
After Jiang Ziya's death, the Zhou Dynasty immediately killed his descendants, really cunning rabbit dead lackey cooking

author:Travel through the ages

The allusion that Jiang Taigong fished for the wisher to be hooked is believed to be a classic short story that everyone is familiar with in childhood. To some extent, Jiang Taigong, as a generation of strategists, has long been a well-known classic historical figure. In many film and television dramas, Jiang Taigong is not only a generation of strategists who are dedicated to the country, but also a model for those who have become late in life. In the myths and legends, there is also the figure of Jiang Ziya, who helped the Zhou Dynasty, defeated the desolate and cruel King of Shang, and finally presided over the canonization ceremony!

After Jiang Ziya's death, the Zhou Dynasty immediately killed his descendants, really cunning rabbit dead lackey cooking

Let those mortals who have made many contributions become the gods that everyone yearns for. However, in history, the real descendants of Jiang Taigong did not end up with a good ending, according to historical records, after Jiang Ziya's death, the ruler who ruled the Zhou Dynasty immediately killed many of his descendants. What's going on here? Today we will talk about it

The history of extinction of business is full of twists and turns, and it is really rare to achieve hegemony

In history, the three dynasties of Xia and Shang are equivalent to the distant historical period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, in other words, there are very few historical materials related to this period, and most of today's historians will refer to the classic work "Fengshen Yanyi" when studying this history. Many literary people believe that although "Fengshen Yanyi" is a novel depicting the struggle between gods and demons, the historical trend related to it is still very clear, and the important events that occurred at that time and the historical figures that existed at that time are also consistent with the real history, and the main character jiang Ziya is the soul of the whole history.

After Jiang Ziya's death, the Zhou Dynasty immediately killed his descendants, really cunning rabbit dead lackey cooking

However, unlike the plot described in the book, the historical struggle is more tortuous. Although Jiang Ziya was full of economy and talent, he was in the middle of the family road and had some skills, but there was nowhere to show it. However, I was born to be useful, and the opportunity was always left to those who were prepared and talented, a chance encounter, so that Jiang Ziya met his Bole, and since then there has been the opportunity to show his talents in a peaceful step, and this person is Zhou Wen Wang Jichang. After some conversation, the two were very close, and they had the feeling of seeing each other and hating each other. Therefore, at the invitation of King Wen of Zhou, Jiang Ziya became a vassal of the Zhou Dynasty.

After Jiang Ziya's death, the Zhou Dynasty immediately killed his descendants, really cunning rabbit dead lackey cooking

Under the advice of Jiang Ziya, King Wen of Zhou continued to strengthen himself, gradually winning the hearts of the people, and becoming a prestigious monarch. And Jiang Ziya's role is not only a military master, in the whole great cause of the crusade against the King of Shang, Jiang Ziya incarnated as a strategist who worried about the country and the people, helped King Wen of Zhou to win the hearts of the people, accumulate good cultivation, and also enveloped the princes of the world, to some extent, if King Wen of Zhou was not escorted by Jiang Ziya, it may be difficult to grow so fast in just a few years.

After Jiang Ziya's death, the Zhou Dynasty immediately killed his descendants, really cunning rabbit dead lackey cooking

However, King Wen of Zhou had bad luck, and the last person to achieve hegemony was his son Ji Chang the King of Zhou Wu. When King Wu of Zhou succeeded to the throne, he was eager to prove himself, but the series of work led by Jiang Ziya had already begun during the reign of King Wen of Zhou, and even if King Wu of Zhou wanted to do something, there was nowhere to start.

After Jiang Ziya's death, the Zhou Dynasty immediately killed his descendants, really cunning rabbit dead lackey cooking

Being in a high position provokes suspicion and unloads the donkey to expose the horse's feet

As we all know, Jiang Ziya was already very old when he came out of the mountain, and although he was talented, he was also criticized by many people. According to historical records, in the Second War of Cutting Merchants, Jiang Ziya's energy was far from before, and even to the point where he could not assume major responsibilities at all. At this time, Jiang Ziya wanted king Zhou to recommend his son Jiang Ling, hoping that his son could take over the baton in his hand and help him achieve great things. Jiang Ling was also a talented man, who was appreciated by the rulers of the Zhou Dynasty as soon as he came out of the mountains, and even quelled the Wu Geng Rebellion. This time, the status of the Jiang clan was greatly consolidated in the Zhou Dynasty.

After Jiang Ziya's death, the Zhou Dynasty immediately killed his descendants, really cunning rabbit dead lackey cooking

However, at this time, the ruler of the Zhou Dynasty did not have too much concern about Jiang Ziya, after all, in his eyes, Jiang Ziya was already a half-buried and hanging old man, even if he had the idea of usurping the throne, it was not enough at all. And the Jiang family lived a relatively stable time under the false trust of King Zhou. But there is a saying in China, that is, there is no cold in the high places, and those who are in high positions will also bear the risk of honor and disgrace. In history, there are very few humerus ministers who can retreat from the whole body, and Jiang Ling has become one of them. After achieving certain achievements, Jiang Ling left the fiefdom and followed his father Jiang Ziya to assist the rulers of the Zhou Dynasty. Unlike Jiang Ziya, the young Jiang Ling desperately hopes that he can realize his life ambitions, gain the trust of the King of Zhou, and give his family and even the family a better life and glory.

After Jiang Ziya's death, the Zhou Dynasty immediately killed his descendants, really cunning rabbit dead lackey cooking

And Jiang Ling did indeed do it, and the King of Zhou gave jiang ling the vital military power in his hands, and Jiang Ling also became the leader among many princes. But rights and obligations are relative, and opportunities and crises coexist. While gaining trust and rights, Jiang Ling also bears certain personal risks. And the King of Zhou, as the ruler of a country, is naturally the ruthless ruler who only knows how to squeeze the interests of others. Little by little, he squeezed the value of Jiang Ling, and even after Jiang Ziya's death, he extended a criminal black hand to all his descendants.

After Jiang Ziya's death, the Zhou Dynasty immediately killed his descendants, really cunning rabbit dead lackey cooking

The most ruthless imperial family, many years later to avenge the old

After Jiang Ziya's death, the power of the Jiang family has become a threat, and the King of Zhou believes that if the Jiang family is allowed to continue to grow, one day his throne will also become the pocket of the Jiang family. Therefore, the King of Zhou, at the suggestion of others, set up a plan to weaken the power of the Jiang family. The first to suffer was Jiang Ziya's younger son, whose fiefdom was the weakest Zheng Guo. The King of Zhou casually found an excuse to retake the fiefdom and execute his younger son.

After Jiang Ziya's death, the Zhou Dynasty immediately killed his descendants, really cunning rabbit dead lackey cooking

In addition, the King of Zhou thought of several ways to drive all the descendants of the Jiang family around him out of the power group, and even in front of all the princes throughout the country, he cooked and killed the King of Qi in public, and from then on, the King of Zhou completely let go of his hands and feet and persecuted Jiang Ziya's descendants one by one. By the time of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the once mighty Zhou royal family was also declining, while Jiang Ziya's descendant Qi Huangong, with the assistance of Guan Zhong, Taoguang was obscure and became increasingly powerful, and once upon a time, the fierce-hearted Zhou royal family also became a puppet under Qi Huangong, which was also a revenge for the destruction of the door.

After Jiang Ziya's death, the Zhou Dynasty immediately killed his descendants, really cunning rabbit dead lackey cooking


The most ruthless imperial family, the ruler of the highest, most of the time will want to hold all the power in their hands, if there is too much talent, it will become a thorn in their eye, a thorn in the flesh. And Jiang Ziya and other descendants are like this. Looking at the history of the rise and fall of the Jiang family, it is a prelude to hard work and high achievements, rabbit dead dog meat cooking. However, it is a pity that the world only remembers the glorious glory of Jiang Ziya and the scenery of achieving great deeds, but forgets their last tragic history, which is really sad and lamentable.