
Tomorrow Qingming Festival, these 4 types of people should not go to the grave? Abide by the old traditions, good health and good luck

author:The pastoral life of a small peasant girl
The Almanac says: "On the fifteenth day after the spring equinox, the douzhi Ding, for the sake of Qingming, when all things are clean and clear, when the qi is clear and clear, all things are revealed, hence the name." ”
Tomorrow Qingming Festival, these 4 types of people should not go to the grave? Abide by the old traditions, good health and good luck

Qingming Festival is one of the four traditional festivals in China, because the Qingming Festival is in march of the lunar calendar, so it is also called the March Festival. Qingming Festival is generally on April 4 or April 5 of the solar calendar, this time the climate is warm, everything is revived, the grass is long and warblers fly, it is a good time to go out to walk on the green, so it is also called the Qingqing Festival, many people will take advantage of the Qingming holiday will be about three or five friends or go to the wild with their families to get close to nature, the Qingming Festival is a happy festival, but the happiness of the Qingming Festival is still accompanied by sadness.

Tomorrow Qingming Festival, these 4 types of people should not go to the grave? Abide by the old traditions, good health and good luck

The ancient poem has clouds: "During the Qingming Festival, the rain is pouring, and the pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." This poem vividly speaks of the mood of the people of the Qingming Festival, which is a day of ancestor worship, and people will go to the cemetery to worship their deceased relatives, remembering the sounds and smiles of their relatives, and their hearts cannot help but be sad. If it rains on the Qingming Festival, people's mood will be more sad, and it is easy to understand that they want to break their souls.

The old rural saying: "Early Qingming, late eleven", which means that the tomb can be earlier on the Qingming Festival, and the grave can be gone to the grave a few days before the Qingming Festival, and the grave can be later in early October. Tomorrow is the Qingming Festival, in fact, many people have gone to the tomb to worship in advance, but many people will choose to go to the grave on the day of the Qingming Festival.

As the saying goes: "Filial piety is the first", filial piety to the elderly is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, not only when alive to be filial piety, the old man should often remember after his death, the tomb on the Qingming Festival is a manifestation of people's filial piety, but the grave is exquisite, not everyone can go to the grave, there are 4 types of people are not suitable for the tomb of the Qingming, let's take a look at the 4 types of people, abide by the old tradition does not suffer losses.

Tomorrow Qingming Festival, these 4 types of people should not go to the grave? Abide by the old traditions, good health and good luck

1, the son-in-law can not go to the grave

As the saying goes, "A son-in-law goes to the grave and angers his ancestors." This saying means that when the son-in-law goes to the grave, the ancestors will be unhappy, many people do not understand, in fact, this is related to the traditional culture of the mainland, let's analyze it below.

The ancients believed that in addition to remembering the ancestors, or praying for the blessings of future generations, so the tomb can only be done by their own families, and the ancestors will bless their descendants with a rich life and prosperity, and the family here refers to a person with a surname, and the son-in-law is a person with a foreign surname, so it is impossible to go to the wife's mother's home to go to the grave, if the son-in-law goes to the grave, it means that the man who does not have the wife's mother's family is not the meaning of the descendants, and will anger the ancestors.

Tomorrow Qingming Festival, these 4 types of people should not go to the grave? Abide by the old traditions, good health and good luck

Son-in-law going to his wife's mother's house to go to the grave not only angers the ancestors of his wife's mother's family, but also angers his own ancestors, it can be said that he is not a person inside and outside, because the Qingming Festival is to worship his own ancestors, if you do not go to worship, but go to worship others, your ancestors will be unhappy, and they will not bless you. In addition to the son-in-law, the daughter who marries cannot return to her mother's house to go to the grave, because in ancient times, the women who married were all surnamed with their husbands, and they also became outsiders, and it was also unlucky to go to the grave.

In fact, the son-in-law's daughter can not go to the grave is limited, is caused by the traditional culture of the mainland, and now people do not care about this. It is often said that "a son-in-law is half a child", so now the son-in-law's daughter going to the mother's house to go to the grave is gradually accepted by people.

Tomorrow Qingming Festival, these 4 types of people should not go to the grave? Abide by the old traditions, good health and good luck

2, pregnant women should not go to the grave

The cemetery has always been considered an unlucky place, where the yin qi is relatively heavy, and the pregnant woman has a fetus in the body, the fetus is fond of qi and blood, and it is not easy to go to the place where the yin qi is heavy, otherwise it is not conducive to the physical and mental development of the fetus.

In the countryside, the family funeral, go to the hospital to see the patient, etc. are taboo pregnant women to go, because women belong to the yin, like the hospital, cemetery these places of the yin is very heavy, pregnant women go to fear that there will be some unclean things, so that the body's yin will be heavier, not only will affect their own health and fortune, but also affect the health of the fetus, while bringing the yin qi home, it is not good for the family.

The above statement sounds like some superstition, in fact, it is not entirely superstitious, there is a certain truth, because the tomb on the Qingming Festival is a sad thing, if pregnant women go to the grave, the thought of deceased relatives will be sad, pregnant women sad naturally will also cause adverse effects on the fetus, so pregnant women do not go to the grave on the Qingming Festival,

Tomorrow Qingming Festival, these 4 types of people should not go to the grave? Abide by the old traditions, good health and good luck

3, children are not suitable for going to the grave

Tombs on the Qingming Festival are a very serious thing, generally do not take children to go, especially children under the age of 12, people think that children talking on the graveyard, laughing and playing is disrespectful to the ancestors, will anger the ancestors.

In addition, not taking the child to the grave is still considered from the child's own health, because the child's body and mind are not yet fully developed, and it is easy to be frightened and sick when going to a place like the cemetery. There is also the fact that the weather of the Qingming Festival is generally not very good, many times it will rain, and the child's immunity is low, it is easy to get colds and colds, so the children of the Qingming Festival should not go to the grave.

Tomorrow Qingming Festival, these 4 types of people should not go to the grave? Abide by the old traditions, good health and good luck

4, people who are weak and sick should not go to the grave

Chinese medicine believes that the human body's yin and cold qi is too heavy will be weak, easy to get sick, and the cemetery is a very heavy yin place, if the frail and sick people go to the grave, it will be worse, the health is not good, in fact, this is scientific reason, because people's mood has a great impact on health, good mood body, depression is easy to get sick.

Frail and sick people need to have a good mood, if you go to the grave, the thought of passing away relatives will be sad and sad, will aggravate their own disease, so people who are not in good health and sick are best not to go to the grave, after all, the people who have gone have gone, and the living people must live well.

Tomorrow Qingming Festival, these 4 types of people should not go to the grave? Abide by the old traditions, good health and good luck

Summary: Today is April 4th, tomorrow is the Qingming Festival, is the day of worship of ancestors, but the above 4 types of people are best not to go to the grave, which has nothing to do with superstition, there is a certain reason, abide by the old tradition will not suffer losses, a year of good health and good luck.

#清明 #