
Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

author:Dr. Zhong discussed

Just like fried chicken and beer in the Korean drama "You from the Stars" TV series, become the best match for beer, the same peanut rice is also the "golden partner" for drinking, but this combination is not recently emerging, has been used by people for a long time, perhaps in the long process of wine culture. #夏方养生指南 #

There is a folk saying that the amount of wine that can measure the amount of wine of the other party with peanut rice, when the other party's hand with peanut rice is unstable or directly begins to grasp the peanut rice with the hand, it means that the other party is drunk.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"


Why do you like to eat peanuts when you drink?

Peanut rice with liquor seems to be the standard for mainlanders, but in fact, not only our country, but also European and American countries also like to drink wine with nuts. When it comes to why drinking alcohol with nuts, there are mainly these reasons:

First of all, peanut rice and other nuts, peanut rice, etc., the taste of nuts is neutral, using it to the current wine dish will not affect the taste of wine, plus nuts in the high temperature baking process will add salt, and other condiments, color and flavor are complete, can improve the desire to drink.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

In particular, salty nuts, such as peanuts without pretzel, have a salty taste, and it is easy to eat more dry mouth, so you need to drink more wine to alleviate it.

Nuts are rich in nutrients, like peanuts are rich in protein, accounting for 24% to 36% of the total nutrients, in addition, it also contains amino acids, B vitamins, calcium, iron and other nutrients necessary for the human body.

In summary, the existence of these reasons is not difficult to understand why mainlanders like to use peanut rice as a wine dish.


Case sharing

63-year-old Uncle Zhang, the "ultimate hobby" of life is to drink a small glass of wine at dinner, and then paired with a plate of fried peanuts and rice, suddenly feel that life is complete, not worth it. But two years ago, Uncle Zhang went to the hospital for examination because of headache, chest tightness and shortness of breath, and was later diagnosed with high blood pressure.

The doctor reminded Uncle Zhang to make adjustments in his diet, eat less fatty meat and foods with high fat, and also take medicine according to the doctor's instructions. After returning home, Uncle Zhang did follow the doctor's advice, but his life hobby was never completely quit, and he had to order peanuts and rice with liquor every night.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

Some time ago, when eating dinner at home, Uncle Zhang suddenly felt that his left hand could not be strong, could not hold the chopsticks, and even lost consciousness for a while, the family hurriedly dialed 120 to send him to the hospital, after examination, Uncle Zhang's cholesterol and triglyceride levels were significantly exceeded the standard, and had reached a high-risk level.

Later, after the ct examination of the skull, it was found that a large area of cerebral infarction was accompanied by cerebral hernia, and the doctor urgently arranged craniotomy and decompression surgery for Uncle Zhang, but because the area of cerebral infarction was too large, Uncle Zhang finally failed to survive the difficulties and unfortunately passed away.

Afterwards, the doctor said: "Peanut rice with wine is not healthy, especially the middle-aged and elderly people with chronic diseases such as hypertension are not recommended to eat this way."

Why would a doctor say such a thing? Can't you touch peanuts when drinking?


Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking?

Don't they all say that peanut rice and liquor are standard? Why don't doctors recommend eating them together?

Peanut rice since ancient times has the reputation of "longevity fruit", nutritional value has been recognized, belongs to high-protein food, but at the same time the fat content is also very high, accounting for about 50% of the total, especially after high temperature frying of peanut rice, producing a large number of unsaturated fatty acids, this substance into the human body can improve the level of triglycerides.

In addition, long-term intake of high-protein foods such as peanuts can easily lead to elevated cholesterol levels, elevated blood lipids, hardening of blood vessels, further narrowing, blockage, and eventually induce cerebral infarction.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

Long-term heavy alcohol consumption greatly increases the probability of alcoholic fatty liver disease, reduces the metabolism of blood lipids in the liver, further increases blood lipid levels, increases the risk of atherosclerosis, and induces cerebral infarction.

Not only that, drinking a large amount of high liquor will also stimulate people's sympathetic nervous system, damage vascular endothelial function, etc., resulting in increased blood pressure and blood lipid levels, and hypertension is a major predisposing factor for diseases such as stroke and cerebral hemorrhage.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

Uncle Zhang himself suffers from high blood pressure, and he usually likes to drink some small wine with peanuts and rice to eat, and the result that finally appears is also traceable.

From this point of view, liquor and peanuts are not good for blood vessel health, if the two are eaten together, it may bring "1 + 1>2" damage, so doctors do not recommend that you mix them together to eat.


Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

The first "appetizer" is durian

After drinking alcohol is digested and absorbed by the stomach and intestines, it is because the human body contains acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, so the alcohol in the blood can be excreted as soon as possible.

Eating durian when drinking alcohol is not conducive to the secretion of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, can not be timely metabolism of alcohol out of the body, while drinking wine while eating durian will increase the chance of alcohol poisoning after drinking, bring great damage to the liver.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

The second "appetizer" is grilled skewers

Summer is a great time to eat barbecues and drink beer, and it is a great pleasure in life to get together with three or five friends and drink small wine with kebabs. There are many kinds of barbecue, but the oil is moistened, sprinkled with cumin, chili noodles, accompanied by garlic cloves, a bite is particularly satisfying, and a bottle of beer is a pleasant feeling.

However, beer with barbecue will bring adverse effects to the body, pork, lamb, beef after high temperature grilling will not only reduce the nutritional content of meat, but also will lose most of the protein, the production of benzopyrene and other carcinogens, often barbecue and beer together will only increase the risk of cancer.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

The third "appetizer" is seafood

I believe that no one can refuse the temptation of fat seafood, crabs, clams, king crabs and other seafood are complete, and rich in mineral elements, vitamins, trace elements, protein and other nutrients, calories, fat content are very low, eat during weight loss do not have to worry about gaining weight.

Whether it is steamed or stir-fried, it is very delicious, the cooking method is simple, and the coastal city dwellers and inland people love them.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

However, seafood and seafood with beer is a "gout package", the doctor recommends: it is best not to eat seafood as a wine dish when drinking, so as not to cause the level of uric acid in the body to rise and induce gout, which will adversely affect the health.

The fourth "appetizer" - pickled food

Salted meat, sausage, salted fish, pickles, etc. are common pickled foods in life, the salt content in this type of food is extremely high, after entering the human body, it causes water and sodium retention, increases blood volume, leads to fluctuations in blood pressure, and further damages blood vessels, so it is recommended that everyone drink alcohol without pairing with pickled foods.

The 5th "appetizer" - persimmons

The persimmon mentioned here is not a tomato, many people usually like to eat persimmons, persimmon cakes, with its unique taste is loved by men and women, young and old, the taste is soft and sticky sweet, even the elderly can eat.

It should be noted that when drinking alcohol, you cannot eat persimmons, persimmons will react with the components in gastric juice, and then produce hard lumps that are insoluble in water, and eating persimmons with wine may induce gastrointestinal diseases such as enteritis and gastric ulcers.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"


Extension - Is peanut rice eaten raw or cooked?

A healthy and nutritious ingredient, in order to maximize its nutrition, the way of eating is very critical.

There are many ways to eat peanuts, but they can be roughly divided into two kinds of raw food and cooked food, so which one is healthier and more effective to play the health benefits of peanuts?

In terms of its growth environment, peanuts grow in the soil, may be contaminated by parasite eggs, bacteria and other harmful substances, raw eating may bring hidden dangers to health; secondly, the protein contained in raw peanuts, compared to cooked peanuts, is more difficult to digest, will bring burden to the stomach and intestines.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

People who suffer from indigestion, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases may aggravate the condition after eating, so it is not recommended to eat peanuts raw.

As for eating cooked peanuts, not every cooking method is a health science, such as the way of frying, high temperature will not only destroy the nutrients contained in peanuts, but also make the body invisibly ingest too much oil, which also poses a threat to health.

The most scientific way to eat peanuts is to boil them. Add an appropriate amount of seasoning in water, pour peanuts into the cooking and eat, not only rich in taste, but also to maximize the preservation of nutrients, but also can dissolve the various germs contained in raw peanuts in the water, reducing health risks.

Why can't I touch peanuts when drinking? Doctor: Drink as little as possible to eat these 5 "appetizers"

After knowing the healthier way to eat peanuts, we must not miss the peanuts as a health ingredient, which contains protein, fatty acids, vitamins, niacin and other nutrients, which are of great benefit to our health.

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