
The 36-year-old leftover woman asked for a dowry of 80,000, and after marriage, she relied on men to raise them, and returnees: I am too much to give you 8,000

author:Mosquitoes in Guangdong

Ah Hua is 36 years old this year, is a company's warehouse manager, the monthly salary ranges from 3500 to 4000, she is tall, although the appearance is ordinary, but after a bit of dressing, the overall image is still very good, because the appearance is not enough, the figure to make up.

When Ah Hua was young, she had three objects, the first was her first love, when she was 20 years old, she fell in love with her high school classmates, but the two people got along for less than a year, Ah Hua found that her boyfriend liked other girls, and the two of them had a big fight and ended up separately.

When Ah Hua was 25 years old, she had a second object, this object was also her high school classmate, when the two of them were in each other for more than a year, but because of personality problems, they often quarreled, and once argued more than once, and finally the two had to break up.

Ah Hua was 28 years old and a boy from the company next door fell in love, they were in a two-year relationship to get married, but on the issue of the bride price, Ah Hua asked for a dowry of 160,000, but the man bought a house at that time, not enough money to give the bride price, hoping to first owe Ah Hua a future to make up for it, but Ah Hua said that he would not give in to anything, she felt that the debt now would definitely be gone, and finally they separated because the dowry was not proper.

After being divorced, Ah Hua was sad for a long time, no longer had the heart to fall in love again, after two or three years of empty window, then her parents could no longer stand it, because their daughter was 33 years old, which was a very terrible number, they did not say to Ah Hua euphemistically, but very directly warned her, the mother said: "You are 33 years old, no matter how sad you have to have a degree, hard to make yourself a leftover woman, do you think it is worth it?" What do you really want? Do you still want to get married? Don't you want to be an old aunt? You really want to kill us alive. ”

The father also said: "It is indeed a shame not to marry at the age of 33, as soon as I went out, many people said to me that your daughter is so old, why don't you marry?" They're all making fun of me, what the hell do you think? ”

After the bitter persuasion of his parents, Ah Hua finally nodded and agreed to his parents to go on a blind date.

Ah Hua said to his parents: "Don't look for cats and dogs, strange people and I are close, look for those who have a certain economic strength, can afford to raise me, can afford to buy a house in the city, and can afford to give a bride price to me, otherwise I really don't want to marry." ”

As parents, they definitely want their daughters to marry well, so when choosing objects, parents will also try their best to choose some objects with relatively better conditions.

But three years have passed, Ah Hua is 36 years old, during this period she has been on a blind date of more than 20 objects, but none of them have succeeded, in the blind date process, many people think that Ah Hua is too old, doubt her fertility is ok; or think that Ah Hua's requirements are too high, and they have to buy a house, give a bride price, and raise her.

On Ah Hua's side, she felt that the other party was too old, some were more than 40 and 50 years old, some were second-married men with children, and Ah Hua was completely unable to accept married men, so in these three years, so many blind dates have all failed.

When her parents saw that Ah Hua was 36 years old and had not yet succeeded in dating, they persuaded her to lower her requirements, otherwise it would really be cold.

After some persuasion, Ah Hua was willing to reduce the requirements, the house can not buy a new one, but there must be a house in the city, the second is in the dowry, the 160,000 to 80,000 pieces, Ah Hua felt that 80,000 pieces has been like sending beggars, think that she lost in the bride price, no matter what, she will not let go, anyway, there is a bride price.

Later, Ah Hua's mother went to the marriage agency to help Ah Hua get married, and within a month, the staff called to say that there was a man whose conditions fully met the requirements of her daughter, and the other party was a returnee man. Her mother was very happy to hear this news, because the turtle man would certainly not be bad financially.

The 36-year-old leftover woman asked for a dowry of 80,000, and after marriage, she relied on men to raise them, and returnees: I am too much to give you 8,000

Soon Ah Hua and the returnee man came out to meet formally, and they were dating at a coffee shop. The returnee arrived earlier than Ah Hua, and when he saw Ah Hua, he very gentlemanly stood up and shook hands with Ah Hua to say hello, and the two people briefly introduced each other and sat down.

When the returnee wanted to say something, Ah Hua couldn't wait to ask him: "If our blind date is successful, will you give me the bride price money?" ”

The returnee did not expect Ah Hua to ask him like this, and he also said to Ah Hua very directly: "Marrying a wife must give the bride price money, what do you mean by asking this?" ”

Ah Hua was also very satisfied with this answer, she said to the returnee man: "I really don't hide that those men who have been blind dates in the past have hated me for being old and unwilling to give the bride price money, saying that I went on a blind date to earn the bride price money, I am 36 years old, I also have my own job, I am also trying to earn money, how can I lack this money." ”

The returnee man said to Ah Hua: "You are very good at this, modern women must have their own jobs, have the ability to earn money, whether they get married in the future, at least they have money to support themselves, I dare to ask how much money you can save every month?" ”

Ah Hua said frankly: "My monthly salary ranges from 3500 to 4000, but I don't think I need to save money as a girl, because I will rely on my husband to support my future marriage, so my monthly money is used to dress up, which means that I basically have no savings." ”

Hai Guinan was very surprised to hear that, as a woman, a 36-year-old leftover woman actually said that there was no savings, and it would frighten people to death when he said it, and he couldn't help but say three words: "Moonlight Clan." ”

Ah Hua then said, "Yes, it is similar to the Moonlight Clan, because our girls are raised by their husbands, they don't need to save money at all, they have to spend their husbands' money, which is also the characteristic of our girls." So now I wonder, anyway, I have a good impression of you, how much dowry will you give me? 80,000 pieces is not OK? ”

The returnee man smiled and said, "80,000? 80,000 pieces is a bit more. ”

At this time, Ah Hua's turn was a little surprised, she said: "As a middle-aged man, out of society to work hard for so many years, there must be a lot of money saved, and you are still a returnee man, 80,000 yuan is really not much, 80,000 yuan is almost the same as sending a beggar." ”

The 36-year-old leftover woman asked for a dowry of 80,000, and after marriage, she relied on men to raise them, and returnees: I am too much to give you 8,000

The returnee man made an exaggerated expression and said: "My God, 80,000 yuan you actually said to be used to send money to beggars, 80,000 yuan is a lot, 80,000 is not 8 yuan You have to figure out, and is it really that you got married to spend men's money?" ”

Ah Hua said without concealment, "Yes." ”

The returnee looked at Ah Hua a little disappointed and said: I finally know why you can't find the other half, why you have been on a blind date. ”

Ah Hua asked doubtfully, "Why?" ”

The returnee man said without anger: "You regard men as your cash machine, and you want men to raise them and ask men to give you another 80,000 yuan of dowry money, who do you think will be willing?" 80,000 pieces of dowry money is really not much, but if you want to give it, on your terms, I think it is too much to give you 8,000, because you are 36 years old, you are not a little girl in eighteen or twenty, 36 years old really should not also want the bride price money, and you also want to rely on men to raise men's money after marriage, do you really want to reach out to men like beggars for money? After saying that, Xiang Hai guinan got up and walked away, leaving no time for Ah Hua to refute.

@ Mosquitoes in Guangdong: In a situation like Ah Hua, she hopes for a dowry of 80,000, but should she ask for a bride price when she is 36 years old? There is also that her salary is basically nothing, she hopes to rely on men to raise men's money after marriage, so if you are a man, are you willing to marry a woman like Ah Hua?

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