
The situation between Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning 丨 Russian Foreign Minister: Russia's second attempt to call for a meeting of the UN Security Council on the Ubucha incident was unsuccessful

Source: CCTV news client

At 6:23 Beijing time on April 5:

Russian Foreign Minister: Russia's second attempt to convene a UN Security Council meeting on the Ubucha incident was unsuccessful

The situation between Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning 丨 Russian Foreign Minister: Russia's second attempt to call for a meeting of the UN Security Council on the Ubucha incident was unsuccessful

On April 4, local time, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said in a meeting with the Arab League's Ukraine Crisis Liaison Group that Russia's second attempt to call for a MEETING of the United Nations Security Council on the Bucha incident in Ukraine was unsuccessful.

Lavrov said Russia insisted that all accusations of events in Ukraine should be based on basic facts and not falsifications like in the West.

At 5:31 Beijing time on April 5:

Russia will submit to the Security Council evidence related to the Events in Bucha

On April 4, local time, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Nebenja said at a press conference held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York that the Russian side will submit evidence to the Security Council on April 5 to prove that the Bucha incident was a propaganda campaign planned by the Ukrainian side. He also said britain, the rotating chairman of the U.N. Security Council, had rejected Russia's request for an emergency meeting, a move that undermined the council's rules of procedure.

On April 3, Ukrainian media released a series of videos and pictures of civilian deaths in the city of Bucha, and the Ukrainian side accused the Russian army of committing atrocities against these civilians. After the Bucha incident fermented, the Russian side requested the UNITED Nations Security Council to hold a meeting on the incident, but the rotating chairman of the British presidency refused.

At 1:53 Beijing time on April 5:

France decided to expel 35 people with Russian diplomatic status

On April 4, local time, the French Foreign Ministry issued a notice saying that France has decided to expel 35 Russian diplomatic identity figures and believes that these people are not good for France's security.

At 1:25 Beijing time on April 5:

Russian Foreign Minister: The chance of successful negotiations will always exist The Ukrainian side should be guided by its own interests

The situation between Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning 丨 Russian Foreign Minister: Russia's second attempt to call for a meeting of the UN Security Council on the Ubucha incident was unsuccessful

On April 4, local time, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said in response to a reporter's question about the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations that the chances of successful negotiations will always exist, and the starting point of the Russian side is to make these opportunities come true.

Lavrov said that the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine are quite intensive, and the Russian side hopes that the Ukrainian side can be guided by the interests of its own country and people, rather than listening to the opinions of external advisers. Once the results emerge, it is likely that a summit of the two leaders will be convened to consolidate the gains.

At 0:55 Beijing time on April 5:

The Turkish Foreign Minister had a telephone conversation with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister to discuss the latest developments in the situation between Russia and Ukraine

The situation between Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning 丨 Russian Foreign Minister: Russia's second attempt to call for a meeting of the UN Security Council on the Ubucha incident was unsuccessful

△ Turkish Foreign Minister Cavushlălu (left) and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kureba (right) (Image from the Internet)

On April 4, Turkish Foreign Minister Cavushoglu had a telephone conversation with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Culeba, and the two sides discussed the latest developments in the situation between Russia and Ukraine.

Since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Turkish side has actively mediated the two sides to resolve their differences through negotiations. On March 10, at the urging of the Turkish side, the foreign ministers of Russia and Ukraine met for the first time since the conflict began in Antalya, Turkey. On March 29, Turkey hosted the fifth round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine in Istanbul, and made positive progress. On March 31, Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu said it was possible for the foreign ministers of Russia and Ukraine to meet in a week or two.

At 00:09 Beijing time on April 5:

Germany announced the expulsion of 40 Russian diplomats

On April 4, local time, Germany announced the expulsion of 40 Russian diplomats.

21:46 Beijing time on April 4:

Russian Foreign Ministry: Retaliatory measures will be taken in response to the reduction of the diplomatic level of Latvia and Lithuania with Russia

The situation between Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning 丨 Russian Foreign Minister: Russia's second attempt to call for a meeting of the UN Security Council on the Ubucha incident was unsuccessful

On April 4, local time, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that it would soon take retaliatory measures on the reduction of the diplomatic level of Latvia and Lithuania with Russia.

On the 4th, Lithuania announced that it had lowered the level of diplomatic relations with Russia, recalled the Lithuanian ambassador to Russia, and announced the expulsion of the Russian ambassador from Vilnius. On the same day, Latvia also announced that it would lower its diplomatic level with Russia.

At 19:33 Beijing time on April 4:

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a presidential decree imposing retaliatory visa measures against "unfriendly countries."

The situation between Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning 丨 Russian Foreign Minister: Russia's second attempt to call for a meeting of the UN Security Council on the Ubucha incident was unsuccessful

On April 4, local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a presidential decree against "unfriendly countries" to implement retaliatory visa measures.

Under the Decree, Russia has suspended a number of provisions of visa facilitation agreements with the European Union, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

It is reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed the Russian Foreign Ministry to impose personal entry restrictions on foreign citizens and stateless persons who have "unfriendly behavior."

At 18:56 Beijing time on April 4:

French President Emmanuel Macron: Leaning towards new sanctions against Russia from the EUROPEAN Union

The situation between Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning 丨 Russian Foreign Minister: Russia's second attempt to call for a meeting of the UN Security Council on the Ubucha incident was unsuccessful

On April 4, local time, French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview with the media that he tends to ask the European Union to adopt new sanctions against Russia, which requires coordination with European partners, especially Germany. Macron said the sanctions would involve coal and oil.

At 18:18 Beijing time on April 4:

General Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine: Soldiers of the 64th Brigade of the Russian Independent Motorized Infantry were responsible for the Bucha incident

On April 4, local time, the General Intelligence Bureau of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense said that soldiers of russia's independent motorized infantry 64th Brigade should be responsible for the Bucha incident and published the so-called list.

On April 3, local time, Ukrainian media released a series of pictures and videos of civilian deaths in Bucha City, and the Ukrainian government blamed the Russian army for killing these civilians.

On April 4, local time, Russian presidential press secretary Peskov said on the incident in the Ukrainian city of Bucha that the Russian Ministry of Defense had quickly provided information a day earlier. The videos released by the Ukrainian side are not credible, because the videos have obvious signs of falsification and various forgeries, and the chronological order of events also shows that these allegations are not reliable.

In addition, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova said that the United Kingdom, the rotating presidency of the UNITED Nations Security Council on the 3rd, rejected the Russian proposal to hold a meeting on the Bucha incident. On the 4th, the Russian side will once again request a meeting of the UN Security Council on the Bucha incident.

At 18:00 Beijing time on April 4:

The Kremlin comments on the events in the Ukrainian city of Bucha: the allegations are not credible

The situation between Russia and Ukraine last night and this morning 丨 Russian Foreign Minister: Russia's second attempt to call for a meeting of the UN Security Council on the Ubucha incident was unsuccessful

On April 4, local time, Russian presidential press secretary Peskov commented on the incident in the Ukrainian city of Bucha. He noted that the russian Defense Ministry had provided information quickly the day before. The videos released by the Ukrainian side are not credible, because the videos have obvious signs of falsification and various forgeries, and the chronological order of events also shows that these allegations are not reliable.

Peskov said Russia firmly rejects all allegations and believes the issue should be discussed at the highest level, which is why Russia has proposed to consider the issue at the United Nations Security Council. Despite the obstructions, Russian diplomats will continue to work to advance the issue on the agenda of the UN Security Council.

In addition, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov pointed out in a meeting with the UN Deputy Secretary-General on the 4th that the incident in Bucha City was a new round of "false news attacks", and after the Russian army left Bucha City, a stage play was staged there. Lavrov pointed out that the design was for anti-Russian purposes, and Russia believes that this provocative act directly threatens international security.

In addition, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova said that the United Kingdom, the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council yesterday, rejected the Russian side's proposal to hold a meeting on the Bucha incident. Today, the Russian side will once again call for a meeting of the UN Security Council on the Bucha incident.

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