
Shanghai and Fujian love deep! There is a story behind it that has never been forgotten

author:Strait Net

At noon on April 4

The People's Government of Fujian Province organizes the delivery

30 vehicles supporting Shanghai materials arrived in Shanghai

Shanghai and Fujian love deep! There is a story behind it that has never been forgotten

At about 8 a.m. on the 4th

Yong'an vegetable farmers spontaneously organized donations

Lettuce, cabbage, radish, spring shoots and other vegetables

The total weight is 36 tons

Starry night

Arrived in Shanghai

Shanghai and Fujian love deep! There is a story behind it that has never been forgotten

For days to come

Shaxian District has been urgently mobilized

Quick-frozen dumplings, dried Shaxian noodles and happy eggs

A batch of materials worth nearly one million yuan

Rush to Shanghai

Shanghai and Fujian love deep! There is a story behind it that has never been forgotten

Fujian and Shanghai

The heart and hands are connected, and the robe is with the Son

There is a story behind this that has never been forgotten

In the 1950s and 1960s

Shanghai relocated enterprises and dispatched staff to help Fujian

For the industrial development of Sanming, Fuzhou and even the whole province

Contributed to the strength of Shanghai

The love is also deep

Once upon a time

Never forget

They came galloping from Shanghai

Before 1958, Sanming was only a small mountainous county on the remote side, with an urban population of only more than 6,000 people and an industrial output value of only about 2 million.

In the mid-to-late 1950s, Sanming started the construction of a heavy industry base, which received strong support from the people of the whole country under the leadership and concern of the central and provincial party committees. Among them, Shanghai has given great support to Sanming, not only for the preparation and production of Sanming Iron and Steel Factory, a large number of backbone and technical forces have been drawn from Shanghai Steel Third Factory and other units, and shanghai Samsung Candy Factory, Metal Products Factory, Fu Zhenxing Hardware Factory, Yongsheng Twelfth Leather Shoe Factory, Glass Factory and other light industry backbone enterprises have been relocated to Sanming to enhance the strength of Sanming light industry.

Shanghai and Fujian love deep! There is a story behind it that has never been forgotten

In the early days of the shanghai glass factory relocation, workers produced glass bottles by hand.

It is understood that Shanghai adopts the overall relocation of the relocated enterprises, the support method of personnel migrating with the factory, the flute is sounded, the wheels are rolling, and tens of thousands of Shanghai children follow the train to the south into Sanming.

Shanghai and Fujian love deep! There is a story behind it that has never been forgotten

List of enterprises in Shanghai Qiansanming.

"At that time, Sanming was a big construction site, with a light at night, not a city during the day. All roads, sunny days are yang (Yang) gray roads, rainy days are cement roads, living conditions are difficult. After coming to Sanming, there was no ready-made factory building and housing, and it was necessary to build the factory building and install equipment by oneself, and also to cultivate the land and arrange the lives of the staff and their families. However, the Shanghai workers who moved to the factory actively responded to the call, did not bow to the difficulties, worked hard to start a business, and contributed to the construction of Sanming. Yu Zhenyue, former deputy mayor of Sanming City (county-level city) and deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, recalled.

Shanghai and Fujian love deep! There is a story behind it that has never been forgotten

The "predecessor" of Huming Primary School is part of the Sanming Textile Factory. Image source: Focus on Sanming

Recalling the arduous pioneering at that time, Hou Shuiquan, the former secretary of the party branch of Sanming Food Factory, also felt a lot of emotions. He said that in Shanghai, the monthly grain ration for workers was 50 catties, which dropped to 34 catties after the Three Mings. Cooking oil has also dropped from 12 taels per month to 4 taels, and the staff canteen eats hollow cabbage every day. "But in the face of all kinds of difficulties, we did not shrink back, did not get scared away. We use wooden planks and moso bamboo to build simple canteens, temporary bathhouses and toilets; from the mountains, we use moso bamboo pipes to divert water sources one by one to the reservoir of the factory area for the production and living water of the whole plant. With nearly five months of hard work, all the preparations for full production have been completed. Hou Shuiquan said.

Shanghai and Fujian love deep! There is a story behind it that has never been forgotten

1961 Sanming Food Factory Building (formerly known as Shanghai Samsung Confectionery Factory) Source: Focus on Sanming

It is precisely by relying on this spirit of self-reliance and arduous struggle that the mighty Shanghai construction team and local workers, together with local workers, have fought against severe cold and heat, cut through thorns and thorns, moved mountains and filled in valleys, and under the condition of backward conditions and lack of equipment, with hard work and hands, have opened a new chapter in the history of Sanming, adding vitality and vitality to the rise of Sanming's industrial city.

Shanghai and Fujian love deep! There is a story behind it that has never been forgotten

A community bears witness to a piece of history

On Fuzhou's Baima Road, there were dozens of brick-concrete houses built in the 1980s, and this community was named Shanghai New Village because at the beginning of the construction of the community, most of the residents were workers who aided the construction of The Banyan in Shanghai.

Shanghai and Fujian love deep! There is a story behind it that has never been forgotten

At the beginning of the construction of Shanghai New Village, most of the residents were workers who aided the construction of Rong in Shanghai, hence the name. Source: Meet Fuzhou

The emergence of Shanghai New Village marks the beginning of the great development of Industrial Construction in Fuzhou. From the relocation of Shanghai Huachang Enamel Factory to Rong in 1956, and then to the later thermos bottle factory, glass factory, light bulb factory and other factories, Fuzhou had an industrial road for the first time, and Fuzhou in the early days of liberation also set off a wave of industrial construction.

Ye Xiaochuan, a retired worker of the former Fuzhou Enamel Factory, was one of the earliest batch of Rong rong workers in Fuzhou who was supported by Shanghai to support the construction of Fuzhou. He recalled, "I came to Fuzhou by boat from Nanping, and I walked for seven or eight days by water alone. When I arrived in Fuzhou, I couldn't see the bus, so I had to take a human rickshaw to the factory. As soon as I got out of the car, I saw a deserted path with sandbags of dirt, and from the road, the whole pair of shoes was sand. ”

In this difficult environment, Shanghai began to mobilize a large number of workers to build factories in the 1950s, of which support for Fujian construction involved enamel, thermos, leather, daily hardware, wood, food, papermaking 7 industries, a total of more than 700 people.

Shanghai and Fujian love deep! There is a story behind it that has never been forgotten

At that time, the young people of the light bulb factory performed in the factory auditorium (provided by Liu Jianqiu and remade by Huang Wanwen).

Fuzhou City Chronicle records that in 1956, the Shanghai Huachang Enamel Factory was relocated from Shanghai to Fuzhou, and later renamed Fuzhou Enamel Factory, becoming the first enamel factory in Fujian Province. Ye Xiaochuan recalled: "Before there was no enamel factory in Fuzhou, most of the local people's living utensils were wooden, wooden cups, wooden bowls, wooden basins, and when I came to Fuzhou, I also saw that the citizens on the street were wearing clogs. ”

Shanghai and Fujian love deep! There is a story behind it that has never been forgotten

Workers from Shanghai to support the enamel factory in Fuzhou often take the broken enamel products back to the factory to repair and reuse. (Courtesy of Liu Jianqiu and Chen Fusheng, photographed by Huang Wanwen)

Peng Shitao, who was the vice mayor of Fuzhou, also recalled that in the early days of liberation, fuzhou's only few industrial enterprises such as power plants, match factories, and air hammer factories could be counted with their fingers, and the rest of the manufacturing industry was still a manual workshop in the strict sense.

To this end, in May 1950, the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee set the restoration and development of industry as the basic policy at that time, starting from the maintenance and restoration of commercial and private enterprises, in order to gradually achieve the purpose of restoring and developing industry, especially public enterprises. Based on this background, a group of employees have successively entered Fujian from Shanghai to support, and Fuzhou has set off an upsurge in industrialization construction.

"The original industrial road was surrounded by large fields of farmland and vegetables, and the Shanghai workers who came to support the construction of the factory initially borrowed to live in the homes of surrounding farmers." Ye Xiao said, "Later, in order to ensure the livelihood of the construction workers, the Fuzhou municipal government built five two-story wooden houses with a mixed brick and wood structure on the banks of the Baima River, one of which can accommodate 26 families." Because the occupants are all Shanghainese, the earliest "Shanghai New Village" has been formed here, which has become a living history that records the industrial development of Fuzhou. ”

Since 2010, Shanghai New Village has successively opened the old city transformation plan and updated the supporting facilities, and the newly built Shanghai Xinyuan has become a new landmark in Taijiang District, where workers from Shanghai to Fujian have lived a happy old age.

Shanghai and Fujian love deep! There is a story behind it that has never been forgotten

Together! This is a tacit understanding of CP

Entering a new era

Exchanges and exchanges between Fujian and Shanghai have become closer

In the field of new energy, the cooperation between Fujian and Shanghai has been deepening. In 2017, CATL and SAIC Motor established a joint venture, and the two sides carried out in-depth cooperation in the field of new energy business. In 2018, SAIC Motor launched the construction of the Passenger Car Ningde Base Project, relying on the location advantages of Fujian Province and Ningde City and the supporting advantages of new energy batteries, to build an important vehicle base for SAIC to serve the southeast coast and radiate the Southeast Asian market.

Shanghai and Fujian love deep! There is a story behind it that has never been forgotten

Ningde Shanghai Automotive Group Co., Ltd. Passenger Car Fujian Branch, welding workshop technicians in the debugging robot welding equipment. Fujian Daily reporter Wang Yi photographed

In recent years, Fujian people have found that they can also hang up to the expert number of Shanghai doctors at the "doorstep".

In October 2020, the first batch of 10 pilot units of national regional medical centers were awarded licenses, and Fudan Zhongshan Xiamen Hospital and Fudan Huashan Fujian Hospital were listed among them. The two hospitals were jointly built by Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fujian and Fudan University and Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University. Constantly driving the high-level and high-quality and rapid development of medical care in our province, so that more and more patients can enjoy the country's first-class expert resources and high-quality and high-end medical services without leaving Fujian.

Shanghai and Fujian love deep! There is a story behind it that has never been forgotten

On May 1, 2021, the Fujian Hospital of Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University and the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University (Binhai Branch) of the National Regional Medical Center opened in Binhai New Area, Fuzhou City. Source: Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University

In terms of cultural tourism, Fujian and Shanghai complement each other's advantages, and cooperation and exchanges are in full swing.

In June 2021, the Shanghai-Fujian (Sanming) Tourism Cooperation Matchmaking Meeting was held in Sanming, and the theme activity of "Always Follow the Party, Retake the Long March, and Start a New Journey" was launched at the same time.

In June 2021, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, the Fujian Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, and the Sanming Municipal Government jointly hosted the Shanghai-Fujian (Sanming) Tourism Cooperation Matchmaking Meeting, and the cultural and tourism departments of the two provinces (cities) signed a cooperation agreement to strengthen cooperation in market promotion and red tourism. Among them, Sanming counties (cities, districts) and Shanghai Municipality reached 41 signed (intention) projects such as the construction of The Sanmingtai Huaping Cultural Exchange Base and the construction of the Mingxi Tea Expo Cultural Park, with a total investment of 22.43 billion yuan.


Better co-build and share

Better benefit the masses of the two places

Forge ahead on a new journey

Exchanges and cooperation between Fujian and Shanghai

We will surely usher in a better future!