
Walking late = low IQ? How much does your child walk?

author:Mommy raises a baby

Today's parents generally have a misunderstanding: why do other people's children go so early, and our baby can't walk when he is 1 year old?

Heck, your children are more than 1 year old, why are they still holding them in their hands all day?

The child of the old Wang family next door began to walk at the age of 9 months

I heard that babies who walk early are smarter, and those who walk late are... Why don't you give your child calcium supplements!

For most animals, it takes much earlier to learn to walk. Giraffes, for example, learn to walk and run within a few hours of birth; monkeys learn to walk at a very early age, much earlier than in human babies. But as the most advanced animal in history, the development of infants has its inherent laws and stages of development, including turning over, crawling, standing are the result of coordinated development with the brain, and parents cannot interfere excessively.

Walking late = low IQ? How much does your child walk?

The individual differences in children learning to walk are very large, generally concentrated in August to 15 months, but there is a basic principle is to go with the flow and do not force it. At the same time, there is no need to worry too much about the child learning to walk too early will affect the child's development --- but the premise is not to force the child to learn to walk.

In fact, at about 7 months old, the baby begins to have a sensitive period of walking, and at first the baby will show a strong willingness to walk and refuse to sit. The little ones are no longer satisfied with ground activities, they yearn for the world higher! According to statistics, only about half of babies learn to walk around the age of 1, and it is normal to learn to walk during the 10-15 month period.

Your baby's walking needs to coordinate 3 aspects: muscle strength, balance and personality, and personality seems to be the biggest factor affecting your baby's walking morning and evening.

Walking late = low IQ? How much does your child walk?

Help your baby learn to walk reasonably.

Watch out for sudden falls, causing dislocation of joints. Therefore, help your child to pay attention to protecting your child's safety when walking. It is better to let the child hold the parent's hand, or the mother drags the baby's armpit, rather than the parent holding the child's hand (the child falls down and the parent will have a conditioned reflex to clench the hands. )

Walking late = low IQ? How much does your child walk?

As the baby begins to crawl and stand with the help of support, the parent will need to remove all the fragile, easily dropped and hurt items that the baby will be. Also, smooth out the sharp edges or fold them completely.

Repetition is key to helping babies learn to walk. Therefore, it is best to repeat the walking interaction and practice multiple times a day. It's also best to let babies learn how to walk barefoot to build a better sense of balance. However, if you still do not walk after 18 months, you can consult your doctor to rule out other conditions.

Walking late = low IQ? How much does your child walk?

Many parents unconsciously regard the growth of their children as a game: who will call their parents first, who will walk... Not willing to let the child lose at the starting line. The mother said: Try to dilute the middle time node and pay attention to the baby's own development law.