
At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say

author:Dr. Fu Min talked

Some people who love to drink often say that wine is a grain essence, and the more you drink, the younger you get, so you will often drink some wine every day.

Baijiu should be a more traditional liquor drink in the mainland, as early as thousands of years ago in ancient mainland China, people had the habit of drinking and celebrating, and the wine drunk by the ancients was liquor.

At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say

Nowadays, many people still retain the habit of drinking, especially when many male friends usually participate in social gatherings and parties, almost all of them drink alcohol.

Some people have heard that drinking a moderate amount of wine can help to activate the meridian network, which is also good for health. And some people think that drinking alcohol regularly is not beneficial, it is easy to hurt the body, causing burden and impact on the body.

At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say

So if you eat dinner, what will be the impact of drinking some liquor on the body? Let's take a look.

At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say

Liquor brewed from hoarded grain, which includes ethanol, water, a small amount of acids, acetaldehyde, lipids, a variety of trace ingredients and so on.

However, after the liquor is brewed, it is stored for a period of time, and the fusel components of these acid substances will slowly evaporate.

At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say

The longer the liquor is brewed, the stronger the aroma of the wine, and it is precisely because of this that some people who love to drink wine feel that the taste of liquor is very smooth, and they feel that drinking wine is also a very enjoyable process, so they usually have a drink by themselves.

Here to clearly tell everyone that regular drinking is harmless, because alcohol has a certain irritation, and also belongs to a class of carcinogens, so often drinking alcohol is not beneficial, even if it is at night to drink less liquor is not conducive to health.

At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say

Regular drinking may cause the following effects on the body

  • Stimulates cardiovascular

Blood vessels are the place of blood circulation, the heart continues to beat, in order to maintain normal blood circulation, so cardiovascular health and human health have a great connection.

Regular drinking will lead to alcohol entering the human body, but also to the cardiovascular caused by certain irritation, resulting in cardiovascular health damage, serious cases may also increase the risk of related diseases.

At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say
  • Irritates the stomach and intestines

Earlier we mentioned that alcohol has a certain irritation, when alcohol enters the human body, there will be a small part to the stomach, so often drinking will inevitably cause irritation to the gastrointestinal mucosa, serious words may also cause gastritis, stomach ulcers.

Therefore, in order to maintain gastrointestinal health, I hope that you must control the amount of alcohol you drink, and for those whose gastrointestinal function itself is not very good, you should drink less or not drink.

At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say
  • Harms the liver

Perhaps many people should have heard of the saying that drinking alcohol hurts the liver, often drinking alcohol will cause certain damage and effects to the liver, serious words may also increase the risk of bad kidney liver disease, this is not nonsense, there have been relevant research data show that more than half of the liver lesions, almost all related to drinking.

So I don't want to increase the burden on the liver, I hope you can get rid of the habit of drinking as soon as possible, please don't take it seriously.

At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say
  • Stimulates the nervous system

Even if you don't have the habit of drinking, then seeing the reaction of the people around you after getting drunk, you should also know that people's language and behavior after getting drunk may be uncontrolled, mainly because alcohol causes stimulation to the central nervous system.

Therefore, regular drinking will inevitably seriously damage the health of brain nerves, and even obscurely increase the burden on the brain, which is not good for physical health, please try to control your mouth.

At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say

In summary, there is no benefit to drinking alcohol regularly, so if you don't want your body to be harmed by these dangers, you must quit drinking in time, but for those who are more addicted to alcohol, you may not be able to change the habit of drinking in a short period of time.

If you really can't quit drinking, you should also control the amount of alcohol you drink, and control the amount of alcohol you drink every day within a safe range, for male friends, it is best to maintain your daily alcohol intake within 25 ml, while female friends are best not to exceed 15 ml.

At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say

Getting rid of bad drinking habits will help reduce the burden on the body

Drinking on an empty stomach:

Some people may directly ask a good friend to drink after work at night, so it is easy to form a drinking behavior on an empty stomach.

Maybe this situation does not seem to be too much of a problem, but if you often drink alcohol on an empty stomach, it is easy to cause great harm and burden to the body, and it will also cause great irritation to the stomach and intestines, please try to correct it.

At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say

Drink while staying up late:

Drinking alcohol itself is not a good habit of behavior, but many young people now stay up late or drink all night.

Such behavior can easily cause great harm and burden to the body, and it will also affect the work and life of day 2, so this is also not recommended.

At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say

Drink alcohol while smoking:

As the saying goes, tobacco and alcohol do not leave home, nevertheless, but the heart to drink at the same time will seriously harm the body, because drinking is a bad habit, and smoking is also a bad habit, two bad habits at the same time, may cause double harm to the body.

So from a health point of view, remind everyone not to smoke when drinking, please don't take it seriously.

At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say

Mixed drinking:

Some people may like to pursue excitement when drinking, mixing a variety of alcoholic beverages together, thinking that this is more satisfying to the taste.

This behavior seems to be very normal, but there are certain differences in the alcohol content of different alcoholic beverages, and drinking alcohol with different alcohol levels will inevitably lead to greater damage to the liver, so this point should also be corrected as soon as possible.

At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say

For some people with a special nature of work, it may be inevitable to drink alcohol, but they feel that they will feel very uncomfortable after drinking.

Do the following after drinking, or can improve the discomfort

【Eat some mild food】

Maybe when people drink alcohol, they often prepare a variety of big fish and meat as a wine dish to eat, maybe this way of eating does not seem to be too much of a problem, but the big fish and meat eat too much, it is easy to cause irritation to the stomach, but also increase the burden on the stomach.

If you want to improve the discomfort of the body after drinking, it is recommended to focus on light, digestible and balanced foods, which may avoid irritation to the body and also provide nutrients.

At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say

【Drink more water】

If you feel very uncomfortable after each drink, in addition to controlling the amount of alcohol you drink, you can also add some water to the body appropriately.

Ensuring adequate water in the body can promote metabolism and accelerate the smooth metabolism of other substances such as alcohol and excret them, and can also avoid a large amount of alcohol accumulating in the body, causing irritation and damage to the body.

At dinner, insist on drinking some liquor, what will happen to your body? Hear what the doctor has to say

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