
The general forgot about the coachman, and the next day the coachman drove him to the enemy camp, and from then on there was an idiom

author:Travel through the ages

In the Chinese language, the existence of idioms is crucial, and can be described with a simple four words to describe the profound meaning, and behind the emergence of each idiom is a different story, just as the origin of the idiom of independent politics is because of a pot of meat. The incident also began from the Song Dynasty period, any dynasty will have military generals, even if the Song Dynasty emphasizes literature and light weapons, there will be a large number of generals, but its status cannot be compared with other dynasties.

The general forgot about the coachman, and the next day the coachman drove him to the enemy camp, and from then on there was an idiom

But for the commander of the first army, the prestige in front of the soldiers is still very high, but there is a commander who is sent to the enemy camp by the other side just because he forgot the coachman because of the meat, and thus derived the idiom of going their own way, I have to say that this commander is also quite unfortunate, because a pot of meat is sent to the enemy camp, it is estimated that no other commander can have such an experience. What's going on here? Let's talk about it today

Coach Hua Yuan

For ancient people, status is an extremely important symbol, especially people of royal blood, and they were regarded as absolutely noble beings in ancient times, and Hua Yuan is a noble royal bloodline. However, Hua Yuan did not enjoy it because of his noble origin, but on the contrary, he established a meritorious service by virtue of his own talents, and even once because Hua Yuan's merits were too high, the people of the Song Dynasty at that time hoped that he could be called emperor to rule the country. However, Hua Yuan did not do so, on the one hand, because he had no interest in emperor Wei, and on the other hand, because he knew that the Song state at that time was relatively chaotic, and he was in a high position and could not see the situation clearly, and the status of a courtier was more convenient for him to protect the country.

The general forgot about the coachman, and the next day the coachman drove him to the enemy camp, and from then on there was an idiom

Hua Yuan solved many problems with his own ability, and because his ability was too outstanding, Hua Yuan became extremely egotistical, and even thought that he could solve everything with his own ability, so he did not value others. Not only ordinary people can not get his respect, the same is true of the emperor, although Hua Yuan did not reach the throne, but he is an absolute power controller, he has the ability to change the emperor at any time, once he realizes that the emperor has misbehaved, he can let others replace him at any time, which shows how important his position in the Song Kingdom is.

The general forgot about the coachman, and the next day the coachman drove him to the enemy camp, and from then on there was an idiom

The only fortunate thing is that although he is extremely self-sufficient, he attaches great importance to the development of the Song Kingdom, and has been working hard to ensure the stable life of the people of the Song Kingdom, and constantly promote the economic development of the Song Kingdom, so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment. Therefore, the people were extremely supportive of him, and even thought that the Song Kingdom could be without an emperor, but it could not be without Hua Yuan, and hua yuan's existence once became the protector of the Song kingdom, which made Hua Yuan more egotistical and would not care about the feelings of others. In the end, Hua Yuan also paid the price because of his excessive self, and he could not forget this price for the rest of his life.

The general forgot about the coachman, and the next day the coachman drove him to the enemy camp, and from then on there was an idiom

Hua Yuan played

The era into which the Song State entered was a relatively chaotic situation, and coupled with the fact that the Song State itself belonged to a country with weaker national strength, it would naturally become the target of attack by other countries. The State of Qi frequently attacked the State of Song with the help of its powerful national strength, and Hua Yuan, as the protector of the State of Song, bore the brunt of the battle with the State of Qi, and Hua Yuan led a group of elite troops to the battlefield to engage the State of Qi. The Song state, which was already in a weak position, was attacked by Qi and Zheng jointly, causing a lot of losses to the Song state, and even so, Hua Yuan also stuck to the front line.

The general forgot about the coachman, and the next day the coachman drove him to the enemy camp, and from then on there was an idiom

Hua Yuan knew very well that his morale was bound to be affected in the case of being attacked in the abdomen and back, and although he acted extremely self-effacingly, he was indeed extremely capable of leading troops to fight. Therefore, he resolutely went into battle himself, hoping to improve morale through his own actions, which was obviously very effective, and the morale of the encouraged army became high. This situation also made Zheng Guo extremely worried, in order to better cope, Zheng Guo sent elites to compete with Song Guoyi, and in such a situation, Hua Yuan made new moves to improve morale again.

The general forgot about the coachman, and the next day the coachman drove him to the enemy camp, and from then on there was an idiom

For ancient generals, once they entered a state of war, then grain and grass became extremely important, but the quality of food was bound to decline. Under such circumstances, if meat could be eaten, it would be extremely rare for soldiers, so Hua Yuan took action from this aspect and decisively ordered the slaughter of cattle and sheep to reward the three armies. The intention was to boost morale through this move, but because of one of his negligences, he put himself in danger, and thus made him realize how self he was in the past.

The general forgot about the coachman, and the next day the coachman drove him to the enemy camp, and from then on there was an idiom

Improper division of meat leads to trouble

Hua Yuan's morale was raised again by dividing the meat, and coupled with his verbal encouragement, the soldiers were more confident in the war, which could have reversed the situation, but because of an accident, all the preparations in the early stage were destroyed. This accident was Hua Yuan's coachman, it is reported that when Hua Yuan ordered the meat to be distributed, his coachman belonged to the state of being ordered to run errands outside, and when he returned, he found that the whole army was eating meat, but the coachman did not get it. Doing things wholeheartedly but ignoring them to this point, you can imagine how the driver's heart will be affected.

The general forgot about the coachman, and the next day the coachman drove him to the enemy camp, and from then on there was an idiom

The coachman Yang Hui believes that he has not received meat, which is no longer simply ignoring the problem, but Hua Yuan does not regard him as a member of the Song Kingdom, which is equivalent to not recognizing his ability. This neglect made Yang Zhuo unbearable, believing that his efforts were ignored by others, so this matter became his heart hate. Overwhelmed by hatred, Yang Zhuo made a bold decision to take revenge on Hua Yuan, and this revenge also came quite quickly.

The general forgot about the coachman, and the next day the coachman drove him to the enemy camp, and from then on there was an idiom

Before the decisive battle between the two armies, the sheep cart took Hua Yuan to the battlefield, but the carriage did not stop at the designated position, but rushed directly to the Zheng Guo camp without moving forward. In this process, Yang Yuan also said that the meat was decided by Hua Yuan, and now in the case of a car, then it is up to Yang Hui to decide, and Hua Yuan entered the enemy camp in such a situation. Hua Yuan eventually became a prisoner of Zheng Guo, although the Song State eventually redeemed him, but this experience made Hua Yuan unforgettable, because a pot of meat also destroyed all the early plans of the Song State, and the main captive war was naturally lost.

The general forgot about the coachman, and the next day the coachman drove him to the enemy camp, and from then on there was an idiom


Although the neglect of the coachman is only a small thing in the eyes of others, it is a great thing for the coachman, and in the eyes of the coachman, this neglect is a disapproval of himself. Perhaps Hua Yuan is only an inadvertent mistake, but it is unbearable for the coachman, and at the same time, it also shows that hua yuan in peacetime is already extremely self-sufficient, leaving no good impression on the coachman, so he over-interpreted this matter after he was ignored, and finally the Song Kingdom was defeated. Although the Song Dynasty was defeated, a new idiom was derived, but the ancients did not like the idiom of going their own way, because in the eyes of many people, the meaning represented by this idiom not only has the meaning of hindering the development of events, but also has the meaning of deep betrayal, after all, the coachman betrayed Hua Yuan before sending it to the enemy camp. Nowadays, the meaning of this idiom is not so complicated, so it will be seen in some places, but overall this idiom is not liked by everyone. What other historical idioms do you know? Welcome to leave a message to discuss