
Most of the troubles in your life are because you have not figured this out

Most of the troubles in your life are because you have not figured this out

It is not easy for a person to do one thing well in his lifetime

There are many temptations in life, and there are many things that we want to do, want, experience, and complete. But life is limited, no one can do many things at the same time, and everything can be done well.

In fact, it is not easy for a person to do one thing well in his lifetime.

Indeed, there are many talents who are full of talent, and they are omnipotent in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

We'd better ask ourselves: What is most important to me now and in the future?

Xiao Yue was very envious when she saw that her friend could write calligraphy, and she was very envious when she saw that her friend could draw and also wanted to learn. Learning calligraphy and painting itself are very good, but you have to ask yourself: Is this important to me? If it doesn't matter, just be happy for your friends.

Most of the troubles in your life are because you have not figured this out

Choices make everyone's life different

The world is like this, we can't do our best in all places, so we need to focus on what we like and are good at.

I am very envious of female drivers who can drive, and I am ashamed to see them driving without panicking on the road that does not give in to each other, because I dare not drive on the road;

There are also many people who seem to laugh at the comics, I see no feeling, inexplicable;

There are also many poems that feel very profound and difficult to understand.

At these times, I felt that I was really too ignorant, and I also thought about whether to learn how to read comics, how to read poetry, save myself from missing a lot of good experiences, and not appear to be ignorant and lack of literacy.

However, there were so many things that needed to be done, and time was very limited, so I had to choose, so I decided to devote all my energy to what I thought was most important: spreading ways to let go of pain and improve happiness.

At the same time, accept the regret and embarrassment that you sometimes can't read comics and poetry.

Choices make everyone's life different.

Most of the troubles in your life are because you have not figured this out

The fairest thing that Heaven has done to everyone is that everyone is only 24 hours a day. How to choose will have what kind of fate. Pick a few things that are most important to you, and then go all out to get it done.

Everyone can pay attention to and focus on things at the same time, in fact, it is difficult to exceed three things, for many people, only focus on doing one thing can do well. Some people are very envious of people who can do a lot of things at the same time.

Modern scientific research has found that people who do a lot of things at the same time are actually very inefficient.

Most of the troubles in your life are because you have not figured this out

How do you know you have too many goals?

(1) When you complete your goals, you are full of anxiety and have no calm, pleasant experience.

(2) Your food, clothing, housing, and transportation become irregular, and your sleep is affected.

(3) Feeling busy, but not efficient.

(4) When getting along with and dealing with people, they become irritable and easy to contradict people.

If this happens, you know you've set too many goals.

Most of the troubles in your life are because you have not figured this out

We accomplish our goals in order to make our lives better.

If the goal itself becomes a source of suffering, isn't it self-inflicted?

One goal at a time to accomplish

If we use the analogy of climbing mountains, we cannot climb several mountains at the same time.

To first choose which mountains to climb, then choose which one to climb first, then design the path and get started.

It is impossible to climb to the top of the mountain step by step, you have to take it step by step.

After the goal is established, it is completed one by one, even if the steps forward are small and not much is accomplished, as long as there is a direction, on the road, the heart will be solid.

When we climb the mountain, we certainly don't suffocate our heads and climb to the top of the mountain, we will stop and walk, stop, one is, to enjoy the scenery, and the other is, to rest, and reserve the strength to continue to move forward.

Most of the troubles in your life are because you have not figured this out

Many people's lives are a journey to climb to the top of the mountain, and as a result, they do not see the scenery of life.

Many times, because of physical and mental exhaustion, I did not reach the top of the mountain at all, and even when I reached the top of the mountain, I only saw the scenery of the top of the mountain, looked back, and my heart was empty, because I had not seen the inner abundance after the scenery along the way.

So it seems that a lot of goals have been achieved, but it will feel that it is not worth it.

Most of the troubles in your life are because you have not figured this out

Concentration needs to be practiced over and over again

The ability to focus on one's goals in life is also called concentration. When a person is able to really focus on one thing, they don't feel anxious. Anxiety arises when we focus on the losses that may occur in the future.

Concentration needs to be practiced over and over again, and you may not be used to it at first, but it doesn't matter, as long as you practice it again and again, your anxiety time will become shorter and shorter, and the frequency of occurrence will be lower and lower.

The above content is excerpted from Dr. Hailan's "Imperfect, Talent II:Emotions Determine Destiny"