years of history, heroes have been shining brightly, epic legends have emerged, and a large number of Western scholars have studied China but have never understood It.

Because the United States, Britain, and Australia will say this: You are better than me, you are not stupid to beat me?

Aren't you coming to rob us of our stuff? Just like when I joined the Eight-Power Alliance to rob you of your things, won't you come to war against us?

Just like our Opium War Anglo-French coalition, don't you sell us drugs?

I in the United States have accumulated the foundation of industrialization by giving you Chinese drug trafficking, so why don't you come to learn from me?

This is the logic of the United States and other Western robbers.

Second, China's logic: dedication and sacrifice

Chen Yannian, a member of the Communist Party, said: Let our children and grandchildren enjoy the happiness of our predecessors who cut through thorns and thorns.

Li Dazhao, a communist party member, said: Just because you hanged me today, you cannot hang the great communism. We are convinced that communism in China is bound to triumph in glory.

Xia Minghan, a communist party member, said: It doesn't matter if you behead, as long as the doctrine is true.

Chen Ling, a communist party member, said: Who has no parents, who has no children, and who has no lovers. It is precisely to save the parents, wives and children of the whole Chinese people that we have sacrificed everything.

Deng Zhongxia, a communist party member, said: I adhere to the ideal, that is, my bones are burned to ashes, and I am still a communist.

Zhao Yiman, a communist party member, said to the child: Ning Er, after you grow up, I hope not to forget that your mother sacrificed for the country.

Jiang Jie, a communist party member, said: The will of our communists is made of steel.

Fang Zhimin, a communist party member, said: The enemy can only cut off our heads and must never shake our faith.

Ye Ting, a communist party member, said: Burn me together with this living coffin, and I should have eternal life in the fire and blood.

Communist Yang Jingyu said: Fellow countrymen, we have all surrendered Chinese, is there still China?

The Communists who fought Shangganling said: Dear comrades, for the sake of victory, please fire at me.

Third, human history is the history of heroes, but China's heroes are like stars, and only one hero in Shangganling is more than the sum of thousands of years of history in the Western world.

Human history is actually a history of heroes, and there is no nation that does not worship heroes, and what country does not regard heroes as treasures.

Even, we say, global pop culture is fundamentally a culture of heroism.

And the heroes of the Communist Party of China are as brilliant as the stars, and just one hero who is willing to give up his life in Shangganling is beyond the sum of thousands of years of history in the Western world. Such heroes, think about it, do they have?

I've always thought that there are no heroes in the Western world, or the kind of heroes Chinese worship. Because they never know how to sacrifice, and it is impossible to understand the heroes in Chinese hearts.

The United States, with only the capital and government constructed by slave owners, can never understand the dedication and sacrifice of Chinese

The United States is a capitalist republic built by slave owners, so how can they understand the generosity of the 190,000 young people who resisted the United States and aided Korea?

They will never understand the Great Wall of Steel that China's heroes erected their chests and stood in the way of the motherland.

They only have exquisite egoists, fictional Batman and Captain America.

In their history, there will never be Qiu Shaoyun, Huang Jiguang, Yang Gensi, or Luo Shengjiao.

They had only slave owners.

The smuggler Hankall and the opium dealer Thomas fought only for their own interests.

They only think that "man is not for himself, and heaven is damned."

They will never understand the spirit of sacrifice of a great party and a people who are in danger of national peril. The building will fall, and the tide will fall. I don't go to hell, who goes to hell.

How can a political party that is smelted in blood and fire, a political party that leads the people of the whole country to victory at the lowest point, and a party that always dares to sacrifice itself, not let the Western world be afraid and panicky?

Why can China be revived? Why is only China revived? Here's the answer.

If any country, nation, or political party can emerge as one-tenth of the heroes of the Communist Party of China, willing to use blood and fire to temper the future of the nation, such a country will inevitably awaken, and such a country will inevitably be brilliant.

Unfortunately, such epics only appear in China, and can only appear in China.

Why is only China able to counterattack? Why do some countries never have a chance?

Because they don't say that the sky is full of stars, they can't find a single star.

Facing the British, the Indian Gandhi said: You have the wolf's tooth stick, I have the Celestial Cover. What is nonviolent non-cooperation? It was you who beat me with a wolf's tooth stick, and I covered it with a celestial spirit. Fight, you come to fight, I firmly believe that when you are tired, you will definitely take a break.

Can such a country rise?

The rise of a nation is not a refinement of blood and fire.

Is there such a party member and people in the United States? The miracles created by this heroic country and nation have made the capital empire of the world shudder.

In 2020, countless enthusiastic young people disregarded life and death, and on the Chinese New Year's Eve night retrograde to the epidemic area, on the hot construction site, construction workers worked overtime and sweated to build a hospital.

Grassroots cadres and volunteers have been working day and night to ensure the epidemic situation, the efficient operation of cities, and the vast number of ordinary people have no complaints and consciously and voluntarily stay at home.

In the fight against the epidemic, more than 500 grassroots cadres and medical personnel in China have sacrificed their jobs, the vast majority of whom are communists.

Is there such a party member and people in the United States?

In 2020, China also announced to the world that it had eliminated absolute poverty. At the same time, China also told the world a figure that on the road to poverty alleviation, China sacrificed 1800 comrades.

Jiang Shikun, Yu Yongliu, Wu Yingpu, Fan Zhenzi, Huang Wenxiu. These living beings have left us forever in order to eradicate poverty.

Born in 1987, in 2020, Yu Yongliu, who died in the line of duty for poverty alleviation, took the initiative to invite her to participate in poverty alleviation when her daughter was only 21 days old, and wrote a letter to her daughter who was born 21 days before leaving. The name of the letter is "Her Royal Highness Princess Zhao.". The epistle reads:

Your Royal Highness the Princess, please forgive your majesty for not saying goodbye today. The decisive battle against poverty is already in the day and night, and the subjects do not dare to forget the people.

In the Western world, not to mention dedication and sacrifice, even a city cannot be sealed, and a village cannot be sealed.

Their logic is: Why lock down the city? I didn't get sick again. Why don't you let me out? Even if the virus comes, I have the freedom to go out. I have the freedom to go out and hang around, and I have the freedom to go out and spread the virus to others.

Compared with the two, why are Biden and his allies optimistic about China?

In the face of heroic China, do they dare not be optimistic?

Many people ask when will China surpass the United States?

I would say that if you want to be a wealthy financial capitalist, China will never be as good as the United States.

If you were an ordinary person like me, China led by the Chinese Communist Party would have long since surpassed that of the United States.

Why is the Communist Party of China great?

The cultures of all countries in the world are different, but human culture has one thing in common, which can never be changed, that is, the worship of heroes and the admiration of great deeds.

But in global history, the heroic stories we can find do not add up to the magnificent epic of the 100 years since the founding of the Chinese Communist Party.

The great faith of communism has made our heroes fill the sky with stars and shine in our sea of stars.

In the history of the world, the miracles and reversals that we can find, there is no longer such a moving thing as ours.

In the past 100 years of the leadership of the Communist Party, this ancient nation has once again counterattacked.

After a century of humiliation, it is about to reach the top again.

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