
WeChat reconfirmed that WeChat will add three new features

author:Cow memories you've had since Diluk

Although WeChat's expansion in the social field is unparalleled, there is the emergence of Alipay in terms of financial payment. We all know that compared to WeChat, Alipay is more outstanding in financial payment, and its Huabei borrowing will catch up with WeChat's micro-particle loans and other financial services, but WeChat has not given up lightly, and once again, WeChat will add three new features!

Recent button, weChat's last version, added WeChat recent situation display, as long as you make a call, there will be the other party in the past three days in the circle of friends posted content, somewhat embarrassing. In order to alleviate this situation, the latest version has added a button for "Latest News", and a click will display the circle of friends that the other party has posted within three days

WeChat reconfirmed that WeChat will add three new features

Money-saving calendar: Whether it is online or online consumption, we hope to be able to enjoy discounts, especially similar to recharge fees and pay water and electricity bills every month, etc., and the [Saving Money Calendar] public account is to integrate all the discounts, covering many APP preferential services, such as recharge electricity, 500 yuan can save about 40 yuan, really cost-effective.

WeChat reconfirmed that WeChat will add three new features

Memo reminder function, often forget some things, it is better to try the WeChat memo reminder function, can be sent directly to the dialog box, and then long press 2 seconds time, select the "reminder" function, you can set how long after, this message will be a pop-up reminder.

WeChat reconfirmed that WeChat will add three new features