
Important | ID card information leaks, a lot of trouble you can't imagine!

author:Lugu Lake Scenic Area, Sichuan Province

What is the harm of revealing your ID number and name?

1. Telecommunications fraud

Important | ID card information leaks, a lot of trouble you can't imagine!

2. Extortion

Important | ID card information leaks, a lot of trouble you can't imagine!

3. Maliciously register an account

Important | ID card information leaks, a lot of trouble you can't imagine!

4. Money laundering

Important | ID card information leaks, a lot of trouble you can't imagine!

(This article is transferred from anti-fraud big data: FPData)

5. Loans

Important | ID card information leaks, a lot of trouble you can't imagine!

6. Register a company

Important | ID card information leaks, a lot of trouble you can't imagine!

7. Scalpers

Important | ID card information leaks, a lot of trouble you can't imagine!

8. Open room

Important | ID card information leaks, a lot of trouble you can't imagine!

9. Credit card

Important | ID card information leaks, a lot of trouble you can't imagine!

10. Wool

Important | ID card information leaks, a lot of trouble you can't imagine!


Pay attention to protecting your personal information


Important | ID card information leaks, a lot of trouble you can't imagine!

Reprint: anti-deception big data, please indicate the source of reprint

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