
The red party flag flies - the municipal cultural tourism system builds a strong fortress for prevention and control

author:Cultural tourism Zaozhuang

The epidemic is the order, and prevention and control is the responsibility. In the face of the complex and severe epidemic prevention and control situation, the party group of the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism attaches great importance to and carefully organizes to achieve both epidemic prevention and industrial development, and arranges the deployment of all aspects of epidemic prevention and control in the city's cultural and tourism system.

Epidemic prevention initiatives, the cultural tourism system to work together to overcome the difficulties

The Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism issued the "Proposal to the Cadres and Masses of the Municipal Direct Cultural Tourism System", calling on the majority of party members, cadres and masses of the Municipal Direct Cultural Tourism System to have the courage to shoulder heavy responsibilities and dare to stand up, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, charge first, fight in the front, throw themselves into the front line of the "epidemic", and work with the people of the whole city to gather a strong joint force to fight the epidemic with one heart and one mind, and show the cultural and tourism strength of the new era at a critical moment.

Sink the front line and devote all your efforts to the fight against the "epidemic"

The majority of party members and cadres of the cultural and tourism system vigorously carry forward the great anti-epidemic spirit, actively carry forward the spirit of struggle that can stand up at key moments, go to the leading community testing point in the street of Wenhua Road in the central district of the city, take the initiative to undertake various tasks such as mass organization, policy publicity, order maintenance, information registration, sample collection, etc., actively participate in nucleic acid screening on-site services, fully demonstrate the cultural and tourism system's immediate action and fight the "epidemic" with practical actions, practice the original mission, and build a line of defense for community residents to prevent and control the epidemic, highlighting the "epidemic" Unshirkable responsibility and responsibility.

The red party flag flies - the municipal cultural tourism system builds a strong fortress for prevention and control
The red party flag flies - the municipal cultural tourism system builds a strong fortress for prevention and control

Make efforts online to provide a cultural feast for the masses at home

Public cultural service window units actively use the new model of "Internet +", change "offline" to "online", change passive to active, and carry out efficient, convenient and safe Internet online cultural services. Launched a number of online cultural activities such as online MOOCs, online exhibitions, online performances, and online training, and continued to provide rich cultural products and services for the urban and rural masses through the Network, to meet cultural needs, help fight the epidemic, effectively improve the frequency and quality of online cultural activities for the masses, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the masses at home, and lay the foundation for the cultural and tourism industry to resume work and production as soon as possible.

The red party flag flies - the municipal cultural tourism system builds a strong fortress for prevention and control
The red party flag flies - the municipal cultural tourism system builds a strong fortress for prevention and control

The strength of literature and art plays the strongest sound in the fight against the epidemic

In order to boost morale and strengthen the confidence of victory in the fight against the epidemic, literary and art workers have played the role of literary and artistic light cavalry, and in order to reflect the frontline work and unite social forces, they have created a large number of outstanding works that are popular among the population, which has won a warm response from the public. The works of the "epidemic" are diverse in form, covering songs, operas, poetry and other art forms that the masses like to hear, setting off a cultural anti-epidemic boom online and condensing a strong spiritual force to resolutely win the battle against the epidemic.

The red party flag flies - the municipal cultural tourism system builds a strong fortress for prevention and control
The red party flag flies - the municipal cultural tourism system builds a strong fortress for prevention and control

At present, the epidemic is at the beginning of the war. The party group of the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism firmly grasps the sense of ownership of "I am Zaozhuang", carries forward the fine style of "strictness, meticulousness and speed", actively carries out the "five-to-five look" activity, and through the creation of "four forces" and "five-type" organs, commanding from the front, working online and offline at the same time, the implementation timeliness and implementation effect of all work have not diminished in the slightest. Every party member is a banner, and every branch is a fortress, always with a high degree of political consciousness and strong political responsibility, moving at the behest of orders, standing up, and contributing to the cultural and tourism forces to help win the battle against the epidemic.

Source: Zaozhuang Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism