
Selected poems| Qingxin hugging the moon homesick, a song of Jiang yin to my home

Selected poems| Qingxin hugging the moon homesick, a song of Jiang yin to my home

"Seven Absolute Daffodils"

Text/East Side

Cold night ice flowers for nine days, light dust jade leaf water daffodil.

Ling Bo is ashamed of the spring appearance of the moon, and the jade porcelain plate is held in the dream.

Phalaenopsis Orchid

Text/Spring and Autumn

Lan Rui supported the warm wall with a smile.

In the dream, there should be butterflies flying by, and three or two clear songs are not sung.

"Seven Absolute Yong Mei"


Geese go to autumn away from the grass decadence, winter to su snow dark incense urge.

A thousand branches are dotted with vermilion, and the ink pen is doodled with ten thousand plums.

"Seven Absolute Ice and Snow Finder"

Geese go to the old woods, and the snow road in the wild village is difficult to find.

Chicken dogs bark at the edge of the fence, and the footprints of the half-hidden wood door are deep.

"The Wrong Knife of Gold, Seeking buddha"


The mountains are dusty and the water is traceless. The pavilion canopy is divided into curtains.

Silver screen vegetarian night with frost cold, sake red stove two tepid.

Busy people, strangers. The lanterns first diminish the stars.

It seems that in addition to the lake heart moon, only the years are close to the common descendants.

"Seven Summer Nights in a Mountain Village"

Text/Rainy day alone

Green mountains surround small villages, and grass seedlings are planted in the distance and mulberries are planted nearby.

The sunset is also drunk, and the sound of frogs is ten miles of rice flowers.

The Seven Orders. Wind》



Variation, infinity.

Heaven and earth, natural work.

Spring awakens all things, and green onions are everywhere.

Summer is raining heavily, and its anger is like a rainbow.

Autumn dyes the colors of the world, and Danqing is difficult to paint the same.

Winter blows thousands of miles cold to the bone, only I am in the wilderness to the lonely Hong.

"Water Tune Song Head Spring Ji"

Text/Lee Ka Wing

The flowers are red and the weeping willows are green.

After a spring rain, the lake wants to drag blue.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, drunk drunkards and poets, the wind and sun are clear.

Where the old people are, the flowers are too old to win.

Zi Zhi Yi, Yerba Buena, Qian Who Ginseng.

The sunset is speechless, and the people are laughing.

Twenty-four flower letters, thirty-six Pi Chun hate, who want to see Jiangnan.

Feeling sad, looking back at the guest's shame.

"Father's Day Remembering Father"

Du Yu cried out in the daytime, and someone taught his son to learn to ride a bicycle.

I don't know how much gray hair is added, and I remember my father before sitting in the wind for a long time.

"Title Father's Love"

I have heard that this love is as heavy as a mountain, running to the ends of the earth.

The old father gave birth to my children, and he knew that hard work could not be idle.

"Bodhisattva Man Spring End"

Looking at the end of the world, the dusk hurts the Spring Festival Gala several times.

The lonely hall fell jackdaws, and Xiao Xiao a tree flowered.

The flute is empty and miserable, and the lonely spring court is moon.

The past should not be relived, and the reliving must be broken.

"Good Things Near, Feelings"

Hard work and bitterness, do the world's bumps.

The hagi flowers on the banks of the river are like snow, which is a late autumn wind.

Flowers blossom and fall moon profit and loss, personnel two pin bones.

The silence was abrupt and parted, sighing and trance.

"Bodhisattva Man Akino"

The yellow flowers are slightly hidden in the window, and the beautiful people have both eyebrows in their dreams.

Thinking back to what is forbidden, the autumn cold is thin.

Where the Jinshu reaches, it belongs to yanqingmen.

The geese cut off the blue clouds, and the acacia only pitied themselves.

"Seven Laws : Emura Realism"

Text/Jiang Bo (Sichuan)

Slow Shu moon cai lan day, one night stars to the teenager.

Le Ji frequently smelled the wind and admired, and said that the snow contained smoke.

Flowers and clouds depend on the plum rain, and leaves and dew sprinkle wheat fields in a thousand rows.

After getting drunk, it is still in the new world, and there is still a good scenery to buy the Spring Festival.

"Seven Absolutes, Titled Enomura Plum Blossoms"

Flying ribbon to reveal the high sky, ten miles of jagged beautiful things.

Miao Yin is really tired, and Plum Blossom reads all of Chan Juan.

"Changzhou Absolute Sentence Two Songs"

Text/Jiang Bo (Sichuan)


Meet er in the lower reaches of the moon, and take the old guests to get drunk in Changzhou.

Yang Tian did not ask Ming Xiaqi, and counted a leaf of autumn.


Feng Qingye was imprisoned, and the disciple ascended to the leaning bamboo building.

After a night of speechlessness and tears, the Ming Dynasty's kelu added to the sorrow.

The Great Wall

The Great Wall of Ten Thousand Miles, the soul is always asking Xuan Qiong.

Although the dream of beacon smoke was far away, the whistled knife was as red as blood.

"Seven Absolutes and Listening to the Piano"

QingXian hugged the moon homesick, a song of Jiang Yin to my home.

Suddenly accompanied by youth is not rich, frequently add emotion to appreciate new tea.

"Seven Absolutes and The Return of the Yin"

The song sings the silver hook rhymes brightly, and the song returns to the wild old step.

The summer shadow of the green mountain rises and looks at the clouds and the moon.

"Seven Absolutes of Jiang BoXing"

The waves of the river wandered bitterly, and the waves and shadows were both open.

Whoever wanders with the gods and makes rain should know that dust rises in the world.

"Peony Nostalgia"

Text/Tianya is a tired guest

Mo asked the person to be thin, the dream woke up, and the acacia was again.

Dreams bloom, wake up when flowers fall.

Beautiful as smoke, even in the flower line wine, one moment nothing, one moment there is.

Afraid to look back, who held hands in the past and present, who gave who gave willows.

Travel to the end of the world, accustomed to its rain and wind.

Even if they meet, ask which branch is new and which branch is old after the tears bloom.

"Wind into the Pine , Collection of Dongpo Words for the Fisherman of the Rivers and Lakes"

When the sea immortals are sent to explore the fang cong, they meet with wine.

Three years on the pillow wuzhong road, a drunken, light moon hazy.

Tomorrow sunset flowers flying, half a life in the sound of fingers.

The lights are scattered and the hops are scattered, and the world is endless.

The east wind has a letter that no one sees, turning to Zhu Ge and chaotic stones through the air.

Characters of the ancient winds, ice posture has its own fairy wind.

"Wind into the Pine Ji Dongpo Word Gift Shek"

There is gentleness in Baiyun Township, drunken light boats.

Before the song, before the dance, drunk, tonight the rain, learning to forget the worries.

And take advantage of the idleness of the body, greedy where to chase.

Save the two sideburns, and be bold.

Gao Ping opened the fortress on all sides, the waves were exhausted, and the golden hat mink fur.

Faith must be believed in life as a mail, and even emptiness becomes sorrow.

"Wind into the Pine , Reading The Mid-Autumn Festival Reminiscences of Old Poems"

Zhang Feng swims in a small pond at night, and the small feeling is cool.

Separation at all times are promised, after the cloud opens, put the wine home.

Four years of experience in zhiqing, a colorful article.

Nowadays, the north and south seas are long and the sideburns have been slightly frosted.

The king's heart has not changed the righteousness of the year, and he is ashamed and dignified.

I want to accompany Jun Guan Hai a few times, and wake up by the window several times.

"Wind into the Pine , Reminiscences"

The courtyard of the old home is timeless, and the traces are shallow and deep.

The most memorable is the Mid-Autumn Festival night, small case side, holding wine and listening to the piano.

Staring at a few dusty things, the tears are still flowing today.

Idle words new songs to whom to chant, do not ask the mind.

Jiangnan silk rain flying smoke, sighing back to Yan, not Zhiyin.

He once sang Yang Guan's ears and also cared about the grass.

Facing the sea, look for light with black eyes. Founded on November 16, 2015, the Poetry Club takes "giving voice to grassroots poets" as its mission and carries forward the "spirit of poetry" as its purpose, that is, the pursuit of the truth, goodness and beauty of poetry, the artistic innovation of poetry, and the spiritual pleasure of poetry. He has published a collection of poems co-authored by poets, "Spring Warm Blossoms of Reading Sleeping Poems" and "Grass Long Warblers Flying in Reading Sleeping Poems". The poets work tirelessly, the poetry club forges ahead, constantly innovates, recommends excellent poems, produces high-quality poetry collections, recites excellent works, recommends poets' works in various forms, lets more people read excellent works, appreciates poetry culture, we are on the move!

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