
Often on fire, blisters in the mouth, mouth ulcers, how to prevent

author:Notes from a little doctor

On fire This is a very common situation in life, foaming in the mouth, I hope this article can help you a little

Often on fire, blisters in the mouth, mouth ulcers, how to prevent

Mouth on fire

1. After the fire is blistered, do not speak for a long time. Don't say it too loudly so as not to get pus running. At the same time, drink more water every day. Of course, if you can't drink boiled water, you can also drink some flower teas, such as chrysanthemum tea, rose tea, and jasmine tea.

2 Take some vitamin C after the fire, and the symptoms after taking vitamin C can be significantly improved. Of course, if you eat more foods containing vitamin C, the effect will be better, and it can also supplement the malnutrition caused by the cause of the fire.

3. Do not eat irritating foods, irritating foods will aggravate the symptoms, this is some chili foods.

Often on fire, blisters in the mouth, mouth ulcers, how to prevent

4. In order to get enough sleep, you may not understand the relationship between sleep and mouth, but some facts show that when people don't rest well and don't sleep enough, the resistance of all parts of the body is weak. In fact, for people with good physique, sleep deprivation will be aggravated, so only adequate rest can replenish the yang in the body.

5. Herbal tea, oral blistering is mainly caused by fire, so after the fire, you can drink more herbal tea, which helps to reduce the fire.

6. Eat more bitter foods and eat more bitter foods, which is more beneficial to health. In fact, eating bitter foods has many benefits for human health, especially for some oral blisters caused by solid fire disease.

Often on fire, blisters in the mouth, mouth ulcers, how to prevent

7. Eat more diuretics and dehumidifying foods, such as winter melon, watermelon, fruits and vegetables. Some light eating styles in life can help alleviate the problem of bubbles in the mouth.

How to quickly eliminate fire

1. Hot compresses

If the heat on the lips is severely blistering, at this time you can apply some natural aloe vera gel, which has a very obvious bactericidal effect. For some patients with itching, pain and other symptoms in the long blisters, aloe vera gel will also have a cool feeling when used, which can alleviate these uncomfortable symptoms. Usually, after a period of use, the pain of the blisters will be greatly improved. Eating more than a few times can eliminate symptoms. Of course, patients can also choose to use hot compresses at night before going to bed and apply a hot towel to the blisters on the mouth. This method can effectively reduce the symptoms of redness and swelling. At the same time, hot compresses can also speed up blood circulation near the mouth and help the blisters dissipate as soon as possible. If the lips are blistering severely, apply some natural aloe vera gel at this time.

Often on fire, blisters in the mouth, mouth ulcers, how to prevent

2. Drink plenty of water

It is very important to develop the habit of drinking more water in daily life, because water is the carrier of detoxification. Only by drinking more water can you remove all kinds of junk toxins from the body. Many times, these junk toxins are the main reason we get on fire, especially during this dry season. If you don't pay attention to drinking more water, the dry climate can easily lead to human fire. Therefore, we should insist on drinking more boiled water every day to treat the symptoms of cold sores. In fact, it is also known that oral blisters are usually caused by internal fire, so drinking plenty of water can also relieve symptoms.

3. Medication

If the condition of the fire on the lips is not severe, or if it is only blistering on the fire, you will usually feel itchy at this time. Of course, it is also easier to treat. At this time, the patient only needs to apply some toothpaste to the affected area every night before going to bed, which can play a good anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. However, when applying toothpaste, care must be taken to apply it evenly. At the same time, be careful not to dirty the pillow when sleeping. When you wake up the next day, you'll notice that the blisters are much better. Or you can apply erythromycin eye ointment to the affected area. This ointment has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, and has a good therapeutic effect on conditions such as fire blisters on the lips. Side effects of erythromycin eye ointment are minimal. It can be improved in about 3 days.

Often on fire, blisters in the mouth, mouth ulcers, how to prevent

Warm reminder: Fire foaming is a small problem, but if it is not solved for a long time, it will also have a great impact on human health. Therefore, we should actively prevent blistering in our daily lives according to our own experience.

Conclusion: In summary, some anti-inflammatory methods are very effective, and if you don't want your mouth to catch fire, you should drink plenty of water. Especially now spring is very dry. I hope the above methods have helped you.

#Health 2022##健康明星计划 #