
Whether the homework is left more or less, and what is the criterion for judging?

author:Blossom show

When parents first accuse the school of leaving too much homework for their children, they should have foreseen such an outcome. Whether the homework is left more or less, and where is the criterion for judging? It seems that it is up to the parents to decide, what the parents say is what it is, the teacher, you can't be the master.

As soon as the child sees that the parents are so protective of him, he feels sorry for him, and from then on he can rest assured and bold not to do homework, and the child can have no fear, and he will say that he will not do homework, and if he wants to ask, he will come back with a sentence: "There is too much homework, can not be done, and then ask for homework, let the parents come to the school to complain, see which teacher still dares to ask for homework", so that the child's grades do not decline. Why do parents do this for more than they lose? Why do children need to do their homework every day? And look at what the learning process is to know why.

Whether the homework is left more or less, and what is the criterion for judging?

First, learning requires long-term accumulation and repeated practice to be able to know a little bit

No single course of learning can be achieved overnight and become famous overnight. As the saying goes, "one minute on stage, ten years off stage", there is no hard work in the cold and summer, there is no motivation to practice three volts in winter and three nine in summer, I want to learn well, I want to be able to get ahead, it is difficult, it is difficult to go to the blue sky.

From the flat ground of the tall building, there is no solid foundation for the study of one course and one course since childhood, there is no peak of climbing knowledge behind, and the skin will not be hairy. How can parents not know this truth? But he still ran to the school to make a big fuss in the classroom, what kind of system? Will the child continue to go to school in the future? Will you continue to stay in this class in the future?

Second, parents seem to hurt their children by doing so, but they also cut off the fun of their children's pursuit of independent problem solving and lose their sense of achievement

Each of our cognition of this world begins with a hundred thousand whys, and in our infancy, everyone's little heads are full of curiosity about this unknown world, and we do our best to ask our parents and mothers, hoping to hear the answers we need from their mouths to solve the confusion in our hearts. Sometimes parents may be busy with various tasks, may be busy with housework, and may not know themselves, so they make up some answers, anyway, children themselves do not understand, do not know whether it is true or false, they believe it.

Whether the homework is left more or less, and what is the criterion for judging?

Isn't there still a school? Aren't there any teachers who can help everyone? Teachers, preachers and solvers are also teachers who can provide professional knowledge solutions to everyone. As long as everyone listens carefully to the lesson and completes the homework assigned by the teacher well after class, it is basically possible to digest and understand what is learned on the same day, and will not delay everyone to continue to move forward and learn some more profound knowledge points.

However, this process requires students to complete independently in order to learn to learn, others can not do the work, let alone help, otherwise children are prone to breed inertia, lazy is lazy. One thing we need to be clear about is that every day in each discipline there is usually some homework left, and one subject may not seem like much, but the accumulation of multiple disciplines is considerable. This requires us to do a reasonable allocation of time, requires us to have a high degree of self-discipline, strictly manage our own behavior, actively complete all tasks that night, and do not leave the problem overnight.

Whether the homework is left more or less, and what is the criterion for judging?

Third, some children have not developed good learning habits since childhood, and they are easy to procrastinate

The teacher assigns homework for all students, and will not favor one over the other, and talk about people mixing soup. Since other students can complete their homework on time, it is enough to show that the amount of homework is within the controllable range and does not exceed the range that students can bear. Then the parents' complaints have no basis for existence, but there is a suspicion of unreasonable trouble. After all, what other students can accept, your child is no exception, you need to keep pace with all your classmates, is the greatest respect for your own studies.

If the parents are still obsessed and often complain to the school and the teacher for the excessive amount of homework, for the teacher, what can be done is to assign homework to the child alone, and the weight of the homework will be as the parents wish, and the child will never be delayed to do other things. In this way, everyone is happy, what else do parents have to say? Can't you always complain about the decline in grades due to less homework? What does this make the teachers do?

Therefore, parents can not blindly protect the calves, to look at the child's learning from the perspective of development, young and strong do not work hard, the old man is sad, are all said to whom?