
Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

author:Pretend to be entertainment

At last week's Oscars, The Film Emperor Will Smith's shocking slap was called the best "film" of the year. Host Chris Locke teased Smith's wife Jada's hair loss, and the angry Smith went straight to the stage, slapped Locke directly, and scolded loudly after stepping down, "Keep my wife's name out of your f******* mouth!" Shocked the audience also instantly detonated social networks.

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

Smith also won best actor and enjoyed the party that night. But madness comes at a price, and Smith was reprimanded and punished by the industry for using violence at major awards ceremonies.

It is reported that several of Smith's projects have now been called suspended. If getting the movie emperor is a peak of his acting career, then now Smith has to face a downward spiral. As the beater of the day, Chris Locke, was the opposite of Smith. He became a topical figure, a big hit at the box office on a talk show, and his calm performance after being beaten was praised and blessed by misfortune. However, it is not the first time that Rock's curse has come out of the mouth, and there have been discrimination against Asians and satirizing the inappropriate ridicule of celebrities before.

Smith resigned

At that night's Oscars, Smith, who won the film, apologized to the American Film Academy and the guests present, saying that it was because love made him make crazy moves, and Locke did not receive an apology. However, the Academy does not seem to want to forgive easily.

Afterwards, the college first tweeted that it would not tolerate any form of violence. In the second statement, he further denounced Smith and said he would formally review the incident in accordance with the college's statutes, standards of conduct and California law.

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

After the party calmed down that night, Smith finally realized the serious consequences of hitting people and issued an apology statement on major social media, including Weibo. "Violence, in any form, has an extremely bad and harmful effect ... My behavior was out of bounds, I was wrong. I'm deeply ashamed of that, and it shouldn't be my daily routine. In this world of love and kindness, there is no place for violence..."

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

However, after Smith apologized, everyone still did not buy it, saying that no matter what, you can not use violence in public, and the children in front of the TV are still watching, so teach them to solve the problem with their fists?

The academy of motion picture arts directors behind the Oscars "initiated a disciplinary process" against Shi Huang, who is a member of the academy, in mid-week, and claimed that they were firmly opposed to discrimination, intimidation and violence. The council asked Smith to respond in writing to his violence at the awards ceremony within 15 days, and on April 18, they would meet to decide the ultimate fate of Emperor Shi. The meeting will decide whether Smith will be expelled from the academy, whether the little gold man will be taken back, and other issues. Only four people had previously been publicly expelled from the academy, including Polanski, Weinstein, and Bill Cooss for sexual assault.

Smith's side did not wait to be expelled, and chose to go on his own. On Friday, Smith sent a letter of resignation saying he would resign from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

"I have responded directly to the College's disciplinary hearing notice and I will fully accept all consequences of my actions. My actions at the 94th Academy Awards were shocking, painful and unforgivable. I have hurt many people, including Chris, his family, many of my dear friends and loved ones, all those present, and an audience across the globe. I failed to live up to the Trust of the Academy. I deprived other nominees and winners of the opportunity to celebrate and be celebrated for their extraordinary work.

I'm sad. I want to focus on people who deserve attention for their accomplishments and bring the Academy back to the incredible work it does to support the creativity and artistry of film. Therefore, I will resign as a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and accept any further consequences deemed appropriate by the Board of Trustees. Change takes time, and I will work to make sure I never let violence replace reason again. ”

For Smith's resignation, the college accepted, but the disciplinary hearing on the 18th will continue as usual, but the little gold man should not be withdrawn. The resigned Smith will no longer have the right to vote at the Oscars, and being nominated and attending the awards ceremony will not be affected. The Oscars are an invitational membership system, and only those who have enough influence in the film industry will be invited to join, which is a manifestation of honor.

The industry condemned all parties

In addition to the punishment from the academy, the Hollywood industry has begun to hide or boycott Smith.

Smith's previous "Jedi X-Men" trilogy starred in was a good hit, and Sony has been actively promoting the filming of the fourth part. Before the Oscars, Smith had received a 40-page script. After the Oscars, Sony has suspended this project, and whether Smith can still star after that is estimated to be hanging.

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

In terms of streaming, Netflix suspended the "Fast and Loose" movie project originally scheduled to star in Smith. Another film he starred in, "Liberation of Black Slaves," was scheduled to be released on streaming Apple TV+ this year, or it may be delayed. U.S. media outlet THR also said, "Some other projects in the pre-production stage may do the same." ”

Shi Huang, who has always had a double harvest at the box office, is very embarrassed. This slap slapped on Locke's face, and it seemed that it was himself who finally hurt.

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

In terms of public opinion, Smith has received support, but more criticism. Comedy King Kim Carey went straight on the TV show, saying that he was disgusted by the scene of Smith standing up and applauding after he won the movie. "Hollywood is all soft bones. ...... I feel like this makes it clear: we're not cool anymore. ”

Kim Carey said that if he was the one who was beaten, he would sue Smith and claim $200 million, because the images are kept forever. A slap is not very harmful, and the insult is extremely strong. According to media reports, the Los Angeles police could have arrested Smith that night, but Locke refused to prosecute. Netizens have joked that if you change a person, you have been waiting for six months with iron doors and windows.

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

In addition, Kim Carey said that Smith can disagree with what Locke said, can fight back with words, but should never use violence, "you don't have the right to just go up to the stage and give someone a slap because they use 'words'." ”

Smith's acceptance speech that night said, "Richard Williams will defend his family firmly." "Richard Williams is the archetypal character played by Smith in the film King Richard, and his brilliant rendition helped him win the movie emperor. Richard himself tweeted to his younger son after Smith beat someone that "he cannot tolerate violence himself unless in self-defense." ”

Smith, angered by the talk show, also became the material for the talk show. At the Grammy Awards ceremony just concluded, Triva said, "Tonight, we're going to be keeping people's names out of our mouths."

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

Stephen Colbert joked on his show, "This is Hollywood, there are rules, of course you can't suddenly rush to the stage, in front of the camera to commit violence against others, and then sit back like no one else." 」 You have to bear the consequences, such as winning an Oscar, getting a standing ovation, and then going to a party for a night. Who would dare to say that Hollywood has sent bad information to our children. Do you see, you use violence to solve the problem, everyone will still love you, and give you a little golden man. ”

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

There are also netizens who say that Locke's jokes are all fine, and they have not yet taken Smith's open marriage, and the wife cheated on his son's friend to make an article.

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

In addition, Smith was pickped up from making similar jokes himself before. In the early years, when Smith was on a variety show, he teased a bald bassist, saying that he "needed to be polished and waxed every morning when he got up." Finally, I said that I was joking, don't take it seriously. So how did you get to Locke and be so serious? And, according to the staff, the clip of the day was rehearsed, and Smith knew the passage, but the rehearsal happened.

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

In fact, this incident, Locke joked that it was true, but Smith's use of violence to solve the problem was unacceptable. I don't know if Smith, in the first few seconds before he stepped on stage to play Locke, thought that his impulse would bring about this irreparable loss.

Locke was blessed

The victim of this incident, Chris Locke's performance was praised for his shocked performance on the day, did not fight back, and did not argue with Smith, so that the award ceremony could go on smoothly. Although he was very blinded, Locke still did not stop teasing, "Wow, Will Smith just squashed me, it was the greatest night in the history of television." ”

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

On Wednesday, Locke responded at the beginning of his talk show, "Did you have a good weekend?" I don't know what happened, but if you want to hear that, I'd say I wrote today's script before this weekend. But I'm still digesting being slapped by Smith, and I'll talk about something in the future that will make it both serious and interesting. Immediately, an audience shouted ,"Go to his F*ck Will Smith," and Locke didn't pick up the stubble, saying, "I'll tell some jokes anyway." ”

After the beating, Locke's blurt was a box office hit, first of all, the ticket price went up, and then the tour tickets sold out, and more tickets sold in one night than in the past month combined, and the scene became full. Other talk shows have also competed to invite him to an interview. The money was headed toward Locke's pocket. This wave of blessings and misfortunes is very profitable.

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

It wasn't the first time Locke had been

American talk shows have always been not small, anything can be used as a joke, politics, race, gender, etc., Locke also belongs to the kind of people who have a rather broken mouth, using "offending" others to create their own comedic effect.

At the 2005 Oscars, he sneered at Judean, "Who is Jude Law?" Why is he in the movies I've seen in the last four years? He is omnipresent. Afterwards, Jude Law thought his remarks had hurt his self-esteem and hadn't said a word to him since.

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

At the 2016 Oscars, Locke was the host. That time Locke teased the Smiths. Black people made very few Oscar nominations that year. In protest against the white centrism of the Oscars, Jada spearheaded the boycott of the Oscars, demanding that the academy give people of color more opportunities. Locke said at the awards ceremony, "Boycott the Oscars? You weren't invited at all? ...... It was as if I resisted Rihanna's courtship, and I was not qualified to resist at all. He also fired at Smith, "It's not fair that Will is so good and not nominated." You are right. "It's also unfair that Will was paid $20 million for Wild West."

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

At that time, Locke also made a very inappropriate joke about Asians. At one end of the night, Oscar arranged for three Asian children carrying briefcases to play. Locke introduced the three Asian-American boys as accountants at the Academy of Motion And The Arts, the host of the Oscars. He also described them as "the most dedicated, accurate and hard-working representatives", and finally said, "If anyone doesn't like this joke, use your mobile phone to tweet, anyway, your mobile phone is also made by these children." ”

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

This is an affront to very stereotypical asians. Jeremy Lin denounced on social media, "When will this change?" Tired of Americans discriminating against Asians, but feeling cool and OK mentality. American cultural critic Eliel Cruz said, "I can't laugh at this Asian stereotype and child labor jokes." Black actor Jeffrey White said, "Oscars make meaningless Asian jokes and then talk about diversity?" ”

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

The academy's 25 Asian-American members, including Academy Award director Ang Lee and Starship Trek actor George Takei, protested the racial stereotypes at the ceremony. They protested in a joint letter.

"As an Asian member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts, we express our surprise and disappointment at the 88th Academy Awards' televised television coverage of Asians and racial stereotypes."

"We want to know how such tasteless and offensive passages can arise, and what procedures exist to prevent such unconscious and obvious prejudice and discrimination against any ethnic group in the future Oscar television broadcasts." We look forward to hearing your views on this matter and the concrete steps taken to ensure that all people are presented in a dignified and respectful manner. ”

The Academy subsequently apologized, issuing a statement saying: "The Academy appreciates the concerns raised in the letter and also regrets any offense in the Oscars television broadcast. We are committed to ensuring that we grasp the cultural sensitivities of future programming content. ”

Six years later, Locke was invited back to be the moderator, and the racist remarks of that year did not seem to have caused real damage to Locke.

Will Smith shatters the future! But let the Locke be blessed? But he is not innocent

It is common for talk shows to make jokes, but jokes also need to grasp the scale. To be a joker is to be offended, and sometimes hurt is not a joke that can fool the past. Choosing violence is not the best solution to the problem, you need to think twice, and you have to bear the consequences for a while.

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